Make Outs and Panic

The Flower Boy Theory

"Uhhh, what're you talking about?" Kyungsoo asked, breaking the silence that settled among the group. Taeyeon didn't answer; her focus was still on Baekhyun who stared back and ignored everyone's gazes. Despite the fact that his eyes were locked with hers, they were unreadable. "Guys?"

Jongin glanced from Taeyeon to Baekhyun, "What, did you propose to him or something? Haha...ha..." Luhan and Sehun joined along to clear the awkwardness, but that did nothing to ease the building tension between the two. It was like everyone else was irrelevant to the situation (probably were, they guessed).

Taeyeon crossed her arms, "Well?"

Baekhyun gulped and opened his mouth just the tiniest bit, "I..." everyone leaned in, hanging onto his every word. He was starting to sweat—his shirt felt all too suffocating and his face burned up. "To answer your question...yes, I-I do."

He quickly broke eye contact and hid his face behind the couch pillow. God, he was so embarrassed. Why did she have him admit it in front of everyone? If she rejected him, the guys would never let it go. Baekhyun could already see it: they'll tell it at his wedding, they'll tell it to his children, and fifty years into the future, when they're all in rocking chairs, they'll remind him of the time he was turned down during a game of truth or dare. 'My life is over.'

Then he heard someone laugh—his worst case scenario was coming true. But since when was their laugh ever that...weird?

Baekhyun looked up. Taeyeon was leaning on Luhan and wiping some tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry, I honestly didn't mean to laugh, but I'm just so relieved and we had so much tension over that little thing."


"Guys, what. Is. Going. On." Jongin waved his hands around in frustration. He was clueless to the whole thing and was obviously not liking it.

"I'd like to know myself," Baekhyun muttered under his breath, eyeing Luhan's hand on Taeyeon's back.

She flashed him a smile and turned to Jongin, "I was just worried that Baekhyun here didn't like me, 'cause most of the time things get weird between us, but he doesn't, and now I feel great, oppa."

After hearing that last word, the whole thing was forgotten and everyone was ready to get back into the game, except for Baekhyun. 'That's it?! She meant it in a friendly way?' He stared hard at his clenched fists, 'Should I be relieved?'

"Hyung," Sehun nudged him, "it's your turn."

"Hm?" He looked up, they were looking at him expectantly. "Oh. Oh yeah, I, uh, pick you, Sehun. Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" The younger boy said confidently.

Baekhyun stared at the ground in thought. He was still confused about what just happened with Taeyeon, but he had to keep the game going. Just then Jongin leaned in to whisper, "You got to avenge me, Baek. Give him a hard one."

He whispered back. "What's in it for me?"

"I'll buy you dinner." Baekhyun raised an eyebrow and Jongin quickly added, "All you can eat!"

"Deal." He looked back at the youngest and smirked. "Sehun, I dare you to make out with one of Taeyeon's posters."

"What?!" Sehun and Taeyeon said simultaneously, the latter standing up in shock. Oh hell no, Baekhyun did not just say that. He did not just want to use her beloved posters for a make out session. "Nonono! NO."

"Oh come on, Taeyeon. Just this once!" Jongin practically begged, clinging onto her leg. "Please! We'll let you choose which one to use."

"But—but my they're my precious!"

Luhan clung to her other leg and looked at her with his doe eyes. "We'll buy you new ones, we swear!"

"Hyung! How could you?" Sehun whined childishly. Taeyeon looked down at Luhan and sighed. He found out a few days ago, during one of their short talks, that she had a weakness for that (don't ask how the topic came up, she didn't know, too), and now he was using it against her. And damn if he didn't look so cute doing it...'Curse you, Luhan.'

"Fine, just let me get one." The boys, minus Sehun, cheered and clapped as she went to her room. 

Taeyeon stared at the myriad of posters that covered the walls—obviously, most were of Lee Minho, the rest were of the other members of F4 and some actors from different dramas. She scanned them for a particular face; she remembered winning it from a raffle at work. Taeyeon looked under her bed and saw a rolled up poster. "Aha!"

She walked back to the living room and handed it to an already-pale Sehun. "Don't worry, I got you." She whispered and winked slyly. He looked at her in confusion as he unrolled the poster. Then he broke into a smile.  

Jongin looked over Sehun's shoudler and frowned, "Aw, no fair, it's a girl! I thought all your posters were dudes." 

Kyungsoo stood on his tiptoes to look. "It's that chick from that one spy drama, I think?" 

"Well you did say I could choose, right?" Taeyeon grinned as she sat back down.  To be honest, she was on Sehun's side only because she was still annoyed that she had to call Jongin 'oppa' for three bloody days. She glanced up at Sehun who was still smiling—well, maybe she was on his side for that smile, too.

Suddenly, Taeyeon felt someone looking at her. She turned to find Baekhyun once again staring at her with his unreadable eyes.  She frowned, "What?"

Baekhyun shook his head and stood up to record Sehun kissing the poster (for future blackmail purposes, of course). 'Get a hold of yourself, Baek. I should be relieved, I should be relieved...' He looked back at Taeyeon who was already smiling and cheering with everyone else and sighed softly.

'But I'm not.'


"So yeah, basically, Jongin got harassed by an elderly woman, I have to call him oppa for three days, Baekhyun answered my question, Sehun made out with a Park Minyoung poster, Luhan dyed his hair pink, aaaand Kyungsoo's not allowed to speak. I don't know how long Luhan's and Kyungsoo's dares last, though."

"You should've just called it Dare or Dare then," Jessica said from the other line. Taeyeon could practically see her rolling her eyes. "What happened with Baekhyun again?"

Taeyeon rolled around in her bed in excitement,"He likes me! Isn't that great?"

"And what's so great about that? Lots of guys like you." Her best friend pointed out.

"It means we won't have to be so awkward anymore—we can be friends!" Taeyeon sat up and leaned her head against the wall, her phone tucked between her ear and shoulder. "And what do you mean lots of guys like me? No one actually approaches me."

She heard Jessica sigh on the other end. "You know, Taetae, times like these I think about how naive and innocent you are, and then I catch you reading fanfics about Kim Soohyun, and I start to think otherwise."

"Hey! In my defense, that fic was very well written!"

"I know, you couldn't shut up about it. You know I bought earplugs, right?"

Taeyeon chuckled, "Yeah, you couldn't even understand the waiter. You kept saying 'no cucumber, no cucumber!'

"He should've just spoken louder!" Jessica said and cleared , "Anyway, the reason I called you tonight was to tell you..."


Taeyeon slammed her bedroom door open. Her eyes were wide with alarm, "Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husbands!" She was flailing her arms around in panic. 

Kyungsoo was the first to get out, his hair messy and his eyes lined with sleep. He placed both hands on her shoulders to calm her down and stared with questioning eyes. 'Oh, right, he's not supposed to speak.'

Taeyeon held his arms, "This is serious, seriously serious! We need to prepare! Or maybe hide in a bunker! Maybe we can live off of beans for a year. Oh screw it, let's move to Switzerland!"

Sehun walked out with a frown, "YAH! I was sleeping!" When he saw the girl's frightened face, he stopped in his tracks; he started to get nervous, too. "What's wrong?"

Taeyeon looked at him with dead serious eyes and whispered solemnly, "It's coming..."

"What's coming?"


"The Sicapocalypse"

Dun dun DUUUN!

The Sicapocalypse is coming, who do you think will be the last man standing? (hey that rhymed lol)

So guys, I've given you mysterious KyungTae, zombie LuTae, y KaiYeon, whatever-the-heck-that-was SeYeon, and awkward what? :3

Comments are loved~

(and who here is excited for the next chapter, I know I ammmm)






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Chapter 14: This story is so cute!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 14: I need more...please?:)
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
Chapter 9: I lovvvveeeeeeee this story so muchhhhhhh!!!
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Chapter 7: I use the same excuse;) lol just kidding!
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Chapter 3: Taengoo is sooooooo adorable and funny!!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #6
Chapter 2: Cuteeeeeeee
Author-ni, where are you???
I seriously need an update plzzz
Chapter 14: Baekhyun~ so cute
oreoshaaa #10
Chapter 14: Ghaaad >.< authornim this is seriously daebak!