The Green Light: Epilogue

High School Never Ends
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"Welcome Class of 2014" The banner above the gym says as the people who graduated from Neul Paran ten years ago, enter and reminisce with former classmates or just people within their year. Now, most people, if they had children left them at home with a babysitter, or with grandparents but this couple was special. They knew that their former students would want to see what had happened to them, inquire about their two, perfect children.

"Dad... I'm bored." The couple's son says as he reaches for a toy in one of his father's hands

"Be patient, it's only a few more minutes."

"But dad!! I'm bored!" The kid pouts

"Kyuhyun! Do you want me to play with you, Hyun-ki?"

"Yes..." Hyun-ki says, looking shyly on the floor

"Okay, Kyu hand me Pororo and hold onto Eun-kyung." Sungmin says handing their daughter to put her on Kyuhyun's lap

"Daddy's not boring right Eun-kyung?"

"Yes!" Eun-kyung says reaching towards Sungmin, whose on the floor playing with their son's Pororo plushies

"Is it because Daddy gives you math problems, that you don't like me?"


"I worry about her Sungmin, she'll say yes to the first person that asks her out, isn't that right Eun-kyung?"


"She'll be fine, she's stubborn like her dad."

"Which one?" Kyuhyun asks sarcastically


"Sorry honey." Kyuhyun says, reaching down to kiss Sungmin's head

"Hi, guys! Oh my gosh, who are these cuties?" Ha-eun asks as she walks over to the couple

"She's pretty, Daddy."

"D'awwh he's so cute Lee-seong sang nim!!! What's your name?"

"I'm Hyun-ki. I'm five years old!" Hyun-ki says as he reaches his hands out to number 5

"And whose this?"

"This is Eun-kyung." Kyuhyun says, shaking her arm lightly to make it look like she's waving

"So how are you two?" Sungmin asks

"We're good."

"That's good to hear. It always makes me happy to hear my student's sucess." Sungmin says, kissing his son's cheek

"What's going on?" Kyuhy

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good job author-nim
pookieberrie #2
great job author-nin
babyminhyun #3
woaaa, teacherKyu and teacherMin!
Chapter 16: OMG !!!!!! That was a GREAT story. Thankyu author-nim
Chapter 16: Just gonna start reading XDDD
Goodluck to me. ^_^ But from what I've read in Foreword, I'm sure that this is a great fic :3
bohyemi #6
Chapter 16: So good! Ehehhee
zuttoo #7
Chapter 16: cute ending..i lige your style of writing authornim..thanks and im looking forward to your other kyumin fics.
elmokyu #8
Chapter 16: Great fic and I love the ending! ehem...3rd one huh.. but to make a classroom, they need more than 3!! keekee
Thanks for sharing this fic...!
Take care!
kyumin99 #9
Chapter 16: Finally this fic is completed!! LOVE THIS FIC
Chapter 15: wow Min is pregnant ; )
great updates !,