Kiss , meeting the past and Brotherly moment = Feels!

난 미치겠어 (I'm Going Crazy)

{Myungsoo's POV}

I drive Sungjong to his house though i really want to take him to my mansion. but he'll probably kill me so i better take him to his house instead.

I glanced at the passenger seat and see him sleeping , he look so cute when sleeping. 

I stopped the car infront of his house, i took off his seat belt then i realize i was leaning so close too him. My eyes travelled all over his beautiful face until it fell on his pink plump lips.

I just wanna kiss those lips so bad, i guess one kiss shouldn't hurt so i lean forward, closing our gap. I kissed him gently, savouring the feeling of his lips on mine. 

Then suddenly , his eyes fluttered open. My eyes widen while staring at him. I pulled my lips away from his though my face is still close to his face.

He smiled sheepishly "If you want a kiss, just ask me!' He squealed and crashed his lips on mine. I guess he's still drunk.

I kissed him back deeply, wrapping my arms around his slim waist. He pulled away and smiled at me "You're a good kisser!!" He said loudly before closing his eyes. I chuckled when i realize he just fell asleep again.

I quickly went out from the driver's seat to open the door for Sungjong. I picked him up bridal style and carried him towards the door.

I use my feet to knock the door but i only end up almost destroying the door. "Who is it?!!!" I heard a very familiar voice from inside, oh , i forgot about Sungyeol!

He opened the door and his eyes widen as he saw me. "M-Myung?" Sungyeol stuttered. He looked at the person in my arms "What are you doing with Sungjong?" He said with eyes  widen.

"I...I ....He's drunk and i happened to go to the club where he is and i decided to take him home..." I said, wait, did i just stutter?!

"Oh..please come in.." Sungyeol said weakly and opened the door for Me to bring Sungjong inside. 

I brought Sungjong to his room, putting the sleeping beauty in the bed gently. "Sleep tight cutie pie"I whispered and pecked Sungjong's forehead. Wait, i just pecked his forehead?!!! What the is wrong with me?! I'm being seduced by the cuteness.

I went out of the room, closing the door gently so i wont wake Sungjong up. I go downstairs to leave , only seeing a crying Sungyeol in the living room.

"M-Myungie..." He whispered but its loud enough for me to hear. He looked at my direction with teary eyes "I still love you, please comeback to me!" He pleaded then run towards me and hugged me tightly.

I sighed and shook my head "I'm sorry Sungyeol, i don't love you...i told that to you 5 years ago..." He pushed Sungyeol away from me gently before leaving Sungyeol crying again.





{Sungjong's POV}

I woke up with a bad headache and a sting on my lips. I looked around and found myself in my room. How did i get here?

I stood up and went to bathroom. I'm curious, what really happened yesterday? I finished cleaning myself then i dressed myself with a oversized yellow pikachu shirt and red short shorts, i totally look like a girl now.

I sat on my bed and look on my phone, i have 15 messages in our group chat.


Luhannie: Yah, why didnt u tell me you're going home

Ren Ren: Yo...luhan is mad, dongwoo hyung already left us :(

Luhannie: I swear if you dont reply by tomorrow morning, i'll kill you

Ren Ren: Sungjong we're going home now, call me tomorrow hyung

Luhannie: Ren, stop being nice to him ><

Ren Ren: Aww i'm sure he'll call tomorrow hyung, do you have pads?

Luhannie: Pads? Why?

Ren Ren: You need them , you're on your period again

Luhannie: I'll kill you with Sungjong

Ren Ren: I labh yew *hart hart*

Luhannie: Go to sleep now!!!!!

Ren Ren: Okay umma!!

Luhannie: Gud nyt

I chuckled, those two are really sweet, wait there's still another message...oh its from Myungsoo.

To: Cutie pie Sungjong

You really look cute~, Call me when you wake up <3

I scoffed, this guy really! he's not my boyfriend, why should i call him?! I change his name in my contacts.

'Edit contact'

i clicked it and changed his name "Myung " . I smiled to myself , i like that name lol.

I went downstairs and found hyung cooking in the kitchen "Good Morning hyung!" I greeted.

he didnt reply, wait why is hyung giving me the silent treatment? I sat down on the table then he went towards me and put a bowl of macaroni soup in front of me.

"Here, it helps for the headache" He said

I nodded and eat the soup. "Hyung?" I called out

"Yes?" He looked at me

"Are you....mad?" 

He laughed "Why will i be mad? I'm not mad....." He looked at me with a sudden serious face "I'M TOTALLY MAD LEE SUNGJONG!" He slammed his fist on the table.

I shivered , i hate when hyung is like this. "Mi..Mianh--" He cut me off

"MIANHE?! MIANHE?! Did i ever taught you to Lie to me?! How can you go to the club without permission?! What if someone else sees you and take advantage of you?! Especially when you're drunk then you have that pretty face!! Anyone could be attracted to you!! Seriously Sungjong, you have brain!! Use it for once!!' Sungyeol hyung scolded.

"I'll never do that again hyung..." I mumbled.

he nodded "You better, i'll be grounding you for a month. I'll bring you to school and pick you up. You're not allowed to hang out with your friends, you need to stay in the house." He said with a serious tone. "And, No using the landline or internet" 

"What the ?! Hyung!!!!! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" I whined. No hang outs means boring life.

"No! I'm trying to make you safe! What if that thing happened again?! What if someone kidnapped you again and take you away from me?! Luckily, Myungsoo recognize you and bring you to the house yesterday! Yah! Lee Sungjong, are you listening?!" I just let Hyung talk all he want, he really need to bring that up again. I got mad and went upstairs to my room, stomping my feet.



{Sungyeol's POV}

Aish, I don't want to shout at my brother but he's really pissing me off. I just want to make sure he's safe from bad people and from the cruel world,.

I don't really want it to happen again. Just remembering it makes me mad at myself.


Me and Sungjong left our abusive aunt's place. I'm 13 and Sungjong is 6. I need to find a place for him so we can live.

"Hyung.." Sungjong tugged on my sleeve.

"Yes?" I asked

"I'm tired and hungry~" He whined cutely. My brother is really cute. "Arraso, let hyung carry you" I crouched down then he jumped on my  back.

"Yehey!" He cheered "Where are we going hyung?" He asked. I start to think, what should i tell him?! 

"Uhm,..somewhere Sungjong...hyung will bring you to a nice place, you can sleep on Hyung's back for now." I said and smiled. He nodded then start to fall asleep.

I walked around, only leading me to the streets again. I sat down on a stairs, removing Sungjong's arms from my neck so i can carry him in my arms. I layed his head down on my lap and caress his hair. 

I opened the black bag i was carrying and took out a bread. I'm really hungry but my baby brother is hungrier, i woke him up and feed him with the bread. He to.d me he's thirsty so i took 1000₩ from my savings and went to a convinient store to buy him water.

"Here jongie , hyung bought you a--" I came back to where i left him but he's gone.

"HYUUUNGGGG!!!!" I heard a little voice shouted. I look to where the voice is coming from and saw Sungjong being carried away by a guy.

I tried to ran after them but they already left.

A week has passed and i still cant see Sungjong. I have applied in a restaurant as a dishwasher so i could at least provide myself money so i can look for Sungjong. The lady who owns the restaurant has gave me a place to stay while i earn money.

The lady ordered me to buy some ingredients at the market. I nodded weakly, i'm feeling worser and worser everyday because Sungjong is gone...because of my carelessness.

I walked to the market with a paper in my hands and my bag around me. 

"Huu! Stay away!" A little voice shouted

"Hey little kid, you're sold to me now! dont be hard headed" I went to peek at the conversation, only finding......Sungjong struggling to get away from the man's arms

I imediately called the police officers who manage to caught the guy and bring back Sungjong to me safely. "Hyung!!!" Sungjong said softly while crying. I hugged him tightly, i feel so happy he's in my arms again.

"Sorry Sungjong, Hyung doesnt take care of you enough, i swear, i'll never leave you out from my sight anymore...." I said.

-End of flashback-

I sighed and went to Sungjong's room, i peeked at his door and found him beating up his teddy bear again.

"You look just like Sungyeollie hyung~" He cooed before hitting the teddy bear. I chuckled, my brother is so cute.

I went inside "Ouch~ That hurts" I pouted, He looked at me then glared.

"Come here Sungjong.." I said and sat beside him in the bed. "Hyung just want to take care of his baby brother because he mean so much to him, jongie knows that right?" I said then hug him.

Sungjong pouted "Dont talk like that to me hyung, i'm nit a six years old kid anymore~" 

I poked his pout and laugh "But you look like one when you're pouting!! So cute!" I squealed and pecked his cheek.

"So i'm not grounded anymore hyung?" Sungjong asked to me with sparkling eyes.

I shook my head "You're still grounded but only for 3 weeks and 6 days" I smiled

"What?! The difference is only one day!" He whines cutely

"Nope, not gonna change my mind" I laughed

He smirked at me, "Jinja hyung?" He said then tickled me "yah haha...sungjong hahahhaa stop that..." i laughed loudly

we fool around the room, laughing and squealing. i cant remember the last time we did this.

a/n: Omgee *reads the first part*

hahahaha kissing ! *my nose bleeds*

*faints; dongwoo catched me since myungjong is too busy cuddling in a corner*

xD! Gud nyt! Its 9:20 pm here~ i got inspired with the bro moment when me and my baby bro cuddled so he can fall asleep~ he's so cute really~<3

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ukissme1991 #1
Chapter 11: Please update >.<
Chapter 11: Ahhh....get well soon, author nim~~ please continue to write this and give me the happy ending of MyungJong~~ i ship thrm much and please...i want Myungjong in the end.....this ia the forst fanfic i i've read....thanks for's a good atoryshship them
HyeriMin #3
Chapter 11: What??? Kim myungsoo! Dont u dare to hurt my baby jjongie's heart!!! Zzzzzzzz. Author-nim, myungjong pls~~ XD
mar_Lyeol #4
Chapter 1: awesome authornim..myungyeol is always the right one~
special_girl #5
Chapter 11: Yaaaaaaay!!! Yes, MyungSoo you DO LOVE Yeol :D He's destined to you and you can't run away fram that :D

Dear author I hope you'll get better soon ;* (Or maybe not? Because your story is getting more interesting while you write it as you are ill xD) SooYeol <33333333
Lovemyungjong #6
Chapter 11: I hate you a stupid Myungsoo.
Why do you think you still love Yeol.
If you think that you can't stay close to my baby ~ Sungjong.
And if Myungsoo loves Yeol ~ I will stop reading this fic
because I love Sungjong so damn much and hardcore of
ukissme1991 #7
Chapter 11: hoping so badly that myung still likes yeol. MYUNGYEOL ALL THE WAY!!
Chapter 11: WUT THE F---!!! YOU WANT TO DIE MYUNGSOO?!??!
Dont you ing dare to hurt my babys' heart!! You wanna die in my hands or something?!

Just OMG dunt fall for Sungyeol~(Dont take it to the heart Yeol~ 'chu know im a hardcore MyungJong shipper) you dickhead! ><
i shall slap you so hard if you dare to make things a but more edup then it already is Myung!!!

Oh btw i hope you will get better ( it must have been pretty hard write this chapter while you are sick ) ^^=
Chapter 11: I pray Myungsoo still love Sungyeol..
They Myungyeol anyway....
Chapter 11: Yah! Myungsoo oppa! Don't you dare, no body can hurt my baby's heart kkkkk but seriously first the damn bet that will turn everything more ty than it already is now this? *Praying for a happy ending*