The Day You Leave Me

Lost In Your Love
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My another one shot story. Im warning you its sad story even me cried as hell but if isnt sad, im sorry. Kris and You. Tell me if you cried :)
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xoxogirl2 #1
Nabieyhah #2
Chapter 44: a/n xleh bukk link lhh
allya_safia #3
Chapter 43: Dah habis dah~~ comel jaa kkyung tuuu >\\\\\< scene yg readers suka?saya suka semua scene :3 heheheh a/n fighting for your next ff^^
b2utyxoxo #4
Chapter 43: saya suka ff yang ada part pasal baby-baby cute nii...
best... buat la sequel...
MissLuhan #5
Chapter 43: Alolo comey nye kyung~~
Chapter 43: Kesian ran, kyung x rapat sgt ngan dia.. Klau dia ada ank perempuan kn best.. Ada lh yg nk rpt ngan dia. So adil.. Chanyeol satu ran satu.. Yeay. Tapi bila lh?
Part yg plg suka ff ni part chanyeol suka sgt sakat ran. Lgi2 waktu lps gaduh yg ran mati2 percaya chanyeol kemalangan. Pstu ckp ran singa.. Hahaha.. Comel je diaorg.
zira_ira #7
Chapter 43: Sweet sgt family chanyeol ni. Alahai. Jeles iolls
Chapter 42: waaaaah !! this ff is so dae to the bak . author -nim nnti buat lgi cita mcm ni >.<
Jminiee #9
Chapter 42: Ahhh... Comelnya kkyung!