Silent Love





Hey there ! 

       This is Dasomann ad my sweet co aurthor xlightlovex  this is our first story together I hope for good feed back 

Please do comment I'll be very thankfull 






 Choi Min ki

Choi Min Ki: He is just like a manga's main lead , He look perfect ,his looks his IQ his smile his way to talk his style all match some manga character but behind his perfect image is his real self maybe noone can see it but I can .....I want to make his life good like all other people 


 OC Choi Yoon Mi


Choi Yoon Mi! She is just like other girls ,happy ,noisy ,talktive annoying at times ,but she never look at me the way other girls do her eyes are not mean ,she doesn't stay with me to be a famous and noticeable but she just like to be with me ,behind her cheery n happy character there was some hidden reality .what is it? I want to know ,behind her happy face why she is crying in real ,I wanna change her tears into smile ,but how ?




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