The Date part 1

The Flower Boy Theory

The day after Jongin's cooking fiasco, Taeyeon was back to being perfectly fine. In fact, she's never felt better.

She woke up, did morning stretches, and checked her phone like she usually did. She even went to get a glass of milk from the fridge, tiptoeing her way through the flat in case the boys were still asleep (which they most probably were), and made her way to the balcony.

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and Kim Taeyeon saw rainbows and unicorns.

"Well aren't you a happy this morning?" A voice said from the other balcony. Taeyeon barely managed to avoid choking on her milk when she found the source.

Rainbows and unicorns? More like round eyes and heart-shaped lips. Lips that were currently smiling at her.

"Good morning, Taeyeon." Kyungsoo greeted with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"M-Morning, Kyungsoo," she replied rather lamely. Memories from yesterday flashed in her mind, making her turn redder than she thought was possible.

Kyungsoo must've noticed, because then he was frowning.

"What's wrong? You still feeling sick from yesterday? I knew I should've warned the guys not to overdo it." Then he gave her the most attractive, apologetic smile she's ever seen. "I'm sorry."

Before Taeyeon could speak, someone knocked on her door. She glanced at Kyungsoo only to see that he'd already made his way back into his room. She sighed—for some reason she felt disappointed.

'Well it's not like I knew what to say anyway.'

She shook her thoughts away as she opened the door. On the other side, all dressed up, was "Baekhyun?"

"Hey!" He beamed down at her, his loud voice catching her off guard. "I, uh, meant good morning! How was your sleep?"

"Fine..? Anyway, what's up? Do you need anything?"

At that his face lit up and he rummaged through his pockets. "Actually, I do...wait just a sec...aha! Here it is!" He held up two red tickets. "I need someone to watch a movie with me."

She knit her brows together, but the sight of her flatmate all giddy and happy made her smile. "I didn't know you were a movie person."

Baekhyun's ears turned red, something that she noticed happened a lot lately. "I-I'm not. It's just that I won these online and these are for some old romcom they're reshowing at the local theatre and I didn't think the guys would want to watch and it's not like I love romcoms or anything but I just thought it would be a waste to throw them away and oh god I'm blabbering again, sorry."

Taeyeon laughed, her worries put to a halt for now. Come on, Baekhyun sounded like a school boy asking his crush out on a date; how could she say no if he was acting this cute?

"Yeah sure, I'll go with you. Let me just freshen up and we'll leave at around...well actually since you're all dressed up like that, I'm gonna need more time to fix myself. Is eleven okay?"

"Of course!" His whole face was red now. "I'll just be waiting in my, uhm, room."

"Okay." She smiled.

"Okay." He smiled back.

Taeyeon laughed. "Well I kind of can't go to the bathroom with you blocking the doorway like that."

"Oh!" At that Baekhyun quickly moved away, all red and smiley. Taeyeon couldn't help but laugh again.


The two road Taeyeon's car to the theatre; Taeyeon driving and Baekhyun giving her the directions. Halfway through the ride Baekhyun kept asking her to open up the car roof, and like earlier that morning, she just couldn't say no.


His actions had Taeyeon throwing her head back, laughing. "I don't think that's how the quote goes, Baek!"

"WHO CARES?" He shouted in reply. Then he slid back in the passenger seat out of breath and looking like he just shot a commercial for a shampoo brand. He was still laughing.

"What's with you today? You look like the happiest man on earth!" Taeyeon teased.

"That's because I am. In fact, you should probably call the Guinness Book of World Records, that might just be a real thing."

She shook her head. "You're crazy, Byun Baekhyun, you know that?"

"Yeah, well, at least you get to know me better." Without even looking she could tell that he was grinning.

And he was right. The only time she'd seen this side of Baekhyun was on the day she moved in. She'd seen glimpses of it a few days after, but never to this extent. Slowly but surely, the two of them have been getting closer and more comfortable with each other. She really ought to thank her best friend who was obviously behind it all.

"Oh hey, the theatre's up ahead."

"Got it."

After parking the car, the two headed inside. Taeyeon took the time to survey the place. The theatre was small and cozy, with red paint and a neon sign that showed which movies they were playing. The list was composed of old romcoms, just like Baekhyun said, and she was starting to feel the excitement build up within her.

At the ticket booth was a small elderly lady whose grey hair was tied up in a bun. She pushed up the glasses that were resting on her nose to get a good look at the two of them. When she saw Baekhyun, she immediately broke into a smile.

"Oh, child, you're back!" Her eyes shifted to Taeyeon. "And you brought the girl you were talking about!"

Taeyeon gave him a questioning look and Baekhyun turned beet red. "W-What are you talking about, woman I've obviously never met before? This is my first time here! Ahaha...ha..."

"But didn't you go here to buy those tickets last night?" The lady pointed at the bit of red peeking out from his pockets and laughed. "Came just as I was closing up."

"No, I won these online. You must've mistaken me for someone else."

"Hmm," she squinted at Baekhyun's face. "Are you sure? Because I could've sworn—"

"Yup. Positive. 100% sure. Never been so sure in my entire life!" Then he placed his arm around Taeyeon and pulled her to the entrance. "Well look at the time! We must get moving, right Taeyeon? Can't be late for the movie. Okay bye!"


"BYE!" Baekhyun slammed the doors shut. "Phew!"

The room was pitch black. Taeyeon blinked, trying to adjust to the dark, and inched closer to him.

"Looks like we're a little early." When Baekhyun noticed what she was doing, he held out his hand. "Here."

She blushed before taking it. He led her to the middle row, only letting go of her hand once he was sure she was seated alright.

"You good?"


"You want some popcorn? I personally don't like the popcorn here because it's a little stale but—" He stopped short once he realized what he just said. He glanced at Taeyeon to see if she noticed. He was relieved to see her staring straight ahead.

The screen had lit up then, and it illuminated her features. Baekhyun found himself admiring her profile.

Without taking her eyes off the screen, Taeyeon said. "So it's not your first time here."

"I...yes. I actually come here sometimes."


"Okay, often." He chuckled, turning to the screen too. "I also secretly really, really like romcoms."

"Mmm." Taeyeon mumbled. Like all old films, the credits came first. The names were flashing, but she couldn't seem to focus fully.

"You're also the first to know about it." Baekhyun was smiling, she could tell. "So I guess that means you're pretty special, huh?"

Taeyeon smiled. "Shh, the movie's starting."

Hey guys! I know, I know, it's been so long! I'm sorry, I genuinely am. But life's just been too hectic lately. I promise to update more often now, so please give me another chance.

I love you guys!  

PS.  Comment below which guy you want for another bonus chappie!

PPS. Notice how similar this is to EXO Next Door? Lol I WAS FIRST THO !!










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Chapter 14: This story is so cute!!!
KimHyunaTaeyeon #2
Chapter 14: I need more...please?:)
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Chapter 9: I lovvvveeeeeeee this story so muchhhhhhh!!!
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Chapter 7: I use the same excuse;) lol just kidding!
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Chapter 3: Taengoo is sooooooo adorable and funny!!!!
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Chapter 2: Cuteeeeeeee
Author-ni, where are you???
I seriously need an update plzzz
Chapter 14: Baekhyun~ so cute
oreoshaaa #10
Chapter 14: Ghaaad >.< authornim this is seriously daebak!