
In My Room

Chapter 1


Author's POV

Break time11.00am


Onew walked through the corridor to go to the cafeteria when suddenly Key came out from the teacher's room.

He almost bumped into his lover,


"Ah! Jinki," Key shouted, as he paused his steps,


"Yeobo? What are you doing here?" Onew asked as he looked into the teacher's room.


"Ah, this~" Key showed him some papers, onew took read the words written in it.


"College entry form?"


"Uh huh~" Key nod his head signing yes,


"You want to sign up now? Our graduation is still 4 months away..Isn't that a bit too fast? " Onew asked with his innocent tone..


"Yah! Although it's still far away, but you have to sign up fast, everyone are doing it too.." Key explained.


"oh~ this is for me?" Onew took the paper up and asked for sure.


"Yeah,I had fill it up and gave it back to the teacher. That's yours" he answered while Onew just looking at the form and keep flipped over thepages on and on.

"by the way, where are you going?" he added.

Onew was still excited with those form and kept on flipping..


"yah!" he yelled, loud enough to make Onew 'awoken' and look at him.


"uh? did you talk to me?"


"aish~ I'm asking you! Where are you going??"


"AH!I almost forgot! I want to buy some chicken!!! I have to go fast or they will be sold out!" he shouted like crazy and ran to the cafeteria.

"Thanks for the form!! I'll fill it later~!" he thank Key while running and mumbling "chicken, chicken, chicken~"


"yah! Wait! Aish~" Key feel a little annoyed but he smiled.


"why I can fell in love with that dork chicken maniac? Ah~ love is a weird thing" he mumbled.




~Key POV..


"why I can fell in love with that dork chicken maniac? Ah~ love is a weird thing"

But I have to thank the chicken too, without them maybe I'll never get close to him..



12 years ago..


This is my first day in my new class. I mean, new school.. I'm in elementary school now.

Not a kindergarten boy anymore, I thought I was quite a cool boy and the girls might be love me... hahahaa!!!


"Kim Kibum!"

Ah! The teacher call my name to check my presence and I raised my hand.

The whole class turned to see me when I raised my hand, everyone will turned to see anyone whose name was called by the teacher.

I smiled at them when they stared at me..


" Soo Myungki"

"Soo Haneul"

"AH!You two are twins??" my teacher sounded pretty surprised when she got twin students in her class and everyone look at them too..


"yes," they answered while raising their hand, it's so funny to see a girl and a boy with same face..


"Lee jinki"

Theboy who sit in front of me raise his hand, oh~ so his name is LeeJinki..

he's the only one who didn't turn around whenever the teacher called our friends name, he was too busy playing with his pencil case, he kept on playing, open and close. What a weird boy~




Finally the break time come, some kids were playing outside and the others were still in the class eating their meal just like me, and the weird boy named Jinki who was just staring at his meal.

I took my lovely pink lunch box from my bag and opened it,


"WHOA! Umma brought me chicken~"

I shout a little and about to start eating,

but suddenly the boy in front of me turned his head and stared at my meal.


Finally I saw his face, he have a pair of sweet eyes and thick eyebrows plus his plump cheek.

Not bad, he's cute.. BUT I'm cuter than anyone..hahahaaaaa!!!!


I opened my mouth to eat my meal,

but he kept on looking at my food, I couldn't eat while someone stare at me like that.


"Hey! Don't stare at my food~"

I warned him, but he kept on staring at my chicken without saying a word.


"I couldn't eat if you keep on looking at my food like that!"

Ah~ is he deaf? Seems like he didn't hear anything but kept looking at my food..


I looked at him weirdly

"do you want this?" I asked, and he nodded several times.


"but I only have this, if I give this to you I'll be starving.."

he just silent..


"do you like this?"

finally he spoke, and showed me his meal...




"oh~so this is called pasta? I just felt weird with this creamy noodle~ do you want to exchange?"

he asked me to switch our meal, and.. WHAT? He didn't know pasta? He called it creamy noodle?? What the~ errrr.....


"okay, you can have my chicken~"

I gave my meal to him and I got his pasta,

I love pasta~


"really??!!! THANKS!" he took my meal and started to eat happily,

I couldn't see his eyes when he smiled so wide.



*end of flashback*



Since that day, we often exchanged our meals and got even more closer day by day..and we kept going into the same school.. till now..i hope we'll never get apart~


little key... <3 pink.. hahahhaa


little jinki....^^

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