the end of this....

In My Room

*last chap's story..



Tomorrow will be Kibum’s B’day!


Oh GOSH I almost forgot, I must prepare something for him…


But.. what? I’m bad in giving B’day surprise…



chapter 4


September, 23th 2010


*Key POV*


I was in my lovely dreamland when that stupid alarm started to ring so badly and ruined my sleeping time, I tried to shut it off with my eyes still closed and grabbed my cellphone.


There were 8 new text message,


“mwo?!” It’s unusual.., why… so many? My sleepy eyes suddenly opened wide to read it,


Saengil chukkae hamnida.. Saengil chukkae hamnida.. Saengil chukkae kim kibum.. Saengil chukkae hamnidaaaaa~~~


From: Myungki


Ah? What date is it today?

I looked up at my calendar and found out that today is MY B’DAY!

Oh GOSH.. those damn work made me crazy, I even forgot about my own B’day..

And all those message said “happy B’day” but.....something was missing.


Onew always remembered my B'day,

he always texted me first at 12.00 AM.....

but not this time...

did he forgot about it? Did he forgot about me?


ah.. maybe he just fell asleep last night.. he would never forget me,

I'll wait, maybe he would text me later..

Well, it's already 8 AM now..

I better get ready to my first class. Miss Han really hate her students who showed up late.




After getting ready, Key went out rushing to his class, hoping that Miss Han hadn't locked the door yet.

The day went on as usual, Key had a good day today at college. He had quite a short schedule, as he finished all his classes at 2PM.

His friends all came to congratulate him after, one of them even brought him a cake...he really didn't like seeing that cake today..


After dodging the cake fight and ran home, he remembered something.

Key checked on his cellphone, message from Onew.

Did he really forget him just like that?

Maybe he was just tired from's Onew! He would still at least texted.

He never did this before...or maybe he lost his phone? Nahh.....but...hmmmmm.....


Key spent a long time thinking and speculating about why Onew haven't texted or called him yet...


It was finally 3 PM when Key decided to call Onew.

He was really curious why that boy didn't even text him yet...

he really thought that the boy forgotten all about it.


Onew rushed to his phone and took it before it even finished ringing for the first time!


"Hello, Jinki's here!"

"Oh, hey, what are you doing now?”

"Ah! Kibum! It's still early, it's very unusual of you for calling me around this usually called me at night~"

"Yeah, I 'm just having my break time now.. I just.... " Key hadn't even finished his statement yet when suddenly Onew cut in.


"Ah, Kibum.. I'm really busy now...I have jobs up to my ears, ermm..." Onew babbled as if he hurrying to finish that talk...Key suddenly went silent..


"Okay then.. " Key answered slowly,

"Ah, if you want to tell me something. we can meet at the park this evening.. can you go?"

"Okay, I'll be there.."

"5:00 PM okay?"



"Okay then. Seeyaa!!!"

Onew hung up first..




Key still held on his phone, staring blankly at it....

so that's why...

Onew really have no time for him now.

He's too busy with his work and had forgotten all about him.


Tears started to fell from his eyes, he seemed quite surprised by those tears and wiped it away quickly


"Uh! What's happening to me? Key you egoistic idiot!" he mumbled at himself,

"You should be happy that Onew's doing well now in business world. He'll finally make his dad proud! Stop crying like a spoiled little kid!"


Key wiped all his tears away after nagging at himself and smiled. he put the phone back an told himself that everything was going to be okay, however..there was something inside his really hurts...




*Onew's POV*


I hung up first.

Just by hearing his voice I knew my plan would work really well...

haha...he really believed that I was too busy and really forgot about his B'day!

well, hope this plan would work out well..

I couldn't wait to see his face after he saw this!


I pulled something out from my pocket.

A silver necklace, glowing faintly under the light.

It might look simple and plain, but I had something to make it special.

I pulled out a box, inside there was a lovely pendant. It shaped like a small key with Kibum's name engraved on it. I chose it myself.


He would be really happy with it...

I better prepared it first. There the necklace go, back inside the box with the pendant.

After ensuring that the box was closed properly, I put it into a slightly bigger box.....a pink one...Key's favourite colour.

Some ribbons and bowties and...


" looks really pretty now." I smiled while looking at that lovely pink box in front of me




I finally finished my last document, quickly I looked up to the clock who was hanging above the was still 4.20 PM...I kept on staring at it until finally....


"Yeah! 4.30 PM!"


My feet jumped happily from their place as the office bell rang to mark the end of the day.


I quickly grabbed all of my belongings and ran outside. My lips began to curved into a smile as I ran towards the elevator. I'm going to meet again with my lovely Key. In that special park.....where I first confessed my love to Key at high school....I wonder, if that park still as beautiful as back on that day?


Finally, after waiting for quite a while, the elevator doors opened. I was just putting one of my legs in when suddenly a strong hand pulled me out. Both scared and shocked, I fell backwards.


"Oh! I'm sorry, Onew!"


that was a familiar voice, I decided to turn around to get a look at him


"Mr. Shim!!" I yelled at him, "Don't do that! you scared me to death!"

"I'm sorry, I had to pull you out from the elevator.."

“Yeah, that's okay...what is it? Make it quick, I have a date."

"Well, I think you better cancelled it. You have a meeting."

"What?" I really couldn't believe him, "You said it this morning that I have no meeting!!"


Mr. Shim cleared his throat for a while, he seemed to felt really guilty....then he began to tell me what happened

"Apparently the director had to hold this meeting today since the investor kept on bugging him."

"Noo....please tell dad that I'm already at home or something.."

"He's waiting for you, Onew. I don't think lying is the best idea."

"NO!! Please, I really have to go now!!"


I put up quite a fight that Mr. Shim finally had to drag me down to the meeting room. I really didn't want to go to that meeting...I kept on struggling and whining as he dragged me away.. "AARGH!" I yelled and threw a kick at Mr. Shim, "Let me gooo!!!"


But he patiently endured my kicks and pulled me into the meeting room....


*end of POV*



If Onew knew what that kick would got him into he wouldn't even dare to do it....because Onew's phone slid out from his pocket and fell down right in front of the elevator as he kicking and thrashing around on his way..the doors had closed again....


While on the park, Key had waited...

for quite a long time.

After about 3 hours,

Key began to get really worried about Onew.

Onew never stood him up like this..he always called.

"Ah, maybe he had something to do at his office first.." Key tried to be as calm as he could.

Key tried to call , but he went into the voice mail all the time..


"Hi, Onew's here.. I'm busy right now, call me later!"


So there he waited....and waited.......


Hours flew by as Key waited on that park....he nearly fell asleep on the bench waiting for Onew. It was now relly quiet there...Key looked at his phone...8 that's weird....Key tried to call him again


"Hi, Onew's here.. I'm busy right now, call me later!"


Key stared at his phone, confused.... "That's the 10th time now...where are you Onew?"


As if the darkness and the silent park hadn't made Key's heart hurt...rain and thunder suddenly came side by side....making the boy stood dripping wet from head to toe...Key looked up to the pouring sky and sighed....then he walked away home by was the worst birthday ever....



*Key POV*


My God! What was that boy thinking actually? Making me waiting under this rain....I kicked a rolling can faraway to release my anger. I'm really mad now.....but at the same time...I'm really sad...


What was that supposed to mean? He didn't show up, he didn't call..or even bother to pick up his it over?


*end of POV*




Key stood silently under the pouring rain..he hung his head low while thinking about Onew, how their lovely days had gone away..

He let the rain drops went through his body, trying to wash away his tears and pain.

His heart drowned in sadness as he stood alone at the park...his tears began to flow...


But then rain stopped...or umbrella had protected him under it's shade from the showering rain


Key looked around and found another boy..just a bit older than him...standing and staring at him under his umbrella...


He smiled and pointed at the raining sky outside his umbrella,

"Such a shame to let a beautiful girl like you standing here under the rain."


"I'm not a girl." Key quickly wiped his eyes, he felt embarrassed that the boy had to see him when he was crying, but the boy suddenly laughed.


"I'm just really are in a bad mood do you?"


Key didn't want to answer...the other boy didn't push him to answer it either.. Still chuckling, the boy asked, "Where are you going to go?"

Key were still shutting up, so the boy talked again,


"I can walk you's too dangerous to walk alone here."


"To the university dorm...but it's too far..I don't want to...."


"That's okay, I don't mind."


Key stared at's really unusual for strangers to walk other stranger home, right? It seemed like this boy knew what was on his mind. He smiled as he let out his hand...

"We haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Jonghyun"


"I'm Key." he shook the boy's hand..


"Well, then, Key...let me walk you home."


So he nodded and walked together with Jonghyun under the rain..


*end of POV*



*Onew's POV*


Finally!!! The meeting was over. That investor sure was annoying...I could understand now why dad really wanted to get it done quickly. He kept on talking about his opinion and disagreed to all that my dad tried to say......Oh NO!! it was already this late?


I rushed to the park, hoping that Key would still be there waiting for me...when I got there I noticed that it was raining just now...the meeting room's windows were all closed shut...I hope he didn't get mad at me..


Ad I expected....Key had left. He must be really mad at me. I kept him waiting for hours and didn't even called him. I sat at the park's bench and searched for my phone. Eh? It was gone!!? I stood up and tried to look over for it at all of my jeans pockets, my shirt, my was nowhere to be found!


I sat there groaning at my ill fate...I better hurry home and called Key right away.


Home. I ran towards my room and ran to my fingers quickly dialed for Key's numbers. It felt really long just to wait for him to pick it up..then..


"Hello." Key's tired voice answered from the other end


"Kibum! I'm sorry..I really am..I was.."


"Yeah, I're too busy right?"


There was something odd in his if he was fed up with my reasons..


"But..there really was a sudden meeting.."


"I know."


"Kibum..I didn't mean to.." I replied sadly


"Look..I understand it..okay? Just..stop calling me, I'm tired."


"What do you mean?"


"We can no longer be together...I'm sorry,'s over.."


He hung up on me.

Can no longer be together? Those words struck me like a lightning...

I sat there silently while still trying to process that in my mind...

my phone rang again..I let it be


"You've reached the voicemail, please leave a message."




"Onew? It's Mr.Shim. I found your phone at the office, I thought i should let you know. well, see you tommorow."


Can no longer be together?




Tujineun hansooman jaggu baetuh

dooryuhwo gaseumee maejyuh

hanmadi yego ubshi ibyul gunnehneun nul uddugeh miduh


(I’m gasping for breath,

I’m afraid my heart has stopped..

How can I possibly believe you, when you end our relationship without a warning?)


I don't know why I can't move on

balgureumee dulujijil anha

gujimal gata oneul haruga gaseum hanjogee apawa….


(I don’t know why I can’t move on

My feet won’t move

It feels unreal today, one side of my heart aches…)



Kibum… please don’t tell me that you want to break up, please tell me that you’re kidding..


I quickly grabbed my phone and dialled Kibum's number.....he wasn't answering....


I tried it again.....and again....


but it was all the same...he didn't even pick it up. I decided to try it again...



I heard a sound. Finally, he picked it up!



"What? Stop calling me again!"


"I'm really tired now...just..stop calling me again." He hung up...


I stared at my sadness had turned into anger..

I couldn't accept it. Kibum could not just break me up like this. I have to hear this from him in person!


Quickly I went out, it was still raining outside, but i don't care!

My car silently strolled through the streets...rain kept on tapping at my windshield as if trying to make me turn back and just deal with it...


Finally i arrived near Kibum's dormitory building.

I ran out from my car, and now standing soaked wet in front of the dorm's gates......

I could see him, standing and staring blankly ito the rainy night on his favourite spot..the balcony.


I was going to yell his name when I saw another guy, coming out from behind him...

he walked slowly and put a jacket on Kibum's body....

I could see his smile.....that smile......

from it I know that I have no more chance to win him back.....


my heart aches....

I wish this rain could ease my pain....

he had find another heart...

I guess...

I have to let him go...


I have nothing left to do here....

I took another look at Kibum for the last time before going back into my car..

I sat still for some time...

tears started to flow down to my cheeks...

my first and only love....

at last I have to let you go...




-Onew's home-


my room.....

I laid my tired body on my bed, trying to forget all that painful things that I had to see.

my heart felt like being stabbed after I saw that smile.


Kibum...I didn't even get the chance to wish him happy birthday...


My eyes were now wet by tears..

.crying seems to be the easiest way to let my feelings out...



jamdeuljee anhnun bameh nuneul

gamah geunyeorul ddeoohlreendah

ahmugeotdo muhlrahtdeon naegah

neomu meewoseo

buhleul keegoh bangeul duhlreobundah


(I close my eyes in this sleepless night

And you dance in my thoughts

I get so angry at myself, who knew nothing

I turn on the lights and look around my room)


hweemeehageh bahlahooneun

duh nunee meomchun goht

beoreejee mothaetdeon saengsheelseonmuhl

keureego neo

keu mohdeun geot


(The place where my two faint eyes are placed on

is where I placed the birthday present I didn’t throw away

and everything of you)


Cause you were my sun, the moon

nae jeonbuyeotdeon neo

nae bangeh eetneun modeun geotdeulee neol keureeweohanabwa

neol weehae chatdah jeechyeoseo

neol jamshee eejeodoh

sumgyeonoheun uhreeye chueogee

gadeuk namah cause you're still in my room


(Cause you were my sun, the moon

You were my everything and

Everything in my room seems to miss you

If I get tired putting myself in harms way to find you

and forget for a moment

our hidden memories still linger

cause you're still in my room)


beoreegoh ddo beoryeodo geeohgeun

neoreul dashee buhlreo nohgo

nae apeh anhaseo uhtgoh eetneun neoreul eegoteh

gahduryeo hahneundeh


(Even if I throw it away,

again and again

I want to call you and see you smiling in front of me

I want to keep you right here)


Cause you were my sun, the moon

nae jeonbuyeotdeon neo

nae bangeh eetneun modeun geotdeulee neol keureeweohanabwa

neol weehae chatdah jeechyeoseo

neol jamshee eejeodoh

sumgyeonoheun uhreeye chueogee

gadeuk namah cause you're still in my room


(Cause you were my sun, the moon

You were my everything and

Everything in my room seems to miss you

If I get tired putting myself in harms way to find you

and forget for a moment

our hidden memories still linger

cause you're still in my room…)



*end of pov



Next morning...


*Onew's POV*



I started to open my sleepy eyes,

which were still begging for some more time to sleep.


The sun was shining so bright, the light starts to enter my room between my white curtain..

Birds were singing happily outside, their song reminded me about something that still hurt my heart..


I lay still on my bed, my heavy eyes were now wide open...

I looked around to see my plain empty room...everything were all white,


I didn't need any colors to fill my life. There was someone who had already colored my life, but he had gone away...

all these pale colors I saw on my room just made me sank deeper..


That pink box, it was the only thing with color in my room.

a pink box...with pretty ribbons on it... that had captivated my eyes...

I felt my tears started to roll down from my cheek to my pillow.


Pink.. "That's his favorite color"..



…..THE END…..


everything were all white..  Everything in my room seems to miss you  our hidden memories still linger  cause you're still in my room…

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