chapter 31


“n-noona..” key stuttered

You didn’t move even a bit but continue to laser out your stare to his eyes..

Moment of silent in the dorm..

“ehm.. you two should talk, we’ll make ourselves out..” Onew said while gesturing others with body signals that they should leave you two alone..

You turn away by then once key kneel down in front of you when everyone else left the dorm.

Soon, you feel key’s smooth hand touch your cheek

“noona I’m sorry..” he said whispering

Your threatening to fall tears finally roll down.. key wipe it gently..

“noona, I’m wrong.. I’m sorry.. uljimara..”

“kim kibum..” you held his hand

“oh noona..” he look into your eyes

“kibum tell me something.. why?” you demand for an answer

He now throws his sight outside..

“I’m sorry noona.. I’m wrong..i’m lost in the middle of somewhere within my own feeling..” he turn his back to you, throwing his gaze outside while heading towards the balcony..

You follows him and hold his hand tight..

“I know you key.. there must be something that is bothering you so much.. what is it dear? You know you can always tell me anything don’t have to hide anything from me.. you know that I will always be here for you right?”

Key somehow didn’t budge..

You keep on looking at him..

“you must be having a very hard time.. I wish to give you all my strength so that you can handle just everything that’s in your way now..” you hug him from back..

Key sigh, lowering his head..

“hana ah..” you look up and loosened your hug.. you know that something is really wrong.. key wont call you by your real name if it is not a SERIOUS matter..

He hold you and face you right.. he held one of your hand and move your palm to his chest..

“can you hear it kim hana?”

You look at him, puzzled..

“kim hana, did u ever.. even once thought of me as a men instead of brother?”

You blink, not knowing what to to do or what to answer, you never thought that he will ever ask you that question..

“key ah..”

“did you ever think of me as or even look at me, acknowledging me as one of men in your life or not?” key firm his voice

“key, what’s wrong.. why are you asking this to me?” you try taking out your palm but key held it right, with his firm hand

You can feel his heart beating faster by each moment..

“I can never tell you this no matter how I try to.. so kim hana..” key look into your eyes with his eyes now fill with tears…

You try to explore his eyes despite his tight hold of your wrist that is hurting..

And.. and.. you can see how earnest it is.. your heart pound hard..

“do you ever look at me as a men instead of brother?”

“can you acknowledge my heart which is only looking and waiting for you?”

You stunned.. you step backwards… you head went blank, your minds are full of waves and your eyes only look at the tiles.

Shocked, you cant even think of anything now..

Key exhale heavily, like removing his whole burden out.. looking to the sky, tears rolling down from his eyes, you never see him like this before..

He looks… H U R T S..

“I’m sorry that I love you..” he said and walk away, leaving you alone at the balcony..

Upon hearing the door slam sound, you cant hold your knee up straight anymore.. you wobbled down.. you clutch your chest and heard it beats..

“kim kibum..” you stuttered

You trail down the road in Itaewon.. you just walk in no direction, your leg just feel like stepping one by one.. without energy..

Everything that happened earlier keep on replaying one by one.. words by words..

“kim hana..”

“do you ever look at me as a men instead of brother?”

“can you acknowledge my heart which is only looking and waiting for you?”

“I’m sorry that I love u..”

Your pace stop..

“what’s this? What actually happen? How could things turn like this.. why now key.. why?” you wrap up your face with your palm..

“did you know that you are now Leeteuk’s girlfriend and so you cant be wandering around alone like this kim hana?”

You turn to the voice..

“yunho oppa..” you stuttered to find him there, wearing cap and black shades.

“hurm.. this is weird..” leeteuk keep on checking his phone

“wmondae hyung?” yesung ask, stretching his leg out on the rubber mat..

“hana didn’t tweet me since morning…” he explains while scrunching his nose..

“tweet?” donghae stop in his step which make eunhyuk who’s teaching him the dance step stop too, along with kyuhyun, ryeowook, siwon and sungmin

“aish! fishy you should have focus!” kyuhyun yell since their practice has come to a halt.

“lets take a five then..” siwon sit down and wipe his sweat with blue towels

“hyung.. why are you waiting for hana noona to tweet you?” ryeowook who’s leaning to the wall mirror ask..

“she always did so.. so, I feel weird if she didn’t..” leeteuk swirl the chair he has been sitting on around

“seriously hyung? Hurm.. should I stalk your twitter? I wanna see how she tweet you..” sungmin grin and pul out his I-Phone from his pocket, logging into twitter

“so, by means that she’s the one that heechul hyung mentioned about when you guys fight the other day?” Eunhyuk asked

Everyone’s attention went to Leeteuk then

He nod slowly, still checking on his phone..

“hyung.. are you sincere with hana noona?..” siwon asked

Leeteuk stop checking his phone, caught by the question..

“I guess so..” Siwon smile

“chukahae hyung..” donghae said, tapping leeteuk’s shoulder.

“by any means, hyung.. why don’t you guys just text each other or calls?” yesung

“that’s right..” kyunhyun agrees

“I.. don’t have her number..” leeteuk said with a slow tone

“WMOH??” everyone yells together

“yet..” leeteuk smile sheepishly

“yah… what is this going around on internet… this is weird..” sungmin said while looking intensely on his phone..

“what is it..?” ryeowook ask

“its going on around everywhere on internet..soompi, koreaboo and others site..” sungmin rant

“what is it pinkie?” siwon ask

“there’s rumours flying around on internet that says they see hana noona with yunho in Itaewon now and some even rumoured around that hana noona is…” sungmin says it all in one breath,.. he then turns to Leeteuk’s direction slowly only to find Leeteuk’s dumbfounded face..

“cheating on you hyung..” sungmin finish his words

Leeteuk sigh..

hye readers! sorry for being on hiatus for SO LONG!

i'm busy with exams and all..

plus some writer's block..

and i get admitted to hospital recently..

and now i am finally recovering..

SORRY for leaving like dat without proper notice!

i noticed new reader..

WELCOME guys!!! ^^ feel free to comment it out and let me know what are u thinking!

see u with new chapter soon! ;)

p/s:i would really love to read  your comment ^-^



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2038 streak #1
Chapter 43: Hello there author-nim ^_^ A new reader here. I just finished reading your updates. And I now wonder when the next update would be. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
ilabya50 #2
Chapter 33: Hi! New reader here!
Omo, your story is amasing and had a lot of emotions :o
So, key had somo attitude problem, right? :s
Chapter 1: aww itz teukie
Congratulations on getting featured~
congratulations on the random feature! c:
baekyeols #7
Congrats :)
omg!! thank u so much to everyone for ur congratulations wishes.. ide realis ethat i got random featured! :D thank u everyone.. for commenting.. for subscribing! i will do my best n give out d best of me for all of u! <3