
The Red Ribbon



Eli's pov


My eyes fell on the cake once more. It's cute, pink box. Looking at it, I realized that I hadn't had anything to eat besides breakfast at my ma's house this morning. Sitting it on the counter of my small apartment kitchen, I went ahead and opened the box. The corners of my lips seem to droop in a frown. Of course. I personally didn't expect the whole cake to be here in the first place, but at least cut neatly were the missing piece would be. But no, a large chunk of the top was missing. Like someone had just dug their hands in it. I guess now I know what was in the brunette's hair. Cake icing. I wonder what he did to deserve that.


A sigh left my lips again and I glanced down at the red thread attached to my littlest finger. It was twitching left and right. It was getting late and he was still up. Part of me considered returning the cake, but soulmate or not, I really didn't want to deal with him right now. Giving a quick shrug, I tossed the dessert in the fridge. I have work tomorrow, I'll just eat something in the morning.




“And that's everything. Working in a bookstore is almost like working in a library I think. Except you don't have to be as quiet. And your lucky.” The brunette nudged me a bit with his elbow. “You get to work in the music section. It's fun over there. I wanted to go but when I applied they needed someone at the cashier registers at the front, so I-”


“Hoonie~!” A high sing sang voice rang throughout the nearly empty store. It was too early. Shaking my head and groaning as quietly as possible, I looked up to see who the hell had this much energy at this time of the day. My eyes met with a familiar gaze. Oh god...


I'm thinking he hadn't really noticed me yet, because his face still sported a smile. He was cute when he smiled. He looked much better without the bad attitude. But soon that smile vanished completely and I was greeted with that same glare from yesterday.What are you doing here?” The red head's brows drew together and he looked thoroughly pissed.


I didn't like this. Being hated for no reason, but I hadn't the slightest clue to get him to stop.


“Oh.” Hoon looked between the two of us. “You two know each other?”


The red head continued his fiery stare in my direction. “Unfortunately, he's the creep I called you about Hoon.”


Alright, this is enough. But before I could even say anything, the rude stranger his heel and began to walk away from us. “I'm clocking in.” I mimicked his glare and aimed at his back.


But my latest resolve ended just as quickly as it began. “Is he always like that?” My gaze soften as I looked towards Hoon.


“No not really. Believe me, Kiseop is actually really kind. He just has some things going on right now.”


I knew it was rude to gossip about other coworkers, but I was curious. “Like...what?”


Hoon gave me a sad smile and led me through the aisles of books. I guess he wasn't going to tell me, but that was okay. I shouldn't be asking him anyway. I should be asking someone else. Suddenly I felt the need to try to better understand the red head a bit more, instead of assuming he was just bitter for no reason.




I didn't get a chance to speak to my neighbor until lunch. He was close all day though, having the children's section to watch over. And we just happen to take lunch together. This whole running into each other was something only I got and he didn't, so I planned to try my best at being understanding.


Kiseop was looking at his phone when I came in into the small break room, so he didn't notice me at first. He had his phone in his hands and strawberry juice just a couple inches away from him, the bottle sitting on the plastic table. I was in the same boat he was. After running a bit late, I only got to grab some tea at the store. And I still haven't touch that cake he gave me...I think I can survive the next four hours. I would have to do some proper shopping soon.


I took a seat across the red head and the moment I pulled out the plastic chair, his brown eyes looked up at me. He said nothing and stared back at his phone. It was obvious now, he was reading something.


“Um, hello Kiseop.” I needed to get this over with. My heart was beating against my chest to loud and I tried to keep my eyes focused on him, but all I noticed was the red string dangling from his finger. It's length laid against the table and it's end connected with my hand. A silent connection that was invisible to everyone else but me. Why Kiseop?...Why me?


“Hello Eli.” He put his phone down and took a sip from his juice. His eyes trained on me. He hadn't glanced down at my name tag, I'm assuming he noticed it during our encounter earlier. God he was beautiful. And even though his lips were unreal, his eyes are what really stole my attention. His gaze was heavy with raw emotion and I found myself trying to figure out if he looked at everyone that way. “We work together. We should try not to be at each others throat.”


He was the one with the main issue, but I didn't want to fight. He has been here longer than I have. They will let me go first, if there were any problems between us. “Yeah.” I took a sip from my tea and an awkward silence filled the air between us. This was going to be hard, especially since I only half wanted it. If I never pursued my supposed soulmate, would that really change much of anything? I was already still set on being alone for the rest of my life. With that silence still lingering, I chugged my tea and took the rest of my lunch outside.




I really wished this apartment complex had an elevator. For another time, I found my arms filled with too many items, as I carried everything to my apartment. But hey, now I had food. Plenty to last me quite awhile. I was just itching to start cooking again. I gave that up after my break up with Jae.


“Kevin, why do you keep doing this?” The voice sounded strained, but it was definitely loud enough to be heard outside of Kiseop's door. The apartment complex had several entrances and exits. But my first day here, I had went around the long way trying to find my apartment. Turns out the quickest way through here and to the parking lot was past Kiseop's door.


He was upset with someone again and I knew my best bet was to get out of the way. No more being nosy. His door suddenly opened as I came up to it and a tall brunette stepped out. The same one from yesterday. Missing the cake icing in his hair. He glanced my way, his look still deadly from whatever confrontation he had with Kiseop. But he said nothing to me and kept going, closing the door behind him. I paused, and listening quietly, I swore I heard sobbing on the other side of that door. Not planning on dwelling on it, I quietly made my way to my door only a few feet away. I really didn't want a repeat of yesterday. If he yelled at me again, I would probably just avoid him completely and ignore the red string still attached to my finger.


I was cursing myself for being so much food at one time. It was taking awhile for me to get the door opened. I heard a click, knowing it wasn't from my door I didn't bother to turn around. I braced myself for his needless attack, but heard nothing besides another click. It was strange, but I didn't care, I got my door open and myself inside without a backwards glance.




Hours had passed and I couldn't seem to focus any of my energy on a single task. Besides barely eating anything for the past day in half, it felt as if my stomach was in my chest and anything I ate would just come right back up. I couldn't finish unpacking, because I found myself pacing the room every five minutes. My attention kept going to the string on my hand, unlike me, he wasn't moving. Maybe he was asleep. I know he hates me, but I couldn't help it.




I knocked three times and rung his doorbell twice. I was seriously about to leave this time, but his door slowly opened. “Kiseop...” The look he gave me was enough to convince me, that my coming here was needed. His eyes were red. He had been crying. And with the way his shoulders slouched, his head dipped, and his brows furrowed...he looked defeated. If we were friends, I would hug him but, things were still pretty awkward between us.


My lips curled into a gentle smile and I passed him a bottle of that strawberry juice he had earlier. I kinda picked it up without realizing I had until I checked out. I decided to just keep it. Good thing I did too.


He took the bottle hesitantly, the tips of his long fingers brushing against mine. He said nothing and went back inside, but left the door opened. I wasn't sure if I wanted to come in yet, we were still strangers to one another. But...maybe this was an opportunity to start a new. Maybe Kiseop could be a new friend. I wasn't going to get my hopes up for it though. I'm thinking this guy was one of those with a hot and cold persona, and just someone I should be careful around.


I stepped in and slowly closed the door behind me. With the boxes and items all over the floor in my own apartment, Kiseop's was the exact opposite. Everything was immaculate, perfect to the touch. I felt like I was in one of those model homes. I was only in the hall, but the floor was spotless, and the picture frames, of landscapes and people, that hung on the wall were straight and dustless. I paused and smile at a picture of Kiseop and Hoon at the beach. The redhead wearing a floppy hat and sporting that gorgeous smile I've only been graced with once.


I kept going, stepping out of the hallway and into the bigger space of the living room. The kitchen was at the far wall and Kiseop was in the fridge. “You can sit on the couch.” I followed his silent suggestion. I was slightly nervous though sitting on the perfect black sofa, it's lilac pillows set perfectly with equal amounts of space between each. And the light color contrasting the dark seating.


The one thing I got from Kiseop straight away, that I hadn't noticed at first. He was picky. And now I wondered what would happen if your soulmate doesn't like you.


The tall red head sat next to me on the sofa. He placed a bottle of water in front of himself and a can of that tea I had earlier, in front of me. That wasn't exactly something I was expecting. He left the door opened and offered me a drink without asking. I guess he wanted me to stay. “Eli can I unload on you for a second?” I hadn't said a word besides his name, since I've been here. And I wasn't really trusting my voice so speak. I didn't quite feel comfortable in his presence, despite the fact that I brought myself here. I just didn't feel right knowing someone I was suppose to be close with was crying and dealing with someone obviously stressful by himself. Was I too nice? Is that why it was so easy for Jae to use me and for so long? I nodded, granting him permission.


“That boy you say yesterday and today is my boyfriend...or sort of.” He leaned back in his seat and ran a hand through his bright hair. I couldn't help but follow the thread. It stood out bright against Kiseop's colored strands. “His name's Kevin and we've been together for six years.” I was tempted to stop him and ask him what this had to do with me. I was getting more uncomfortable by the minute. I was already on the edge of my seat. The moment he got mad I was leaving. “...He's been cheating on me for six years.” I felt my heart skip a beat. It sounded like my own story. “I know I'm out of love with him, but I can't let him go. He's the only one I've ever given my heart too.” And there it was. I watched his face and he watched me. His hand in his lap and his lean body slouched against the couch. He was beautiful. He really was. But I found myself focused on the look in his eyes. He wanted my advice and this was how he was going to ask for it. Did he have any clue how much his story mirrored my own?


“If you dump him, it's going to hurt.” The words left me before I could stop them and my body felt numb. I had to be numb. Those days that followed after I gathered the courage to split with Jae. It hurt so damn much. I thought I was in pieces. Most of my early years of discovering who I was, was spent with Jae. My everyday revolved around him. And even if Kiseop's relationship wasn't as long as mine, it was close. “But you have to do it because, you have to realized that you deserve better than that.”


“You think I deserve better than Kevin?” He wasn't mocking me, he seemed genuinely curious.


“I don't know you. But I know, no one deserves to be cheated on.” Are we done? I really wanted to go. He was still leaning back and thinking. He sat up and nodded. And smiled at me, without really thinking I returned the gesture.


“Thank you.”




I was dead tired when I got back into my apartment. I wanted to just sleep, but I knew I had to at least put something in my stomach. I frowned at the cake in my fridge. I didn't know Kevin and I didn't really want any of Kiseop's rejected gifts. The whole time I was at the red head's apartment I was expecting him to randomly blow up on me. He didn't though, so I guess I could be grateful, but I hated being on edge around people like that. My phone rang and I already knew who it was. I ended up giving him my number too. “Hey.”


“Hi, Eli.~” He practically sang my name and didn't really want to admit, it brought a small smile to my face. “I was wondering if you could help me with something?” I took the cake out of the fridge and dumped it in the trash, planning to take that out in the morning.


“Yeah what do you need?” I pulled out a store bought parfait, figuring I shouldn't eat anything too heavy before bed.


“Um...this is a little weird to ask, but I want to get revenge on Kevin. I was thinking, maybe...” I had stopped rummaging through a box for a spoon. He wanted revenge and that was never good. “Could you be my boyfriend?”


So I was going to make this chapter longer, but I felt this was the best place to end it

And I'm so excited I already have plans for the next chapter!

But yeah there will probably only be two more chapters of this story before it ends.

Thank you for the attention to this story~

Expect a new update before the end of the year~ x3


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2 chapters left and the next one is halfway through. I should be done in a week's time


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inbetweenElseop #1
Wow its been a year since your last post and almost a year since I last read it.. I hardly get on the site much and I wonder if you do too with other stories. Was hoping you posted the ending but I see that ukiss writers I followed have lost inspiration, it's a shame because you are all so wonderful at writing :)
inbetweenElseop #2
Chapter 4: just finished re-reading the story and now I'm anxious. I want to ask when the final ch will be posted YET I don't cause I don't want to stop reading this cute Elseop lol. In general it's a good storyline no matter what members are in it XD
Elihela1 #3
Chapter 4: Love it ^^
inbetweenElseop #4
Chapter 4: ugh no cliffhanger at this moment!! lol aww and one more ch. This was a wonderful chapter and your story telling so good that I didn't see this type of ending with everything that lead to it.

Poor Eli though, heartbroken again after a lovely day, can't wait to see how it ends. Your story updating has encouraged me to stop being lazy and start reading (re-reading) Elseop again, esp this one from beg. to end ^^ thx
Chapter 3: My heart hurts for Eli. Unrequited love .
inbetweenElseop #6
Chapter 3: with this new chapter you've backed up my thoughts that Elseop are still worth reading even w the Eli situation ^_~ This is the 1st new Elseop i've read since his news and it was a beautiful chapter that had me excited as to what was going to happen next paragraph lol and I like where it's headed.

can't wait to read the new fake boyfriend story line twist! thank you for continuing the story \(^3^)/
Chapter 2: Thank you~ *-* I missed Elseop and I needed it so so much.
Revenge is never good Seoppie~ Let's see how this works out
Chapter 1: Just yesterday I was thinking of this story and today it's updated?! Omg! That chapter was so cute! It had a melancholic note too underlining which was so beautiful and their interaction was sweet and funny and jdjsjsjsjs I want moree ♥♥
inbetweenElseop #9
Chapter 2: let me hug you for updating this wonderful Elseop story and for making it two days in a row that I read new elseop :"(

I like that Kiseop's demeanor towards Eli changed when he shared his story but now he wants to use him for revenge-bad move Eli if you accept but he risks losing any friendship and chance with him if he rejects him. hmmm, looking forward to what's next!
inbetweenElseop #10
something happened to me that made me think of this story! aww I see it hasn't been updated in a while :( crossing my fingers for a chapter 2? plot has so much potential