Don't Deny; Kim Sunggyu

OnSeobx3 One-Shots (Come Inside *Oh How Scary!!* ^^ )

‘With him? WAE??’ you complained to your friend who was trying on her wedding dress as she rolled her eyes at you. You were her maid of honour and because of that you had to walk down the aisle and pretty much spend the whole day with your enemy the most annoying guy in the world; Kim Sunggyu. Ever since you met him he was annoying, rude and downright big headed and now you have to plan a wedding with him.

‘It’s not my fault, Howon chose him as his best man please… just try to act nice to each other’ She gave you her puppy dog eyes that always made you give in as you sighed when suddenly you were both interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

‘TAKE YOUR TIME!!  CAN WE COME IN NOW?’ You heard Sunggyu’s blaring voice from the other side.

‘PABO GO AWAY’ You called back hearing a laugh from Hoya on the other side.

‘Go tell them to go home… we still need to try on the bridesmaids dresses.  You walk outside where Hoya and Sunggyu were sitting as you walk past Sunggyu who mehrong at you.

‘She said go home Hoya, get some rest’ you tell him as he flashes his smile pulling Sunggyu by the arm.

You drive back home tired from trying on dresses all day as you plop down on your bed, quickly falling into sleep when suddenly the phone rings. You reach an arm out as an attempt to grab the phone but it was too far, you groan getting up from the bed.

‘Yebohsayo’ You say in  a sleepy voice trying to keep a yawn from escaping.

‘Aww.. are you sleepy already?’ you hear his voice from the other end as you almost throw the phone.

‘What do you want Sunggyu?’ You hiss into the phone as you hear him chuckle. 

‘Tomorrow I am coming over’

‘WAAAEE??’ You scream into the phone, yesterday you were going to a day spa for facials but looks like that would have to wait.

‘We have to set the seats and table charts… anyways let the happy couple have some time to themselves, come on I am not that bad’ You can hear him try to use aegyo even if you are on the phone as you roll your eyes, telling yourself do it for the couple.

‘Arasso’ you say before hanging up even at his protests of talking more. You close your eyes and slowly drift back to sleep.

‘LEE NANIEEEEEEEE!!’ You hear an annoying voice call as your eyes squint due to the harsh sunlight coming in through from your bedroom window. It was the next morning as you suddenly remember Sunggyu was going to come over. You look down and see you are wearing your elephant pyjamas, looking in the mirror you look like a zombie with your dark circles and pale face.

‘LEE NANIE LET ME IN OR I AM GOING TO BREAK YOUR DOOR!!’ Sunggyu calls as you cringe slowly walking over to open the door. You open the door to see him in a white tee with black splotches over it, his jeans were ripped at the knees and his hair was its usual brown ruffled mess but you couldn’t fool yourself Kim Sunggyu looked damn good even if he was an annoying pabo. He also looked you up and down making you wonder what exactly was going through his head as you see a smirk forming on his pink lips.

‘Aigoo’ he pinches your cheeks in surprise you slap his hand away, he pouts pushing past you into your house. He places a bunch of papers on your dinner table and then walks towards your kitchen.

‘Have anything to drink?’ He calls from the kitchen as you attempt to throw a pillow at him but miss making it land on your kitchen floor.

‘I don’t believe pillows are drinkable’ he smirks picking up the pillow as you sit down at the table at an attempt to sort through the mess of papers. He finally comes back with a juice box as he puffs out his cheeks on the straw.

‘Daebak… so many people’ you mutter as you look through the list of names trying to sit them together, out of the corner of your eye you see Sunggyu watching you intensely making you a little flustered. You finally sat everyone together showing Sunggyu the chart you made as you feel proud of your work. You look at him when suddenly he just shakes his head at the chart making you pout.

‘ Mwol??’ you say as he continues with the head shaking.

‘There is just one bad thing about this chart’ He says as you look back over the chart, nope everyone that knows each other are sat close together, the bride and groom are on the large table in the back nothing could be wrong.

‘This’ he points to something on the chart, you move his fingers to see that he pointed to your name, you were sitting beside Woohyun and the bride.

‘MWOL?? WHAT’S WRONG WITH WHERE I AM SITTING?’ you raise your voice without realising it when he takes your name card and swaps it with someone else’s.

‘What was the point of that?’ you say as he just gives you a smile.

‘You should always be beside me’ Sunggyu’s voice was sweet as he spoke those words you look back at the chart to see he put your name right beside his. You become speechless at his comment as you continue looking at the chart to avoid his eyes; you didn’t know how to react to Sunggyu you have never known anything besides disliking and arguing with him.

‘Go get dressed we have to take this to the bride & groom’ he says as you slowly nod walking towards your bedroom. You start undressing without a thought when you realised the door was open, you peek outside to see Sunggyu’s face right beside the door. He sees your eyes and jumps back as you glare at him quickly dressing. You walk out flicking the back of his head with your hand as you hear him chuckle. You both get into the car as you tighten your jacket around you, Sunggyu notices and immediately turn on the heater. You looked at him waiting for him to drive when he puts his arm over your body, you jump a little but then you realise what he was doing as he clicks the seatbelt on for you.

He drives towards the spa that you and your best friend always go to as he runs to open your side of the door for you.

‘They are inside’ he whispers into your ear as he links his arms with yours, people around you look at you as you burry your face into his arm.

‘You guys are here already?’ You see someone with a green mask on their face talk to you when you realised that it was Hoya underneath the green muck.

‘We finished the seating chart’ you proudly announce to him.

‘Jeongmal?’ Hoya says as you see his eyebrows raise underneath, you smile proudly as you turn around to find Sunggyu but he wasn’t there.

‘So where is my best friend ran off to?’ you ask as he points towards a girl lying on her stomach getting a back massage. You lean down to see her face but she was fast asleep, when you get back up someone takes your arm dragging you to a room.

‘AISSH’ You say when you look up to see Sunggyu who lays you down on one of the messaging beds.

‘you need a treatment we can’t have you looking like that for the wedding’ he says sitting on the other bed swing his legs like a child. An unnie came into the room and sits at your head, she smooths out your hair and starts rubbing cream on your face as you relax even forgetting that Sunggyu was still in the room. The massager then stops making you pout but soon the pleasure returned but this time with a more rough feeling as you flutter open your eyes to see Sunggyu smoothing his fingers over your cheeks.

‘Ya! Sunggyu, let the professional do it’ You cry trying to push his hands away but he didn’t ever budge massaging you but you had to admit his fingers were working magic sending shivers right down to your spine.

‘Wae, doesn’t it feel good?’ He whispers into your ear as you feel his hot breath tickling your neck as you try to relax feeling his fingers moving over your neck and shoulders.

‘Yeppoh’ you hear him mutter under his breath making it hard for you not to smile.

The next few days you could feel your feelings grow more intense for Sunggyu but you wouldn’t give into your feelings you kept holding them back afraid that if you give in, your heart would be broken.

‘You ready?’ you call from the sofa inside the dressing room, Sunggyu was getting his tux tried on because the next day was the wedding. He finally walks out of the dressing room, you bit your lip so you wouldn’t let out a moan as you looked him over. Sunggyu saw your expression and strutted towards you raising his eyebrows at you.

‘So, how do I look?’ he questions you as he smooths his hands over his chest.

‘Daebak.. what a suit could do…’ you mutter under your breath.

‘Uh… sir you forgot your tie’ The sales assistant gives Sunggyu the tie.

‘Call me Sunggyu’ he winks at the sales assistant who flashes a broad smile running off.

‘Help me tie this’ He calls you over, you wrap your arms around his neck you feel his eyes over you making you shake as you fix the tie. After you finished you place your hands on his chest looking up you see him smile.

‘Miss… your dress is ready’ you walk towards the change room leaving Sunggyu by himself. Inside the change room awaited a blue cocktail dress that went a little higher than your knees. You slip the dress over your body, you tried to zip yourself up but failed when suddenly two warm hands slid onto your skin. Looking in the reflection on the mirror you see Sunggyu’s eyes on your zipper as he slides it up in ease, he turns you around to face him you walk backwards until your back hits the mirror behind you. His hands slid up the rim of the dress making you gasp as his mouth crushes your own, you lose your breath as he kisses you. You open your eyes and push him off, walking out of the change room in awkward tension.


You have been avoiding Sunggyu all morning after the incident in the change room you couldn’t look him in the eyes as you rushed back and forth making sure everything was perfect for your bestfriends special day.

‘How do I look?’ you walk into the bedroom where you bestfriend was all done up in her wedding dress. She looked stunning like a princess as you slid your hand through her hair that was curled and had sparkles filtered in it.

‘Yeppoh… your beautiful’ you felt tears b at your eyes as she pulled you into a tight hug.

‘Gomawo’ she whispered into her ear as she eyed your clothes, you were still wearing your jeans and tee.

‘go into the third room your dress is there’ she called to you as she was dragged to re-apply her blush. You walked into the room and you nearly shut the door back, inside was Sunggyu who was shirtless getting ready. You looked beside him and there was your dress seated on the chair next to him, you took a deep breath in and walked into the room.  His eyes stayed on you the whole time as you went quickly behind the curtain to dress. You were in your dress and were getting your hair done, so was Sunggyu as you felt the tension rise in the room. The hair and make-up was done so you were going to exit the room when his hands gripped around your wrist refusing to let you go unless you both talk.

‘Can you just look at me…’ he whisper as you shook your head.

‘Let go its almost time’ You whispered to him but he tugged at your arm turning you around, you faced him and his face was serious.

‘Stop denying it…’ He says standing up so he is closer to you.

‘Mwol? I don’t know what you are talking about’ you knew perfectly clear what he wanted from you.

‘Stop denying your feelings for me’ His breath was warm on your face and his closeness was comforting.

‘I have to go’ you whisper but he still didn’t let you go as he lips went down on yours. At first you were hesitant but you soon gave into your feelings pushing onto him as your kiss became more intense as the door opened.

‘Five minutes you two’ Hoya’s voice called as you both jumped away from each other, looking awkwardly at Hoya who just chuckles shaking his head.

‘And… I thought it was my wedding’ He says closing the door with a bright smile.

‘I knew you wanted me’ Sunggyu says linking his fingers with yours while nudging at your arm.

‘It’s just the suit…’ you laugh walking outside.

‘Oh yeah we will see later’ Sunggyu purrs into your ear.

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very good`
Chapter 130: I really, really wish you can write another BAP and Onew one shot^^
They are so freakingggggg awesome in their mv..
And Yo Seob from beast too^^-his biceps are to die for (nose bleeding)
I freaking love you !!!! Let me love you XP
Chapter 135: I stayed up for two nights to read all this OTL but OMO I FREAKING LOVE THESE ONESHOTS <33333 love love looooove and ugh the feels, THE FEELS AUTHORNIM THEYRE GETTING TO ME hahaha oh gosh Im hyper again, anyways looooooove this fanfic and your writing ^.^ oooh and pls pls pls more exo *.*
Chapter 5: THIS....THIS..... THIS IS SOOO BEAAAUUTTTIFFFUUUULLLL D;. My feels.....they're gone <3 ERMAHGEEERRDD. So beautiful :')
kubirox555 #8
Chapter 1: OMG when i read that your ultimate biases are onew and hoya i was like WTH! Cuz those are exactly my two favs... i just love them too much
luhans-vaqina #9
update soon~