Me - You= Heartbreak

High School Never Ends
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"Good Morning class." Kyuhyun says

"Good Morning Cho-seong sang nim! Stand up! Attention! Bow!"

"Good Morning!" The class shouts cheerfully

"Sit down!" Hyun-woo instructs

"Okay today..."

"Cho-seon sang nim?"

"Yes Ha-eun?"

"Are you sad today?"

"Yes, I am, thank you for being observant."

"What's wrong Seongsangnim?"

"It's nothing, now today..."

"Did the date with Lee-seong sang nim not go well?"

"I said that's enough! Everyone turn to page 394 in your math books, now!" Kyuhyun commands and everyone is dead silent for the rest of the hour. "Okay class, before I give you homework, I was asked by the administration to give this letter to you to give to your parents."

"Attention Parents, recently there's been a problem with some staff and their interpersonal relationships here at school. The offending teachers, have fixed the conflict and will be fine now.

Thank You,

Schoolmaster Choi Siwon"

"What kind of crap is this?"

"Recently, a student spotted me on a date with another teacher here at this school and put it onto a social media site. It was a violation of that teacher's and my contract, so that teacher and I have decieded for the best to not date each other anymore."

"What?! That's bull!" Various students shout out 

"Enough! Now, I don't blame whoever put that photo on social media for anything, however I'm disappointed at your language right now. This was our choice, please respect that. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Seongsangnim."

"Good, now please be respectful to your other teachers for the rest of the day. I have to go now. Your homework is page 394 since we didn't get to it in class. Your next teacher is here."

"We're sorry Cho-seong sang nim." Ha-eun says, standing up

"It's not your fault, we should have been more discreet. Hi Sungmin."

"Hi Kyuhyun." Sungmin says with a rigid formality

"Lee-seong sang nim, we're sorry." Hyun-woo says

"It's fine, it wasn't really important anyway. So please pass in your homework."

"Lee-seong sang nim, why did you two break up. You two looked so happy together."

"It was the administration's decision, we will not talk anymore on this subject. Understood?"

"Why should the admins deciede if you can love someone or not?!" Ha-eun shouts

"That's enough! Now, if you don't follow my orders, I'll send you down to the principal's office! Now pass me your homework!"

"No." Hyun-woo says, standing up with Ha-eun

"Hyun-woo you too?"

"You deserve to be happy,

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good job author-nim
pookieberrie #2
great job author-nin
babyminhyun #3
woaaa, teacherKyu and teacherMin!
Chapter 16: OMG !!!!!! That was a GREAT story. Thankyu author-nim
Chapter 16: Just gonna start reading XDDD
Goodluck to me. ^_^ But from what I've read in Foreword, I'm sure that this is a great fic :3
bohyemi #6
Chapter 16: So good! Ehehhee
zuttoo #7
Chapter 16: cute ending..i lige your style of writing authornim..thanks and im looking forward to your other kyumin fics.
elmokyu #8
Chapter 16: Great fic and I love the ending! ehem...3rd one huh.. but to make a classroom, they need more than 3!! keekee
Thanks for sharing this fic...!
Take care!
kyumin99 #9
Chapter 16: Finally this fic is completed!! LOVE THIS FIC
Chapter 15: wow Min is pregnant ; )
great updates !,