
Unfinished Diary (RP Based: Hallyu Wave 2.0)

This is a special chapter okay? 


During my whole lifetime. 

I've met countable men. 

Due to my circumstances. 

But.. every men that I met always seem to be the same to me. They look like they have the same "routine" 

Cheesy to her, loving her and acted like she's the only girl in the world. 

Then there will come another stage of boredom. 

And the last stage which is a good bye, painfully or gradually. 

But this man was way different. 

He didn't seem to follow the routine. 

It was always. 

Love. Love. Love. Love. and Love. 

And I'm glad that my fortune finally works this time. 

I met someone, the man, the love of my life that I'm convinced that I want to spend the rest of my life with, to have a family with and to live at the old age together. 

Let me describe this man. 


This man always claims that he's a cool and handsome man. He's shy and he's . [uncensored]. He loves girls who are the opposite type of me. Loves girls who whine and whimper a lot. 

He's a cheesy man, he will make me feel like the happiest woman in the world. He's loving and will only look at me. 

He's sometimes can be secretive and jump into conclusion quickly. 

He's a man that you have to nurture and take care. He's like a cute puppy. 

He thinks he's desperate by stalking and following me around, but to my eyes he's the cutest person ever. 

He's . He loves se- 

He likes kids. I think.. 

He's very sensitieve to gestures, he can know the slightest change of me and will detect if I'm feeling okay or not. 

He accepts me as who I am, no matter how bad my flaws are and how much I love girls. I'm still straight.

He is stubborn. He won't let himself sleep before I do. Even stayed up until dawn for me. Oh God I love him so much.

A competitive man and always makes hidden game that always ends with "HAHA I win!" 

A man that worries that I will cheat on him with a girl. 

So cute. 

And I love him. 

And he's mine. 

I love you jagiyah. 



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88rissing #1
you made this for me?????? cute
Chapter 6: s norts : ) ) ) )