To Let You Go


Gonna break my traditions, I am writing a three-shot this time!

Characters as follow:

You - has a secret crush on Hyungjun and saved him by chance

Kim Hyung Jun - your lover who let you go

Heo Young Saeng - Hyungjun's friend, became your boyfriend at the end

Kim Hyun Joong - Gang leader, enemy of Hyungjun. Your ex-boyfriend.

Kim Ki Bum - Hyungjun's brother killed by Hyungjun.

Kim Kyu Jong - Hyunjoong's sworn brother, killed by Kibum.


“You can save me once, but you can’t save me twice. That gang has had their eyes on me, and they won’t give up, I don’t want you to get hurt because of me.”  -- Hyungjun.

“He left you in sadness, this shows that he is incapable of giving you happiness, but I can.” -- Youngsaeng.

“I didn’t know how I truly felt, until my heart starts to hurt because of you.” – You.



Haha suddenly remember
Kyujong's song NEVER LET YOU GO,
Hyunjoong's LET ME GO,
Hyungjun's JUST LET IT GO
and Youngsaeng's LET IT GO,
And, my story is called TO LET YOU GO because Hyungjun did so in order to protect you.

I am trying to plan and write more short stories,
Still in the admist of writing, do look forward,
I would appreciate your comments and suggestions ;)
Readers, you know I love you <3 muacks hahahaha.


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Chapter 3: this made me so sad as a hyungjun biased but the storyline is damn beautiful and how they are entangled with each other...

I hope seolhan is happy with saengie now but it would've been fair if she knew about the sacrifice junnie made for him, but not knowing it is more realistic so it is still a good one.... my heart hurtd for hyung jun
Chapter 3: nice story :))
Chapter 3: Waaahhh they thought HyungJun's dead.... made me sad. Atleast Seolhan can be happy with Saengie.

Hmmm.. Thanks for editing the 2nd chapter. I kinda got confused in a part there. Haha.

Chapter 2: Yaaah! Poor Hyung Jun. :((
I don't like Hyun Joong here. He's too evil.
And SeolHan, she should think first if Hyung Jun's words are true or not.
Well,,,,,,, I'll wait for the next chapter.... Wahahhha xD
I like how you followed the boySS song for the title.
The story seems interesting. Please update soon~~