Chapter 5

Messed Up . GD&CL;


'Ok . Fine . So maybe just maybe ... I still like Jiyong oppa , just maybe alright ! Don't give me that dirty look ! I'm your omma ! ' CL confessed to tamtam . Tamtam as dead and unreal as he is , sat there , without a motion. "Aish!' CL said as she ruffled her hair , she for once hope that tamtam is real , for once she just need some advice , some guidance . Some whatever , whatever . She going crazy at this rate , all thanks to the almighty Kwon Jiyong , she convinced herself 1 year ago that she no longer love him , no longer had the flutters for him but last night , last night when she was in his bed , everything felt perfect , it's as if she felt in love all over again . That morning was beautiful , everything seems so calm and peaceful with him by herself , as if nothing else matters. "Stop it lee chae rin ! " CL said as she attempted to knock the contents out of her head by banging it , she was stopped by a sudden & unexpected ringtone , Jaejoong called .
" Oh oppa hi . " CL said sheeply , as if suddenly gulity for something , well she ought to be after she susposedly " helped " GD . " Hmm , just wondering if you want to go out ? Perhaps ? To the our own secret place ? kekeke , i miss you . " JJ said from the other line . Ah , how she miss this voice , CL thought . so smoothing , almost like a lullby . " Hmm , but i cant make it this week , i've pratice , how about 2 weeks from now ? " CL negotiate. " Ok then , miss you . Text me alright . Love you . " JJ said as he hang his phone . "Ah , what had i got myself into , CL asked herself as she laid down on her bed that night .
* One night at the recording studio *
"OPPA ! " CL shouted into Jiyong's ear . "AISH NUGU ! " GD shouted ,wanting to lash out at the annoying person only to recieve CL ageyo puppy eyes . He couldnt help but smile , how can i be so inlove with this women . " What do you want ? " GD asked , faking a annoyed attitude . " Come on oppa , dont tell me you're angry , i bought your  favourite food ! " CL said , " AND OUR BABY ! " she exlaimed as she hold on to Gaho , that poor dog . " Gaho baby , is mummy giving you a hard time ? " GD said , apologising to his dog , " I'm sorry , daddy is busy with work , i swear i'll take you back as soon as possible and get you away from your SCARY mummy " . "YAH ! KWON JI YONG . WHO"RE YOU CALLING SCARY ! YOU'LL TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN DOG FROM NOW ON , BYEBYE ! " CL said , as she attempted to leave only to be caught by hand , the next thing she knew , the owner of that hand kissed her , it was soft at first , then it slowly become something more passionate and strong . Next thing they knew , they were heatly making out in the recording studio only to be stopped by a wimpering Gaho , gazing at his parents . " Ah , miahae , baby . " GD said as he scopped him up and giving CL sometime to recovering herself . GD than turn around smile at her , almost teasing her . CL had decided from that moment that she will be GD's forever , she'll break up with JaeJoong . She will , she promised , full of determination .  
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cl_jiD #1
oh thank you:))) i love this story as well:))))
JaeYing #2
@cl_jiD no worries ! She'll be GD soon enough ~ kekeke . Btw it's a great honour for you to comment on my story , i love your "Addicting coffee" fanfic ! ^~^
cl_jiD #3
I have a bad feeling this might be tragic..... cause if she's happy with jaejoong now then how about jiyong??? I don't like tragic stories though.... that was a very bad decision on yg's part.... asking a girl with a boyfriend to fill up her best friends needs:((( i don't like her for jaejoong><