chapter 35


“good morning” a voice said, when your eyes flutter open to the bright sun light ray on your face

Rubbing your left eyes, while you prop out on your right elbow to turn to the voice, you saw a brightly smiling leeteuk, in full white outfit, white shirt, white pants sitting at the bed side looking so charmingly shining with sun ray shone on him.

“good morning..” is all that slip out your lips with a wide smile.

“woah.. you must have been so happy to get to see my handsome facial features this early in the morning for you to be having an ear-to-ear smile..” he wiggles his eyebrows, earning a soft laugh from you.

“perhaps so..” you said and sit up.

“perhaps so?? Yah! The whole Korea.. eh no, the whole worldwide ELF would kill just to wake up next to me, don’t you know that?” he get on his knee on the bed with both hands on his hip.

You can’t help but to chuckle at his conceited side

“well.. I might not know that..” you turn away slowly “but I do know that you are a narcisstic prince!” you said it all in one breath, roll your tongue out at him and making a speedy escapade to the bathroom

“yah kim hana what did you say?” leeteuk get on his feet and chase you but fail as you have already shut the door from him.

You can’t help but to laugh at this childish argument between you two.

You heard him laugh from the other side of the door to.

“hana, come down once you’re done, I’ll get breakfast ready..” he said with both hands in pocket, staring down at the floor until he heard the door in front of him clicked open.

“oh you don’t have to, I’ll prepare it once I’m done okay!” you grin as you peek your heads out from inside the still half-closed door.

“okay..” he said and lean forward in mere second and peck your lips, sending you in utter shock. You feel the warmth spreading as the spreads of rosy colour of the blood beneath your skin on both of your cheeks.

“what was that?” escape your throats as stutters

“your strength of the day.” He said confidently, wink and leave you when he descend the stairs to the ground floor.

The warmth that you felt on your cheek makes it way to your heart, sending it double on its normal pace that it usually does. You trail your finger from your cheek to your heart and smile a most genuine smile that ever spread across your face.

Little did you know, leeteuk stop at the latest stair steps, one hand holding tights on the stairs rail, expression harden, closing eyes as he swallowing the pain engulfing.

“that’s my strength of the day.. at least, I made you start your day with a smile.. after you crying to sleep..” he breath out “if I had knew it better, I would have start doing it way before, so that you won’t have to deal with all the pain in your life..”

“I’m sorry hana.. for being late.. for taking this long to reach you.. for all that I’ve done before.. I’m sorry..” he whisper as he turn his head, looking at the closed-door bathroom.

Kim’s residence:

3 people were having breakfast at Kim’s dining hall. Mr. Kim, Mrs Kim and Yoon dujun.

“dujun ah.. you should have come back when you first reach here.” Mr. Kim, his dad said, looking intently at his son.

“your daddy is right dujun ah.. you’ve been away for 2 years, how could you don’t even come back for even once to see us? Do you know how much we miss you?” Mrs. Kim spoke while caressing dujun’s arm.

“I’m sorry mom.. I’m sorry day..” Dujun bow his head a little out of respect to the two that he loved the most.

“I just need some space and time for myself and I just find it more comfortable at there.. it feels home really..” dujun reassures his worried mom, smiling to her.

“are you still not going to tell us why you left in the first place?” mr kim asked carefully, knowing well that dujun is sensitive to the topic being raised up.

“its nothing now..” dujun throw his sight outside to the small lawn beside the dining hall. “the reason has disappeared.. now I’m okay.. my heart is okay..” he whisper the last sentence

“if that is the case, why not return to this home my son? We’ve been missing you, this house, our family, our legacy need you.” His dad spoke with all hopes up.

Dujun knowing the weight of the sentence, feeling the pressure on his shoulder, didn’t know how to handle this any better than “I’ll think about it..” is all that he managed to say.

“good..” mrs kim breath out “now that I can heave this relief breath as for your case, there’s still key to be worried about..”

“I don’t know how things could have turn to this again..” mrs kim rub her temple

“he fall in love..” dujun said, throwing his sight to his finger down on his lap “he fall in love.. with her..”

Mr kim heave a deep sigh “poor kid.. until when is he going to be like this? Why can’t he learn from his past and grow up?”

“what do we do now? I hope he wont be like before..” mrs kim sad tone can be heard as her words croaked at the end.

“don’t worry mom, we keep him under control with his meds and he have been doing well all this while didn’t he? Let’s have faith in him..” dujun convince his parents.. although he himself is full of uncertainty when it comes to Key condition.

“I’ve also talked to Dr. Lee about this.. let’s hear it from him later when he have everything checked..” Mr. kim feeling the pressure as he is scared if the situation gets out of control again

“speaking of which? Where is hana? That poor girl.. how shocked must she have been when Key react that way to her that night?” mrs kim asked dujun

“don’t worry.. she’s at leeteuk place..” dujun explain

“is she really with leeteuk now?” mr kim curious “ I mean.. how.. when did they ever met for they to start seeing each other? Since when?”

“it just happened to be like that..” dujun said in a low tone

“such a loss.. I’m actually eyeing her for our family..” mrs kim words startled dujun somehow.. and a strange feeling in his heart appear again. He didn’t know what was it.

“dujun ah.. can you get her to meet me? I really miss her.. I wanna see her and I wanna apologize to her on what Key has done..” mrs kim hold dujun’s hand showing hear earnest intention.

“I’ll.. I’ll talk to her about it..” dujun stutter.

At DBSK’s guesthouse:

“hyung.. what’s going on with hana noona and key actually?” yoseob asked Jaejoong

Yoochun throw his look to Yunho whose attention distracted when he miss a step while dancing, almost falling down on his before his reflex get him back on his two feet back and trying out a new dance step, ignoring the circle of talk behind him .

He didn’t turn but let his back facing them, and only looking at his self reflection on the dace practice room mirror but yoochun caught the distracted him as his dance step are all disoriented. Worries grow in his heart for his dear friend

“who is the other guy that were holding to hana’s hand on the other side? That brough Key back with him?” Junsu puzzled

Jaejoong looking at yunho’s reflection only by his peripheral view without turning notice yunho getting tense at the very conversation brought by the group.

Jaejoong then clear his throat

“who knows.. he look very close to hana too.. I saw how hana is comfortable with him on that day..” yoochun said.

“oh.. that is Dujun.. our classmates..” yoseob said

“your classmates???” everyone throw their attention on yoseob like he is talking in alien language causing him to back away from the tension in the air.

“yes hyung… we’re even classmates.. with hana noona all.. that’s why they look close and hana noona is comfortable with him..” yoseob starts explaining

“but again.. hana noona don’t like him actually.. there wasn’t a peaceful day as to when they are not fighting hyung.. and its always being me the mediatator who try to fix the situation but end up with the blow on me instead. EVERYTIME. Trust me!” yoseob said with frustration.

Yunho’s interest perk hearing that, but still pretending that he is not hearing or getting involved with the talks going on.

He stop in his step and walk to grab his towel and dab it to his body to get all the sweat gone.

Whereas his head are stirring up trying to figure out the real story within hana, key, leeteuk and that so called-dujun guy.

He heard the conversation between Key and Dujun that night when the incident happened.


If there’s a time when you scared of key the most.. it will be like this time when he’s not himself..that is exactly why you never let key being so angry.. because he turn to be not himself when he is..

“key.. let me go.. please..” you beg but you know its not gonna work now.. the person that’s dragging you right now is not key..

“yah kim kibum.. where are you going..? with her?” you turn around to find dujun at the side

“hyung… why are you here? Just freaking get your back to where did you come from..” key hissed..

His hand which grasping to your wrist shook out of anger..

“I will.. with her..” dujun walks forward and hold key’s arm.. trying to break free his grasp on your hand but realize that key will just tightened his grasped and you are in pain

“what are you two doing with my girl?” leeteuk came..


“hubby..” leeteuk can clearly seen how scared you are..

“two of you.. back off.. none of you can call noona your girl.. because she’s mine..” key flaunt his hand free off dujun..

You whince to the pain

“you are hurting her!” leeteuk barked

Key turns to you with his longing eyes… he just stare on you

“key ah.. its true.. you are.. hurting me..” tears trickled down your face

“I’m… noona.. I’m..” tears forming in his eyes..

“NO!” he suddenly scream.. “all of you are tricking me because you want to take her away from me.. I’m not that stupid..” he yell

“kim kibum!”

“yoon DUJUN! Don’t think that I’m a fool! I know that you are staying back where my noona at since the past 2 years because you freaking know that I’m in love with her!”

All of you gasped..

“don’t.. anyone… dare to get near to us.. noona is mine..” when he’s about to drag you out, dujun stab a syringe to key’s right arm

Key slowly turn to dujun…with a fazed eye.. “hyung..” is all that he said before slowly drapping down.. dujun hold him in his hand..


It is still clearly playing in his head, key’s insecurity, leeteuk’s confused face, dujun’s protective demeanor when it comes to you, and he has been restless ever since to find out who this dujun really is, because seriously speaking, he is not liking it to a bits.


2 년 부터 없어졌어 죄송해요.. 난 이제 들어왔어.. 그동안 모들다 한테 정말 고마워요.. ^^

#imissyouloveyou 컴백 이제 시작 볼까? :)

화이팅 가자! <3


I'm sorry for being hiatus for 2 years.. I am back now.. for all this while, I'm thankful to everyone.. ^^

should #imissyouloveyou comeback starts now? :)

Let's fighting! <3




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2036 streak #1
Chapter 43: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I just finished reading your updates. And I now wonder when the next update would be. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
ilabya50 #2
Chapter 33: Hi! New reader here!
Omo, your story is amasing and had a lot of emotions :o
So, key had somo attitude problem, right? :s
Chapter 1: aww itz teukie
Congratulations on getting featured~
congratulations on the random feature! c:
baekyeols #7
Congrats :)
omg!! thank u so much to everyone for ur congratulations wishes.. ide realis ethat i got random featured! :D thank u everyone.. for commenting.. for subscribing! i will do my best n give out d best of me for all of u! <3