String of Fate

The Red Ribbon

Eli's pov


I bit his lip and frowned at the road ahead of me. A thick fog handicapped my sight and I couldn't speed my way home or my mother's house. I had been living there after I separated from my last boyfriend. Yup, the last. Relationships beckoned you into their moist, warmth, gnawed at your bones and flesh for as long as they could keep you, then spit you out. Leaving you with marks to cover. Limbs to sew back together. Relationships were just draining and I was sick and tired of putting so much of myself into something and never getting anything in return. I want to be loved...But I don't want to hurt anymore. With a sigh, I continued this slow drive through the fog, hoping to return the groceries my parents had requested me to retrieve.  




Back home, I realized I was alone. My parents left a note stating they were going to a sort of gathering with some of their friends. It was weird, but kinda sweet how they had been together for so many years and still went out on dates or just be around some of their other loved ones. Another sigh left my lips. Something that was becoming normal as of late.


After putting away the groceries, it was time for a nap. I still had a bit of packing to do, but with the weather lately, it probably wont be very smart to move until the fog clears. It was nice. I would be living on my own again. My parents were sweet, but I was a grown man. I needed my space and I needed to live my life again. But there was no rush to get to the new apartment.  


It seemed to take forever to fall asleep.  


But when I did, most of the fog had gone away and the sun was in it's place, shining through a few clouds. Rubbing my eyes, I reached for my phone on the bedside dresser and checked the time. It was already the next morning! I slept well over twelve hours...Something I hadn't done in a long time. It was a bad idea too, my head was pounding.  


Slowly slipping out of bed, I changed my clothes and started my routine. I could finish packing and leave today. With the other noises within the house, I went ahead and assumed my parents were in the kitchen.


“Morning Sleepyhead~”


I couldn't hold back my smile at the sound of my mother's sing song voice. She loved mornings, where as I was quite like my father in the morning, half awake. Might be why I assumed the thing on my finger was just some weird scar I forgot I had gotten. I took a seat on the opposite side of the dining room table, from my parents. Food was placed on the table and once I looked up, I noticed my parent's had the same 'scar.'


No...not a scar. It was a blood red string, tightly secure to my mother's pinky finger, by a nearly invisible knot. The other end of that string was tightly secured to my father's pinky finger. I was going to ask them about it, but...the string...the string went through the table...It happened when my mother stood to get the pot for tea. The string seem to stretch, something incredibly abnormal.


I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was just still tired, maybe dreaming. But everything felt so surreal.


“Hun, you alright?”


“Mm? Oh. I'm fine. Just...nothing. Thank you for the food mom.” I went ahead and ate, not really paying much attention to the dining table's conversation. Too focused on the odd string dangling between my parent's hands and the one twitching left and right on my own hand. Whoever was on the other side probably moving about...


Is that what I think this is? But that sort of thing is impossible.


I had given up on love, right after my nasty break up with Jae. I just knew it was something that was never for me. I was young true, still in my early twenties, but I've known Jae since we were kids, we had been dating since junior high. Eight years and for that whole time I was simply used. I should stop dwelling on it. I was starting to feel a wetness at the rim of my eyes. The moment my mother notices, she's going to call this whole thing off. I need my own life, my privacy, and something of a social life as well.  


“Thanks.” I jumped to my feet and gave a short bow as apology, for my abrupt leaving. “I have to finish packing.” I left to my room before anyone could convince me to stay. Inside, I hopped on my laptop and started searching the web. I knew the folktale, but has anyone ever actually seen the string before?


A few hours later, I realized this search was going nowhere. No one had ever experienced anything remotely similar, and those that do see things seem to get bashed relentlessly on their beliefs and questioned about their health. “This is why I stay far away from internet forums.” I went back to my packing, deciding on forgetting the entire thing. Maybe mom and dad were doing something special for one of their clubs or something. I don't know.




I had too many bags on me, but I really only wanted to take a few trips. Get inside and sleep some more. I was probably stuck in some odd dream anyway. Tch, probably still asleep in my parents house. Sleeping would be nice. It would take me away from this miserable ache in my gut, this longing in my heart.  


I had finally gotten everything inside and I was on my last trip, but before I could close the door, I hear yelling.  


“Well screw you too! You've been so mean and just...mean! I hope you fall and never get up!” It was kinda of a stupid move, but I found myself poking my head out from behind the door of my apartment. My eyes landed on a fiery redhead who was screaming a slew of profanities. It wasn't difficult to pinpoint who those swear words were directed too. A tall brunette with white stuff all in his hair, was making his way down the hall towards the elevator, ignoring everything that was coming from the redhead's mouth. My eyes followed him until he disappeared. When he was gone, I felt someone looking at me. I knew who it was already, but instead of ducking inside like any sensible person would, I turned to met his eye. His glare said it all, but he spoke anyway. “You should stay out of other people's business!” He practically screamed at me, before slamming his door shut, causing it to rattle against it's hinges. I found myself jumping from the sound.  


Quietly closing my own door, I turned my back against it and let my body slide to the ground, until I was sitting. I was already regretting my decision to move here, not even ten minutes within the building. I ran a hand down my face and let a sign pass from my lips. My eyes flickered opened to stare once again at the deep blood red string. And it certainly was the color of blood...


The story of a young boy who met his soulmate, led there by Yuè Xià Lǎo. He marks her, by striking her with a rock. He meets her again, and arranged marriage set up by his parents. 


I was never one to believe in folktales. I wasn't even polytheist. A god for this and a goddess for that just seemed confusing. Yuè Xià Lǎo telling me something?


“Ugh!” I hopped to my feet and decided it was time to unpack. I had work tomorrow, at a new job and I did not need to be messing around with boxes later. 




Stuff was everywhere, but I got most of it put away when I heard the doorbell ring. I was biting my lip. Who was here? I had no friends, losing all of them because my split with Jae and my parents would call first before they show up. Maybe a nice neighbor?


I walked to the door, answering it before looking through the peep hold provided. The cheerful smile I had to greet who I thought would be a total stranger, vanished the moment my eyes landed into deep brown ones. Ones that shot me death glares just earlier. It wasn't helping that he was taller than me, by just a bit, but it was there. He didn't look this tall from a distance. “Um...”


“” He couldn't meet my eyes, and he pushed something towards me. In his hands was a small, pink box, with some sort of cartoon like teddy bear prancing around on its surface. This bear coupled with friends and sweets of their own. I had already figured what was in the box, but I asked anyway.


“A cake?”


That glare was back and I suddenly regretted asking. “I'm trying to be nice. Eat it or throw it away I don't care, but take it.” He pressed it in my hand and this time I was forced to take it, otherwise it would fall. It looked like it was from one of those fancy, ridiculously expensive shops, it was probably good. And hey, now I have food. 


“Goodness.” My eyes met the rude stranger still at my door. He was running his hands through his longish, bright hair, and that's when I noticed it. A red thread tied around his smallest finger. I followed the length of it with my eyes. My heart's beat seem to pound in my ears, a cold sweat formed on my hair line, and my voice was caught in my throat. I looked at the tall stranger again. This could not be happening...


“What?” He looked pissed again and even if I wanted to say something, my voice was betraying me. “I was going to ask your name, but you know what never mind. You are weird and I would rather not see you again.” And with that he simply turned and walked away, leaving me to seep silently in my own state of shock.


Honestly, I would rather have my soul mate be my cheating ex.



Yay it is finally uploaded~

I've had this chapter sitting around for about a month now. I just needed to finish the last part.

The story was orginally going to be a one shot, but I decided to extend it a couple more chapters instead.

And I changed the time between Eli's last breakup to now, to a year, instead of two.

Sorry if this chapter is a little slow.

I'm a tad bit terrible at writing first chapters xD

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys it x3

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2 chapters left and the next one is halfway through. I should be done in a week's time


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inbetweenElseop #1
Wow its been a year since your last post and almost a year since I last read it.. I hardly get on the site much and I wonder if you do too with other stories. Was hoping you posted the ending but I see that ukiss writers I followed have lost inspiration, it's a shame because you are all so wonderful at writing :)
inbetweenElseop #2
Chapter 4: just finished re-reading the story and now I'm anxious. I want to ask when the final ch will be posted YET I don't cause I don't want to stop reading this cute Elseop lol. In general it's a good storyline no matter what members are in it XD
Elihela1 #3
Chapter 4: Love it ^^
inbetweenElseop #4
Chapter 4: ugh no cliffhanger at this moment!! lol aww and one more ch. This was a wonderful chapter and your story telling so good that I didn't see this type of ending with everything that lead to it.

Poor Eli though, heartbroken again after a lovely day, can't wait to see how it ends. Your story updating has encouraged me to stop being lazy and start reading (re-reading) Elseop again, esp this one from beg. to end ^^ thx
Chapter 3: My heart hurts for Eli. Unrequited love .
inbetweenElseop #6
Chapter 3: with this new chapter you've backed up my thoughts that Elseop are still worth reading even w the Eli situation ^_~ This is the 1st new Elseop i've read since his news and it was a beautiful chapter that had me excited as to what was going to happen next paragraph lol and I like where it's headed.

can't wait to read the new fake boyfriend story line twist! thank you for continuing the story \(^3^)/
Chapter 2: Thank you~ *-* I missed Elseop and I needed it so so much.
Revenge is never good Seoppie~ Let's see how this works out
Chapter 1: Just yesterday I was thinking of this story and today it's updated?! Omg! That chapter was so cute! It had a melancholic note too underlining which was so beautiful and their interaction was sweet and funny and jdjsjsjsjs I want moree ♥♥
inbetweenElseop #9
Chapter 2: let me hug you for updating this wonderful Elseop story and for making it two days in a row that I read new elseop :"(

I like that Kiseop's demeanor towards Eli changed when he shared his story but now he wants to use him for revenge-bad move Eli if you accept but he risks losing any friendship and chance with him if he rejects him. hmmm, looking forward to what's next!
inbetweenElseop #10
something happened to me that made me think of this story! aww I see it hasn't been updated in a while :( crossing my fingers for a chapter 2? plot has so much potential