
Kick Off

What is it? What I can call this person? He or she look like a girl, but he or she does have 'that' thing in he or she lower part! I guess he's a guy, then. But, wait... His face is too beautiful! I bet he are more prettier than me if he dressed like a girl.

"Yah! Why do you look to my lower part, you ert girl!" he yelled. . His voice are lot like a girl too. Very soft! I think he will be a good singer, someday, I guess.

"I'm not interested to you, pretty boy," I said in a sarcastically tone. He smack my head, and yelled like a fifteen years old school girl, "You! Yes, you! Don't you dare calling me pretty boy! Cause I'm a man and there's no pretty in man's dictionary! Note that!" gosh, his voice are very very high like dolphin. I cover both of my ear, afraid if my eardrums would brust. But wait, he talk in a fluent English, did he wasn't a Korean? Well, it's good then, I can understand everything he said. Then, someone tap his shoulder and he turn around, and his face become brighter. "Kiseoppie! You are so lame!" he pout. Really, this guy is cute and pretty at the same time! The guy in his back is quite handsome, with a black hair and bangs covering half of his eyes. "Yah, don't pout, Kevin-ah! Mianhae, I have to accompany Dongho to do his homework," the guy in the black hair said, wow, eight word popping up in my mind; what the hell was this guy talking about?! 

I get frustated by the pretty boy and the black hair guy, and they start ignoring me. But, before I walk to the basement---parking lot is on the basement---, the pretty boy is kissing the black hair guy cheek. Oh my God. I lost the chance to get more closer to the black hair guy, then. 

I was glued to my phone, texting with Key. He promise to see me this Saturday, he ask my apartment location and said will pick me up at 8AM.

"Hey miss, would you mind to shift your body slightly to the right?" someone said. I jump in shock. I shoot a glare at him, and all he do was smiling like idiot. "I don't speak Korean, sorry," I said in a cold tone, hope this guy will go away and never disturb my happy life---happy texting, I mean. "Oh okay, I'm sorry. My name is Kwak Min Jun, nice to meet you," he said. Did I ask his name?  But, he's quite polite, smiling and bowing, which I didn't know what the meaning. I just look at him once again, and replying Key messages again. "Miss, what I said earlier is, would you mind to shift you body slightly to the right? My car can't get out if you keep standing here, and it will impossible to me to hit you, since you don't hurt me," he said again. Whatever, I just move and he will never saying nonsense things again. "And wait, can I ask your name?" gah, this guy, really...

"My name is Cassandra Kwon, 18 years old. Can't speak Korean, love Victoria's Secret, hate asked by stranger that ask to move body slightly to the right. Thank you."

I'm so mean. Yeah, I know, but I don't care. I just walk away leaving the Kwak Min Jun guy behind.



A/N: You know who is the pretty boy, right? He is Kevin xD and text that I wrote with italic means they're talking in Korean :]

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