Chapter 3




As soon as we were strapped in, Teddy started the car heading to the Gong’s manor or so I thought. He told us that there will be a clan meeting so considering that Minji and I didn’t receive any official message about this meeting; it only meant that it was something that minors shouldn’t meddle in. The ‘minors’, like Minji and I, were not yet eligible to receive the full responsibility of being one of the House of Gong’s Guardian. That was what they do for living, being a guardian, protector or bodyguard. Even though I’ve been living with them since I was a child I still feel outcast sometimes though I’m sure that was clearly just on my side. Or maybe not. I don’t know.


They took me in when I was orphaned years ago. I don’t remember much about my childhood. My memories were somewhat hazy maybe that was my way of coping to the painful reality that I was left alone when I have so little knowledge about this cruel world. My parents passed away on the same date as my birthday. Cruel fate, right?

The 8th birthday of a child was maybe the most dreaded day a parent can expect. It was after all the deciding thing for your whole life, the ritual of unveiling. If you were cursed, I mean blessed, with the ‘red eye’ then lucky for you. My parents never made a big deal out of social differences, the reason why I am so open-minded with all the crazy things about this world. A clan was a common thing in the society, it was how the ‘differences’ differs. We were never included in any, I don’t even know any close relatives. I asked my parents one time on why we live such an isolated life, they said if it was the other way around they were super (yeah you heard me, SUPER) sure that I would begged for a simple life.  When I became orphaned Minji’s grandpa introduced some distant relatives, giving me option to live with them (by distant I meant they are SUPER distant relatives that you’d think you were not even related, you get what I mean?)  but of course I chose to stay with him. He’s the next person I consider family after my deceased parents.

So, I was turning 8 and my parents prepared a celebration. They invited people who I never met my whole life. We kind of lived in an isolated way so being curious and all I asked them what’s with the guest list. My mother simply answered they are building connections. I think this was how it went, the day that changed everything in my life that is.

I was in my room together with my attendants, busily marveling my pretty dress. My eyebrows were starting to frown because of too much pink around me when my parents entered the room. My mom looked at me with proud eyes.


“My little princess.” She called and smiled while walking towards me, my father walking behind her.


“What are you saying?! She is not a princess!” My mother’s head whipped to my father’s direction after he said it. Her face distorted by anger caused by my dad’s tone.


“Are you trying to ruin her day?!” My mom hissed low probably thinking I can’t hear her. I’ve got pretty good ear, ya know Mom.


My dad walked to my front and lifted me up the air. I felt a little scared. No matter how hard my dad tried to spend time with me, there was always the air around him that I am wary of. He sometimes felt like a stranger. Which was really weird.


“She is not a princess. She is a queen!” He said it with such conviction that sent my mom laughing her off. I rolled my eyes. He still had me in his arms. Awkward.


“Dad, put me down.” I said without looking at him. He didn’t do anything.


“I said Put.Me.Down!” This time I looked right into his eyes. I never noticed that he had a grayish shade in his eyes.


My dad did put me down for the reason that he had to cough real hard. He was like that for a couple of seconds and after that my mom and me saw blood in his hands. Then everything was a bit hazy. I can’t remember clearly after the ‘coughing part’ the next thing I know I found myself the next morning inside the Gong’s Manor. Then the news reached me, that I just became an orphaned.


I am trying to live as normal as I can since that day.




“What took you so long Dara?” Teddy asked breaking the dead air.


“Lost.” I replied dryly. I always do this when he’s talking to me, trying to cut off the conversation the moment it started. I don’t like being around him. I don’t hate him or what, it’s just that he’s giving off a strange vibe that really irked me so I always keep distance. He sighed. He got my message. We drove in silence (because noisy Minzy is sleeping).


When the car stopped and we got off, that was when I realized that our destination was not home. We parked in a wide car park that only had black cars making Teddy’s red car stand out. The majority of the cars were of that the House of Gong (HoG), this was the meeting venue I think. Teddy gave HoG On-Duty badge to me and Minzy.


“Big fish?” Minzy asked. Thank God we both had the same curiosity cause I don’t want to talk to him.


“Not just a fish. A whale.” He said with a nonchalant tone.


We don’t usually use the HoG badge not unless the client had his own security team. It is for our identification. We were about to enter the gates when I felt again the nasty stare from this afternoon. .


“Identification.” The guard demanded as we reached the gates. We flashed our badge then they let us in.


“Quick brief girls. Client is a royalty. Stick to your team leader. Don’t wander around. Be alert. Remember your protocol.” We nodded and he led us inside.


I noticed a lot of movements on the ground. Guards are walking by groups constantly sweeping the area for any suspicious whatever. A VVVVVVIP I guess. On the way inside I also saw some Keepers, the HoG’s toughest rival on the industry. For what reason are they here? Is this a joint project? I sure hope not.


We found a long table occupied by other Guardians (HoG members) and joined them. The gathering started short after and I immediately tuned out the moment the host spoke. I’ll just ask Minzy for a detailed report when it’s just the two of us. It’s a good thing she loves me.


Somewhere on the middle of the discussion inside I decided to go out even though I received a reprimanding stare from Teddy. He still let me go though. He knew better than to cross a bored Dara.

I didn’t realize how stuffy it was inside until the night breeze outside welcomed me. I immediately went to the vast veranda situated on the left of the building and found a wooden bench to seat to. I suddenly wanted a cup of coffee and a bit of sunlight right now. I’d loved to spend mornings on this kind of places and not to mention the place was surrounded in so many trees. I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings. If I tried really hard I could actually hear a sound below zero decibels. When I feel lost I always do this, losing myself on the sound of an ecosystem. It gives me clarity when I try to become one with nature. It makes me realize that I am part of something bigger, that everything is connected to each other and that everything is communicating to each other. Like how the bench I am sitting at was once part of a strong standing tree. I learned that life is a cycle and that there are things that you can’t prevent from happening. You just have to learn how to accept because your story is a continuous one; you can’t will it to stop.


I was beginning to become emotional because of suddenly remembering my parents when a girl approached me.


Her black hair with hints of red on the ends did justice on her beautiful face. Her doll like eyes was staring comically at me. I stared back, not saying anything. We were silent for a couple of seconds when she finally spoke.


“Could you be actually the one I am looking for?” She asked genuinely.


“I’m sorry but I don’t think I know you. Are you lost?” I offered help even though I was reluctant. She feels wrong. She is not normal.


She responded but I wasn’t able to hear it clearly because of the sudden low buzzing sound. Ugh. Not again. I already had my fair share for today. Another girl stopped near us and when she looked at me the buzz sound became louder. Was she the cause of the buzz?


“Bom, what are you doing? We can’t afford to get caught. Let’s go.” The blond girl who came whispered to the first girl. Under normal circumstances that would’ve been too low to hear but since my senses are active I heard her just fine. The second girl walked passed by the girl named Bom.


“I’ll be right there.” She followed but as if she forgot something she came back and leaned forward near my ear.


“You shouldn’t expose yourself like what you did earlier, you know. You shine too bright so I wanted to help but you shine too dark so maybe not. Be careful, young one.” She smiled and walked to the direction where the blond girl disappeared to.


I am not up for any irony so I am officially ignoring what she said. I audibly sighed, so much for wanting to be alone.




The next day I was so determined to not to go to school after learning that the meeting yesterday was about being the Prince’s security detail. Sure I am happy for the Guardians to have an opportunity like this but why do they have to include Minzy and me, who weren’t even a full pledge guardian, to be on this project? I mean we were just standby’s of the standby guard so why was it they suddenly have the right to manipulate our time? If I was on the priority team I would’ve complied without question but noooo. /le sigh


“You are to report to your team leader once you entered the school and you have to be on duty on your breaks. If need be, you are already excused to your classes. Again, only when it is needed.” I have a pretty accurate feeling that the last sentence was specifically for me.  After the brief brief, Teddy drove us to school. I willfully ignored him.


The school’s spirit was noticeably lifted. Everyone was talking about the royal transfers. I hated this school because of their views on social differences but I learned to just ing ignore them. Words can only be used against you depending on how you accept them. I know better. I reached my designated room but when I entered I instantly knew there was something odd. Compared to the buzzing sound of the rushing students outside the atmosphere here is eerily quiet. I scanned the room and HOLY FCKING MOTHER OF . Don’t tell me the Prince will be on our class??!!! And to top it all he was seated after my desk. Great, plain great!


I was momentarily mortified but I was able to will myself to walk again. On a normal day, almost everyone will be out of their proper seats talking to their friends until the teacher comes but today is history. Everyone is the picture of orderness, they all sit so stiff that they look like they weren’t breathing. I walked passed Taehyun and noticed that he wasn’t on proper uniform. His face looked like he was contemplating whether to stay or just get the hell out. When I reached my seat, which was on the last row near the windows, I inconspicuously looked at the Prince. He was looking outside and he seemed detached. When I sat down, I heard him speak low saying staring is rude. I stiffened and bowed to never look behind ever ever again. Damnit, of all the classes why here?


The teacher came in followed by a guy whom I recognized to be the one with the Prince the other day. I don’t want to be near him, not after he glared at me, but I guess it was unavoidable since he’s the personal bodyguard. He sat adjacent to the Prince, rendering the poor guy seated before seatless. He was asked to seat in front. Really poor guy. The class started after the teacher asked as to pay respect to the Prince which resulted into a request for him to don’t do it again. I am more than willing to comply.


I rolled my eyes MULTIPLE times because of the horrible attempt of my teacher to impress His Majesty. On the contrary of what was she doing it could actually cause her her job. I was just staring outside on the whole duration of the class. I can’t concentrate much because of so much curious stares directed on the Prince’s direction. Even though they were not directly for me I could feel them all the same since he was just behind me. I think I need to ask for a new seat. I don’t want to spend the rest of school year trying to ignore this whole lot. The bell rang much to my liking. I stormed out wanting to get away from that claustrophobic room.


We have a little over two hours for break so I decided to go get myself my favorite good goddamn amazing yummy coffee and space out in my favorite place here in school. I am purposely ignoring my duty.




“There’s probably a lot to pay when Teddy knew I ditched. Anyway, His Highness got his personal bodyguard so I don’t think something will happen to him.” I mumbled while looking at the forest expanding behind the school walls; the balcony I’m in is high enough to see the green outside.


“That’s the second time you said that. I am not his personal bodyguard.” A cold voice answered. OHMIGOOOSH.


I whipped my head searching for the source of the voice. Please tell me I am not in trouble. I then I saw him walking from around the corner looking very much irritated. He was glaring at me with those blue eyes, oddly though instead of being intimidated by his glare I felt sympathy. He stopped near me.


“I’m really sorry, sir.” I apologized for my mistake.


“Know where you stand. Don’t go around blabbing nonsense with your mouth.”


Well, that didn’t strike me good but I know I can’t retaliate back because this man is dangerous. I trust my instinct and it says not to cross this man. The sudden earsplitting buzz hit me. I frowned on the discomfort but it looks like he misinterpreted my reaction because the next thing I know I was against the wall with his hands gripping my shirt.


“L-let me go. It’s not what you think.” I tried to reason and he removed his hands while scanning the area. When I recovered from the shock I spoke on my intercom bracelet saying there’s a suspicious movement from the C building. The glaring-dude gave me an incredulous look. We then heard a crashing sound just below the balcony and he ran near the edge to check it out.


“You felt that before I did. Who are you? Actually no, what are you?” He looked at me and I stared back.





The intruders were subdued almost immediately. I received a call from Lydia, my team leader, to report immediately to her. If they will scold me for leaving my post I’ll tell them I at least was able to report a possible attack. I think that is good enough to let off the hook.


I reached the room and entered only to be welcomed by the sight of the priority team with the Prince himself and the glaring-dude was casually leaning at the wall. O-kay. What is this? Kicking me out?


“Dara, sit down.” Lydia spoke and I complied.


“You are now under my command and your new duty is to stay in a good distance from the Prince to report any irregularities.” Teddy announced.


I knew my face was priceless because of the facial expression I just did. N to the fcking O. To watch the Prince as my job description and Teddy to be my team leader is not very much appealing to me.


Contrary to my dispirited state, the Prince was smiling with curiosity. And I notice the glaring-dude looking at me with frustrations visible on his face.

















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Chapter 3: Update juseyo.
Chapter 3: Update juseyo.
tntmorales #3
Love it...update soon pls.
icaaaj #4
The plot is so cool! Can't wait for the next update!!
Crystalic607 #5
Chapter 2: Omgomgmogomg love it so much cant wait for nexxxt TT Tt xD great job author nim!:D
xxAiX009xx #6
Chapter 2: Dara has a strong aura? Wae?
Chapter 1: miss this! cant wait for the next update..
Jynroe #8
Chapter 1: i miss reading this fic...i see you changed some of it...