Be My Reward; Lee Jinki

OnSeobx3 One-Shots (Come Inside *Oh How Scary!!* ^^ )

You looked at each question in the maths sheet but all you could see were a bunch of scribbles making you scrunch the sheet in frustration. You put your head across the cold table to cool down your erupting mind as you felt Jinki’s warm arms curl around your waist. He leaned on your shoulder as you looked back at his cheeky smile helping you relax as he sat down on the bed beckoning you to sit on his lap. You obeyed his order sitting on his lap as he resumed his position on your shoulder once more but this time your lower back as you closed your eyes taking in his scent.

‘What’s wrong? You are tense…’ He whispered in your ear as you opened your eyes with a long sigh.

‘I need to finish my homework or I fail the subject but I can’t do it…I don’t understand’ you put your head down avoiding his eyes as you imagined what his face would look like if you looked back up but he placed a hand under your chin bringing your lips to his in a light kiss. You leaned into him quickly forgetting about your work as he lied down on the bed with you on top of him as you deepened into the kiss, your hands slip underneath his shirt feeling his tensing chocolates abs as he let out a small groan he parted from your lips. You whined at his sudden distance making his smile come back as he his lips that had moisture upon them from your kiss.

‘WAE?’ You told him in frustration as he lightly pinched your cheek, you brushed his hand away getting off from his lap, crossing your arms over your chest.

‘I don’t want to see you fail so come on study time and later I will treat you…Yoksue’ He held out his pinky finger for you as you let go of your sudden anger linking your pinky with his , he pulled you toward the desk unscrunching the sheet.

‘Go play and I will try to study..’ You pushed his chest away as he tried to sit on the desk. He grabbed your hands but you continued pushing him but it was no use he was stronger as he didn’t budge from his spot on the table.

‘I will help you...’ His voice took on a more serious tone as he grabbed the sheet from your hands.

‘I can’t work with you here’ you told him but he ignored your pleas as he spread the sheet on the desk, his eyes were focused on the sheet as you watched him in awe. He was like you never seen him before he wasn’t his usual cheeky bubbly self but his eyes were focused his smile serious as he looked through each question scribbling on your notepad.

‘Come on, I’ll help you’  He pulled you towards the sheet as you whined looking at the scribbles once again. You attempt to cheat tyring to look at his answers but he quickly hid them under his shirt.

‘Your shirt isn’t going to stop me’ you told him in a lustful tone as he smirked.

‘Play later, you will pass even if it kills me’ He told you as you whined he put your hands down on the desk as you looked at the work that made you cringe.

‘What don’t you understand baby?’ He said but he lingered on the word baby as he oozed with aegyo.

‘I don’t understand any of it’ you whined as he pinched your cheek, he started to explain as you attempted to listen but even what he was saying to you sounded like jibberish as you just watched his plump lips moving as his chest went up and down with his breaths, he suddenly snapped his fingers in front of your face to grab your attention.

‘Okay, were you even listening to me?’ His voice was slightly annoyed but he kept his playful smile on his face.

‘Of course I was listening…’ Your voice trailed off not daring to look him in the eye.

‘What was I just talking about?’

‘You asked me if I was listening or not and I said yes…’ He pouted his lips as he put a finger to your lips making you stop talking.

‘Well you are obviously aren’t getting motivated enough…Okay every time you get a question correct I will take off one piece of clothing and if you get it wrong I put on another item of clothing.’ Your eyes lit up at his suggestion that immediately made you keen to get all the answers correct plus he was only wearing jeans, a tee and a vest over the top how hard could it be. The first question you guessed as he looked over your work shaking his brown hair as he placed a jacket over the top. Second question wrong; A scarf goes on, third question wrong; gloves go over his hands.

‘Ahh why is this so hard?’ You scrunched your face in anger as he took off the scarf, he pointed to the next question he explained to you, you took another shot, correct his jacket came off. Next question his vest flew up into the air, as the next question was harder than expected but somehow you got it right. His hands touched the edge of his shirt as he pulled slowly showing his soft milky white skin, higher to reveal his tensing abs as you your lips.

‘Please try to contain yourself’ He chuckled as he blew a kiss to you from his spot on your bed. You went through the whole sheet with his help and all he had left were his boxers as you gave him a devilish grin.

‘I think I need a bigger reward.’ You leapt on the bed silencing the tofu with a sweet kiss.

The next day you went in for your test as you remembered each question tagged to each piece of clothing as you fizzed with lust you scribbled down the questions. You got your results back as Jinki held your hand; you passed as you leapt into the air in happiness. His hand covered your eyes as you stopped jumping his hand was removed to reveal him on one knee in front of you, in the middle of the street in front of the university. He kneeled in front of you as his hands held a small velvet black box, your hands went to your face as it flushed pink people began to gather around you.

‘You said you wanted a Bigger reward…I hope I can be that reward will you marry me?’ You nodded your head as he slipped the jewelled ring over your finger everyone cheered and hooted around you as his plump lips touched yours.

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very good`
Chapter 130: I really, really wish you can write another BAP and Onew one shot^^
They are so freakingggggg awesome in their mv..
And Yo Seob from beast too^^-his biceps are to die for (nose bleeding)
I freaking love you !!!! Let me love you XP
Chapter 135: I stayed up for two nights to read all this OTL but OMO I FREAKING LOVE THESE ONESHOTS <33333 love love looooove and ugh the feels, THE FEELS AUTHORNIM THEYRE GETTING TO ME hahaha oh gosh Im hyper again, anyways looooooove this fanfic and your writing ^.^ oooh and pls pls pls more exo *.*
Chapter 5: THIS....THIS..... THIS IS SOOO BEAAAUUTTTIFFFUUUULLLL D;. My feels.....they're gone <3 ERMAHGEEERRDD. So beautiful :')
kubirox555 #8
Chapter 1: OMG when i read that your ultimate biases are onew and hoya i was like WTH! Cuz those are exactly my two favs... i just love them too much
luhans-vaqina #9
update soon~