
The Red Ribbon

“That's cute. I didn't know hopeless romantics still even existed.” A chuckle left my lips at his words. The amount of joy I had been feeling these past few days was still a bit foreign. But I definitely welcomed it. The only reason why I was so happy lately was because of, surprisingly enough, my favorite redhead. He had a great personality and he was even funny at times. We were just pretend boyfriends and there was no need for the nightly cell phone calls. But Kiseop wanted to build chemistry, since no one would believe we were together if we were too awkward around each other. I was a bit suspicious of it at first, but now I'm glad I went along with it. It was nice to have someone my age to be close too again.


“Ugh, it's a pain. People either think you're materialistic or old fashioned. And I'm neither of those.”


“Nope, not at all.” I picked up a few things off the floor of my apartment. It was getting late, but I wanted to stay up because Kiseop hadn't gotten home yet. He usually calls me and we laugh about how we are only a few feet from each other, yet we are chatting on phones. But this time I call him first to check on him.


“When are you getting home? We have to talk about our first date.”


“Soon. And we could just discuss it over the phone.”


I shook my head like he could see me. “No I don't think so. It would be much better to just do it in person.”


I smile came to my face when I heard his cheerful laugh. “Eli~ are you just trying to get me alone at your place?”


Heh, he was one to talk. He's practically dragged me into his apartment once before. “I would rather be at yours. It's bigger.” At least it felt like it, but his was also a different set up then mine. When you walk into my apartment, you came straight into the kitchen and his had that hallway and the living space first.


“Honestly just having a date at one of our places sounds so appealing right now, but that's not the point of this.”


“Wait, are you still walking?” I was reaching for my coat without really even thinking about it.


“Heh, yeah. I guess this was a bad time to have my car in the shop...” He gave a nervous chuckle that I saw completely through.


“Let me come get you, where are you?”


“I...oh !” I hear his gasp and a some rustling. And my heart starts to beat from panic.


“Kiseop!” But the line went dead. I slip my coat on, grab my keys and cell phone then slipped on my shoes and ran out the apartment complex. Halfway down to my car I got a text message with an address.   



It didn't take too long for me to find it, thanks to today's phones. But once I got there, I felt a chill run down my spine. With the heavy rain and growling thunder, this seem to be the very last place anyone should be. I was afraid to ask Kiseop why he sent me the address to a cemetery. I stopped my car near the front gate and text him, letting him now I was already here. I pulled the hood of my coat over my head and stepped out. I took a deep breath of the cool, nightly air, seeming to relax just a little. It was okay as long as I didn't look at the grave stones. The rain was calming, but I don't see why the lightning and thunder had to be with it.


Despite being near a cemetery, a few of the neighbor houses were incredibly nice. Most of them were three stories and a few with gates, all with large, lush green yards and bushes of brightly colored flowers decorated the garden's corner. As beautiful as it was, there was no way I could ever live here, even if I got a place for free. Something was just off about living this close to the dead.


“Hurry, get in the car.” I heard a whisper behind me and turned around just to see the person I was looking for. Stepping out of a bush and dusting leaves and dirt off his clothes.




“Just get in!” He was still whispering as he pulled the front door open and took a seat in the passenger side. I took a deep breath and followed his order, but hesitated in starting the car.


“Are you going to tell me what's going on first?”


“No,” he slipped the hood of his sweater over his head and I pushed mine off, “I'll tell you when we get back, let's just get out of here.” He tried to sink low in his seat. I frowned at his odd behavior, but followed his command. I'll just have to force it out of him later.




Except I didn't. He was more cunning than I had originally thought and somehow managed to slip out of his interrogation each and every time. I eventually quit, but besides that our relationship began to grow in a positive light. We started spending each and every minute with each other. We even carpooled in the mornings or sometimes one of us would drop and pick up the other. It made sense to us since we were coming from the same place and going to the same place. But a few of our coworkers started to look deeper into it. Particularly a certain brunette.


“So you went from hating Kiseop to liking him. How long have you two been dating?” The question caught me completely of guard. And I paused in my eating and just stared at him from across the break room table. He gave me a soft expression than glanced down at my food, his smile shifting to a grin. “He even made you lunch. I guess it's pretty serious.”


I glanced down at my food. It was true Kiseop did make it, even after I told him I could cook my own lunch. He insisted. So we made a deal to take turns making each other's lunches for work. It was really just a friendly competition between the two of us. But I wasn't going to admit any of that. Hoon would take it the wrong way. “What makes you think he made this?”


A soft chuckle and a smile came from the brunette. “I've known Kiseop for nearly ten years now. I know how he cooks, though...the neat way everything is arrange is probably the more obvious giveaway.” I could feel my cheeks began to warm and suddenly I was self conscious.


“Wow, that's quite a lot of time knowing someone.” I slid in my statement quickly, in hopes I could change the subject. And it worked.


“It is isn't it? But we just stayed close and our parents were friends.” As he went on and on about his and Kiseop's childhood, I zoned out and starting thinking about our date. Kiseop was stuck on formal and I wanted something more casual. He thinks since we planned this, we should do it right. But I honestly believe that casual was the way to go and it would be a lot less awkward. If only I can find something in between. “And you are not paying any attention...”


“Huh?” I stepped out of my daze when I suddenly heard Hoon's voice. “Oh...sorry.” I glanced downward and poked at my food.


“It's fine.” He poked my hand that was resting on the table. “Tell me~ what's going on between you two? I promise I wont mention a word to Soohyun, though he probably wont care too much.”


I bit the side of my lip nervously. We didn't really go over this. What was I suppose to say? Hoon knows Kiseop well, would he see right through us? Before I could try my best to convince my coworker of my fake love affair, an angel stumbles into the room. In the process he manages to drop a bottle of his favorite drink. The other things in his hand were his cell phone and a small bag with the lunch I made him. I'm sure he did not want to disturb the contents of either of those two things, so the bottle was his best bet. Given the direction he came in, I don't think he saw Hoon. My guess was confirmed not by his actions, but his surprise.


“Oops, dropped something.” He turned around and gave me a full view of his behind, as he bent over to pick up what he had dropped. My face began to burn, I already knew it was red. And something I should not be feeling for another coworker began to stir in my lap. My condition (my face) worsen, when the brunette across from me, melted into a puddle of giggles and laughter, his noises echoing against the surface of the table.


Kiseop's body went rigid and he stood up straight. His hands clenching his things to his chest as he stared wide eyed at his friend. He seemed to be at a lost for words, as was I, and we both just stared at Hoon until he calmed down.


As he wiped away the tears from his eyes, I sat across from him still wondering what was so funny. He grinned at his childhood friend. “So, how long?”


“Um...” Kiseop went ahead and took a seat next to me. “I'm not sure what you mean.” I don't get why he is bothering with trying to play innocent after that act.


“You two. How long have you been doing this? Dating each other. Be happy it's me here and not Soohyun, he would be relentless in his teasing. Oh and Jun. He works here full time now, so he will be seeing you two, Please help preserve his innocence.”


“But it's not like that.” I mumbled, but Kiseop was quick to respond.


He smirked and slipped back into that playful seduction, easily gaining my full attention. “Oh Eli.~” He sang my voice like he loved to do. “Don't be silly. He knows already.” He gave me a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth and all I could hear was my heart pounding in my ears. His gazed turned to his friend, but my eyes were still on him. “Eli and I have been dating for a short while. It was love at first sight.” I turned my attention back to my food, to stop my awkward stare.


A squeal came from the boy in front of me and he hugged himself and wiggled in place. “So cute!” I couldn't help but grin at Hoon's reaction.




After work, we both made our way to my car. Kiseop's was still in the shop and boyfriend or not, I was still going to give him rides. We both got in, but Kiseop hadn't put on his seat belt. He just stared at me with an anxious look on his face and an awkward half smile. “Uh...what's up?”


The smile slid into a shy grin as he looked down at his bag in his lap. “I, uh, have an idea for our date.”


“Alright, what is it?” I started the car, but hadn't bothered to move. I was busy watching him, curious as to why he was so nervous.


“Well see, uh...” He was fidgeting a little, but still explained. “Kevin had gotten tickets for us to a concert like months in advance. Since he and I have went our separate ways, he wanted me to have the tickets, since I'm kind of a fan.” He grinned and pulled said tickets out of his bag. “There's two! And if we get there early, we can get some really good seating! And I thought it would be fun to go with a friend...And after earlier with Hoon I can't ask him! He's going to think we broke up or something.”


I smiled softly at Kiseop and nodded to the tickets. “Whose the artist?”


“Cho Kyuhyun.~ He's like my favorite singer. Ahh! I'm so happy!” He was wiggling in his seat and grinning ear to ear, but I couldn't match his enthusiasm. That was also Jae's favorite artist, but it was unfair for me to feel bitter. I can't help it. Before I could plaster on a fake grin and try to level with Kiseop's excitement, the red head had calmed down and frowned at me. “What's wrong? Are you not a fan?”


“It's not that...” I've been pretty transparent with him this far. “Jaeseop's a fan.”


“Oh...your ex. I'm sorry.” He smiled gently, though it didn't reach his eyes. “Hey, we could do something else. Like a movie or something that's fine.” Now I felt guilty. He obviously wanted to go and I wanted him to go, but it didn't look like he really wanted to go by himself...And I couldn't do that. “I mean it's just one silly concert anyway. It's not a big deal.”


“Let's go.”


“Eli, no.”


“Let's go.” I gave my best look of confidence, even if my stomach was somersaulting. “I want you to have fun and you obviously really want to go to this show. So let's go.” I grinned. “What kind of boyfriend would I be to let you go alone like that?”


“A pretty crappy one.” Kiseop returned my friendly gesture. He settled back in his seat, put away the tickets, and put on his seat belt. I wasn't sure how I was going to survive this concert, but I felt like I had to. Or maybe I just wanted to for Kiseop. I wasn't sure.




I tried my best to resist a yawn, I still couldn't quite match Kiseop's enthusiasm. We had been in line for hours....and I wasn't above taking a short nap. I wouldn't though, and couldn't, not with a screaming redhead right next to my ear.


He was hoping in place, a squeal or two sprouting out of his windpipe in uneven intervals. His hand clenched in fists to his chest. A grin on his visage. For him, this was the concert of the year. I could feel one corner of my lips quirk at the sight of him. I matched his grin, happy he was happy. “You excited Kiseop?” I screamed, just able to hear myself over the chaos of squeaking girls surrounding us. We weren't even inside. Still in line as the time of the concert drew near. He said nothing, just smiled at me and nodded his head. I'm guessing he was at a lost for words. My smile grew. He was cute like this. The line started moving, so he grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him.




The concert had ended somewhere around forty minutes ago, but Kiseop was still going on about it. The lights and the effects. The unison of the fans. The playful in between chatty bits. Of course Kyuhyun's voice. I didn't mind it. Kiseop took most of my attention and I only really thought about Jae once. But once again my neighbor distracted me. I had no clue he could sing.


After the concert Kiseop had stated his lack of nutrition. Too hyped for the concert to eat before hand, so I offered to take him somewhere. I was honestly a bit starved too. And for a similar reason though not the same. We stopped at this small diner like restaurant. It was late enough for it to be only us and a few of the staff. As soon as we sat down, he started again with the excited chatter.


“So.~ Favorite song?”


“Mine?” He gave me a nod and the excited smile stayed present on her face. I gave him an awkward one. Honestly, I didn't really listen to this kind of music like that. It was good from time to time. But if I play dj, it's not something I'm going to put on. It's good though and I did enjoy the concert. “Um...I don't really know any of the names of his songs...”


Kiseop pouted and his brows came together in a worried expression. “Well, we will need to fix that. After we eat, we should go back to my place and listen to some songs, maybe even watch a few mvs.” I smiled and nodded. I loved spending time with my neighbor and welcomed any excuse to extend that spending time.




Finally back at the apartment. We got out and before I could even make it to the building, Kiseop came around the other side, running, and slapped my shoulder. “You're it!” It was nearly midnight. He must still be pretty excited from the concert and the soda at the diner most likely didn't help. He was such a kid at times.


I fast walked, nearly jogged behind him. “It's midnight. People have work in the morning!” I shouted in my loudest whisper. He slowed down a bit, spun on his heel, and stuck his tongue out at me. I blushed and nearly stumbled up the stairs. His laughter rang throughout the building as he increased the distance between us. I frowned at him and decided against running. Yeah I was being lame, but I was tired and it wasn't that far from his apartment. Up a few flights and a few doors down the hallway and we were there. I pretty sure that was where we were headed. I wonder how many videos are we even going to get to watch before I pass out.


Once inside, I let a yawn leave my throat and brought up a hand to cover my mouth. I wanted to whine, but kept my mouth shut because I knew most people were asleep at this hour. Coming up the hallway, I noticed another person before Kiseop. Tall, broad shoulders, and the black of his curly hair heavily contrasted the brightness of Kiseop's red strands.




Suddenly the fun of today felt far away. I don't understand why he is here? Why is he talking with Kiseop? My steps slowed, but I didn't stop, I couldn't stop.


“-need to come home...” His words trailed and his eyes found mine, as I came up behind Kiseop. He looked surprised and even slightly confused to see me. I didn't let his expression make me think any different than the conclusion that I had already come to. He was always such a good liar. “Eli?”


Kiseop turned, his expression matching Jaeseop's. A few double takes and I think he finally figured it out...or maybe he knew this whole time. I took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. I couldn't appear weak, not right now. I stepped away from the red head and stood beside the both of them. My eyes casually shifting from one to the other. “I made a mistake and whatever this is needs to end here. I'm done being apart of your games and I want nothing to do with either of you.” I don't know how steady my voice was. I could only hope for the best. I turned around and walked as fast as I could to my room. I really needed to be away from the both of them. And the weird part about this was that I wasn't even upset seeing Jaeseop. I was upset because the person I was actually starting to fall for didn't like me back. His alliance with my ex made that clear.




Kiseop's pov


Jaeseop quietly closed the door, after forcing me inside. I wanted to talk to Eli. I needed to apologize. Why am I so stupid? How did I not figure out Eli's Jae was this one? That had to be why he acted like that...I just need to talk to him. I need to know if he's okay. Maybe I'll make this apologize to him too. “How come you never told me?” My tone brutal enough to cut the air between us and harsh enough to initiate the blow. I wanted to scream questions and maybe vent my insecurities, but I needed answers first. If Aj was with anyone, I would have known right? I mean, I knew about his stupid mistake that made him disappear around the same time he and Eli split.


Jaeseop stood on the other side of the living room, his stance cool and his hands in his pocket. Out of the two of us, he was always the less emotional one. Mom would say I was just a little more sensitive and that was okay. “Yeah, tell you and have you snitch? You know and I know that you've always had it out for me. You would have loved nothing more than to turn mom and dad against me.”


“My mom. Your dad.” I hated that he still believed we could be some big happy family. He wasn't my brother. “Heh and that's funny.” My smile contradicting my emotions. “I'm pretty sure, you did the same to me. And that's why I'm here and so far away from my mother.” I took steps closer, shortening the distance between us. “You told them about me after I gathered the courage to come out to you.”


“Yes, I did and I'm sorry. But you can go home. If I did something like that father would disown me. Despite you being older, he was always more stern with me. I was his son. I am his son and you were always the innocent one.”


“Okay, whatever.” I stepped back and walked to my couch. This was not the day I wanted to have. “Why are you even here?”


“Dad's sick. Mom's not leaving his side, so I'm here. Honestly, I wouldn't have bothered, but you would regret it if your last words to him were ' you'.”


I bit my lip, feeling embarrassed. But I was kicked out and scared. “You remember that.”


“He does.” Jaeseop shifted a little where he stood and stayed standing. “You need to come. He misses you. And you're an adult Kiseop. Adults tolerate people they hate, even if it is briefly. You tolerate them and say whatever you want behind their back. The point is to not create a scene and cause tension.”


“He hates me. What I am, how I was born, is something he literally hates. And I am just suppose to tolerate that? Did he ever know about you and Eli?”




“Then you should know the reason why I can't just tolerate him.” A tense silence passed between us and I almost kicked him out. But he wasn't done dealing blows.


“...Mom wants you there.” And of course he says that. Jaeseop knew very well how much I hated disappointing my mother. Fortunately, I still spoke to her after what happened. Every week, like clock work. I wanted to tell her about my favorite neighbor, but haven't out of fear of Jae's dad finding out. I didn't need him finding me too.


“If I go, will you do something for me?”


“Do I have too?”


“Yes. Yes, you do.” I got to my feet and stood tall, as I confessed proudly. “It's important to someone I really care about.” There was no way I wasn't getting something out of this.


That made him a brow of interest. “What is it?”


“Apologize to Eli. Talk to him and explain what happened. Give him closure.”


“Heh. That's the person you care about? You know he's just going to avoid you now right?”




“That's how he is! He doesn't call or check in! He just drops off the face of the earth...and expects you to just move on.”


Jaeseop was biting his lip and his gaze was to the ground. For the first time in all the years I've known him, I've never seen him this unsure. I stepped forward, but this time not while in an angry state. “He's not the only one who needs closure.”


He glared at me, but I didn't step down. “Why do you care? Really?”


Because I...care. But was it not obvious in the way I vie for his attention. The way I spend all my time around him...thinking about him. How I'm open with him. How he makes me smile so easily. I hated him...I tolerated him and now... “I love him. That's why I care.”


Jaeseop smiled softly at me, surprising me with the expression. For a minute, with the way he spoke about him, I thought he might still have feelings. I was more than willingly to compete against him. Looks like I wont need too. “I'll talk to him and you visit dad, deal?”


“Deal.” And we shook on it, like responsible adults. 

Only one more to go~

Thank you for your attention to my story x3

See you all in the next one~ 

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2 chapters left and the next one is halfway through. I should be done in a week's time


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inbetweenElseop #1
Wow its been a year since your last post and almost a year since I last read it.. I hardly get on the site much and I wonder if you do too with other stories. Was hoping you posted the ending but I see that ukiss writers I followed have lost inspiration, it's a shame because you are all so wonderful at writing :)
inbetweenElseop #2
Chapter 4: just finished re-reading the story and now I'm anxious. I want to ask when the final ch will be posted YET I don't cause I don't want to stop reading this cute Elseop lol. In general it's a good storyline no matter what members are in it XD
Elihela1 #3
Chapter 4: Love it ^^
inbetweenElseop #4
Chapter 4: ugh no cliffhanger at this moment!! lol aww and one more ch. This was a wonderful chapter and your story telling so good that I didn't see this type of ending with everything that lead to it.

Poor Eli though, heartbroken again after a lovely day, can't wait to see how it ends. Your story updating has encouraged me to stop being lazy and start reading (re-reading) Elseop again, esp this one from beg. to end ^^ thx
Chapter 3: My heart hurts for Eli. Unrequited love .
inbetweenElseop #6
Chapter 3: with this new chapter you've backed up my thoughts that Elseop are still worth reading even w the Eli situation ^_~ This is the 1st new Elseop i've read since his news and it was a beautiful chapter that had me excited as to what was going to happen next paragraph lol and I like where it's headed.

can't wait to read the new fake boyfriend story line twist! thank you for continuing the story \(^3^)/
Chapter 2: Thank you~ *-* I missed Elseop and I needed it so so much.
Revenge is never good Seoppie~ Let's see how this works out
Chapter 1: Just yesterday I was thinking of this story and today it's updated?! Omg! That chapter was so cute! It had a melancholic note too underlining which was so beautiful and their interaction was sweet and funny and jdjsjsjsjs I want moree ♥♥
inbetweenElseop #9
Chapter 2: let me hug you for updating this wonderful Elseop story and for making it two days in a row that I read new elseop :"(

I like that Kiseop's demeanor towards Eli changed when he shared his story but now he wants to use him for revenge-bad move Eli if you accept but he risks losing any friendship and chance with him if he rejects him. hmmm, looking forward to what's next!
inbetweenElseop #10
something happened to me that made me think of this story! aww I see it hasn't been updated in a while :( crossing my fingers for a chapter 2? plot has so much potential