chapter 7


You run away, panting hard~ reaching the old land field.. to find ha neul and someone talking at the end of your sight.. you cant run anymore, you bend down,clutching your chest that beats uncontrollably..feel relief to see the heli still there,that they didnt left yet..

“you are late..”

You heard a stern voice, you turn up to find a man in front of you..

“yunho..opp..oppa..mi..mian~~” you cant talk freely as you try to catch up with your breath

“come on straight! We’ve been waiting for half an hour! Thanks ha neul for that!” yunho said angrily and walk off from there..

You get up and follow his pace~

“ha neul mian! Nan..” you still trying to gasp sufficient oxygen to fill in your respiratory system that has been wear off since they forgot the full way of working since they were compensating your breath up when you ran like the world behind you is gonna collapse..

“chill hana..come on lets get out of here..” yoochun pat your shoulder then hug you..

He smile to you before went into the helicopter to yunho who is already there, on standby mode to move the heli up~ you take your place beside ha neul

“ready ladies?lets go..” yoochun smirk before the heli slowly move up reaching certain coordination and fly away from your country

“so,how’s home?” ha neul ask once your breathing is normal again

“don’t ask me.. I don’t wanna talk about that..” you smile

“so,I thought only yoochun will be here?” you glance to yunho

“oh hana come on.. why are you and yunho always have problem since the very first? Its been 2 years that you guys know each other.. for god sake,cant you two please make it better? Even a bit?”

“don’t start it” yunhos’voice half yelled, he snapped

“you heard that..” you rolled your eyes at ha neul

“duhh..whatever..” ha neul sick of you two quarelling with each other

“hana,I heard that you wanna keep with up with us because you wanna see someone?” yoochun clear his throat,glancing at yunho at that same time

“yeah..” fidgeting your finger, lowering your head..

“yeah,that someone is not gonna talk to her if she didn’t come because its his birthday..” ha neul continue and chuckle

“his?” yunho blurted out

Everyone turn to him..usually he didn’t even care about whatever it is when it comes entangling with  you..

“oh..i can see that.. someone special.. you smile from ears to ears..” yoochun tease you

“yeah..someone special..” you answer with a slight smile

Someone special..oh yeah.. yunho smirk

Arrive at Incheon, you guys have to take a car to seoul..yoochun red Ferrari and yunho black Audi is waiting..

“So, whose gonna ride with who??” ha neul ask

Yunho whose opening his door stop halfway

“what do you mean by that? You three went in 1 car,I’m going alone..” yunho said as he made his way into his car and step hard on the gas before went out from your sight

“he surely hate me! Damn yunho!” you cursed

“cool.. he doesn’t mean that..” yoochun try to shrug it off

“hana I’m sorry..yoochun oppa what the hell with that iness?” ha neul kinda piss off

“cool baby~ he’s… hurm.. shall we now?” yoochun gesture to his car~

“its ok.. you guys go off first, I gotta go somewhere..” you said

“where? Come on hana.. shrug it off..” ha neul said, frowning

“yeah.. don’t take it seriously.. come on..” yoochun add

“ me… nothing like that..i gotta go and get some present..” you twitched your eyebrow..

“oh ok.. I got it..”yoochun smirk

“what?” you understand that smirk

“you sure you are gonna be ok? He knows that you are here? I mean..yes,your *cough*your *cough*” ha neul said

“oh.. HIM? I told HIM..but yeah..he cant be reading that right..” you smile lifelessly..

Ha neul pull you away out from yoochun ear’s range..

“you are going to buy the present for your hubby? Or is it for..”

“both of them..” you cut her off

She sigh..

“sure you gonna be ok alone?” you nod and smile.. "don’t worry.. I believe someone will be calling me soon.." you smirk..

“yeah right..” both of you laugh…

"ha neul,jae and max have been calling several time.. they are waiting.." yoochun stated

“Ok then, see yah..” ha neul make her way into the seat next to the driver’s and clasp her seatbelt

“make it there to the dorm before night ok,take care!” yoochun wave and speed off

“gah~~ what’s with guy and that speed when they seat in the wonderful car? They should step on it more…” you laugh to yourself..

“ok.. here we go.. oh, firstly..tweet!” you grin widely, pulling your mobile phone and start tweeting~

@special1004 hubby na wasso! Yeah!! I’m here!! Wondering whether I can see you tonight..erhm,that is if that someone gonna let me out tonight~*hugs* #imissyouloveyou

@special1004 hubby take care,I’ll try to make my way to SUKIRA later.. *hugs* I miss you! Hope to see you even once before I’m going back! xD #imissyouloveyou

you make your way to seoul by bus…

you went to the street and do some shopping for stuff..

“ehm.. this seems enough” you smile..satisfaction blew you when you peek to the two bag you are holding, one with blue shoes and one with white shoes.

After 3 hours choosing, you end up buying the same pattern shoes for both of that special guy in your heart but with different colour..but you make sure that the shoes is comfy and good enough to be wear so that it last long for people that practicing dance like their life depends on it..

You stand on the pavement to cross the road but shocked when one white Audi boost in front of you, splashing the mud to you white blouse and black jeans..

“DAMN!! WHO THE HELL IS THAT!!!?” you look at the plate number..

“OH YOU ING PISS ME OFF!! DON’T YOU DARE COME IN FRONT OF ME AGAIN!!!” your face turns red due to your anger…

Soon later, one silver metallic BMW stops in front of you~

“nooona!!!” that caller yell while running out of the car but stop as soon as he near you..

“OH GOD!!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO YOU??!!!!” that man’s face getting redder and redder, controlling his anger!

"oh no..he pissed off.." you afraid too see that kind of look at his face.. you run and hug him to cool him off~

"kibum ah~ noona gwechana.." you tighten your hug..

wohooo!! another update for today~~

this chapter is taking me forever... to come out with all that picture...

but yeah.... x) *satisfaction smile*

have fun reading everyone...;)

leave your comment and tell me how you feel about it...

see you soon in another update!! ;D

annyeong! ^^



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2038 streak #1
Chapter 43: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I just finished reading your updates. And I now wonder when the next update would be. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
ilabya50 #2
Chapter 33: Hi! New reader here!
Omo, your story is amasing and had a lot of emotions :o
So, key had somo attitude problem, right? :s
Chapter 1: aww itz teukie
Congratulations on getting featured~
congratulations on the random feature! c:
baekyeols #7
Congrats :)
omg!! thank u so much to everyone for ur congratulations wishes.. ide realis ethat i got random featured! :D thank u everyone.. for commenting.. for subscribing! i will do my best n give out d best of me for all of u! <3