getting apart..

In My Room

Chapter 2



Key POV~


I walked slowly to find him in the cafeteria, It was so crowded making it even more difficult to find him,


“Ah there~” I saw him sitting in the corner while reading the form that I gave him earlier.


“ Jinki,” I called and sat right next to him, he turned his eyes on me.


“ah, want some?” he tried to gave me some of his meal..he was still munching when he asked me that.


“ew.. can you swallow it first? Don’t talk with food on your mouth~” I hit his left arm lightly, he just smiled. I really love his sweet smile,


“have you read it?” I’m pointing at the form.


“yeah, fashion design, graphic design, major of music, ancient art??? Why did u choose this university?” he asked,


“well, you know I love and really want to learn about fashion, this university have a great reputation with their fashion design faculty…” I tried to explain, I really hope that he would be interested in that we can go to the same university.


“ah I see.., but I can’t even draw..” he looked silly when he was confused..that face never failed making me feel like laughing out loud.. hahaa


“I’m not asking you to enter design faculty as well, you have a great talent in music right? You always love to sing~”


“ah, yea… music.. seems fun!” he smiled while looking at me,


“ you, really~ aish! How come I fell in love with a dork like you~”


“because I’m perfect you know?” he smiled so wide that I barely could see his eyes


“oh my god~” I rolled my eyes,


“ erm, but it needs my parents approval right? I’ll ask them first”


“of course, take your time”


*end of POV*




Onew’s home

At night,


Onew went into his dad's study room. It was a big classy room, but for some reason, Onew didn't like it. He saw his dad standing in front of the window, the boy tried to muster up some courage before finally he called out to his dad.



"Hmmh?" the man turned around, Mr. Lee stared at his son for a while before finally he asked, "What is it?" "Here...I took some college application for today.." Onew stopped for a while and showed his dad the papers, "I need your signature here."


The man took the papers from Onew's hands and began to read it. He frowned at first, he read it all over again and yelled at disbelief,

"WHAT IS THIS?" His son was really surprised by it that he lost his voice. Mr. Lee didn't even notice how pale Onew was as he kept on yelling.


"What is this!? What are these supposed to mean??!!"


"It's my college application form?" Onew replied innocently


"I know that! Do you think I'm an idiot!!? Look at this!"


He shoved the papers to Onew's face, Onew tried to read it. It was the section where you choose what's your major will be...and he chose Music.....


"Tell me that you accidentally wrote it there!"


"No dad....I'm..going to major in music...."


Onew stepped back to avoid his dad's anger, it was quite a good move since the man yelled again,

"That's insane! I thought I told you to take Business! Who do you think will run my company if you, my one and only son decided to become a lowly musician!!??"


Onew shut his mouth up as his dad continued on rambling about family company, money and etcetera-etcetera. He really couldn't fight his dad in this matter. His dad had already told him a million times to get into Business major so that he can continue on the family company. Since he was the only child, all of his family's hope were already casted on his shoulders the minute he was born. Onew never liked that fact, he always tried his best to forgot about it....and now it all came around to haunt him again.


"What are you thinking when you fill it up and put it here for me to sign!? Do you even hear what I'm saying??"


"Yes dad...."


"Now you go back there, take another form and fill it up right!"


"But dad...I love music..."


"As a hobby!! You can't live depending on that alone! DO you want to end up like those musical tramps on the streets??"


Onew didn't want to answer it, he know that it would only make his dad got angrier, but the man kept on glaring at him, demanding for an answer....unfortunately, his "Condition" struck again, making him letting out a really stupid answer




Onew's dad finally reached his limit and banged hard at his desk. "ENOUGH! Stop playing around!" The man throw away the papers, Onew tried to collect it all, "I don't want to sign it unless you changed your major. that's the end of it! Now get out!"


Onew said, "Yes." while collecting his forms...then he walked out the study room, leaving his angry dad inside.




*Onew's POV*


I slowly walked straight to my room,

I could still felt my dad's anger around my head.. What else can I do? The only right thing was just obeying him..

hhhh....., kibum-ah.. we can't go together this time.


*end of POV*




He went into his room and closed the door behind him

He let his body fell on to his bed and sighed..

His eyes were staring at the form for a minute before he threw it away and shouted..



He sank his face into his pillow as he shouted, then he took a look around his room with his blank stare..

“okay, business isn't that bad after all.. I'll do it and make my dad proud of me.” he said and smiled.

“I can still go with kibum on the weekend, its easy right? hahaha, I can still meet him.”




the next day, at school..


“yeobo!” Onew shouted to call out his lover when he was about to walk into the school gate..


“ah, yeobo!” Key turned and smiled.

Onew ran to catch Key then grabbed his shoulder, while trying to catch his breath.


“you don't have to run like that..” Key said as he look at him, but he just smiled wide..



They walked together all the way to their class when suddenly Key asked,


“how is it?”


“ah?” Onew just turned his innocent face.


“that form.., did your parents signed it?”


“ah.., u know my dad right?? he refused to sign it..” Onew said as he hung his head lower,

Key could only sighed..


“yea, I know..” key answered,

“He had planned everything in your live...well, you are his only child..just make him happy.” key tried to cheer his lover up,

Onew looked up and smiled,


“Thanks for understanding me..”


“so? What did he told you??”


“I have to run his company, he told me to get into the business major..”


“oh.., so you won't go with me to that university..”


“Don’t worry! We can still meet up on the weekend right? Come on, my dad won't send me abroad.. we’re still nearby~”

Onew said cheerfully while patting Key’s shoulder with both of his hands..

“it’s not a big problem after all” he continued.


Key started to smile at him.


“of course~”




*Onew’s POV*


That’s why, the reason why we got apart..

we go to the different university.

I called him every night just to have a little chat before he go to sleep,

we could only meet each other at the weekend because we’re too busy with our studies and assignments everyday.

So far, I thought our relationship was still going well....



to be continued...



jinki's dad asked him to be a businessman..

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