the past in the form of a nightmare.

We meet again.
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When you got home the first thing you did was plop down on the couch and turn on the tv for background noise. Before you knew it you had fallen asleep.

That man was there. You could see his silhouette from the blindfold he covered your eyes with. He was now on plan M on torturing you with whatever was laying around. Suddenly you could smell fire and saw his figure panick.

There must be someone here you thought.

"HELP!!" You screamed piercing the air.

"Shut up girl!" The man lunged forward slapping your face causing another welt to appear. It wasn't the first.

The man stepped back heading out of the room leaving you to accompany the flames.

Without blinking another figure appeared before your eyes. It wasn't the same body build. Savior?

"Come on Hyun Hee!!" You instantly recognised the voice. Tae.

"I can't!" You cried desperately. It was no use!

He lifted your limp beaten body over his shoulders and started to run.

Every part of your body ached and swelled with every step he took. 

But then the pain stopped. He stopped. "Tae" you asked quietly fearing the silence.

"Where do you think you're going?" Asked the voice that had tortured you beyond recovery. 

"RUN!" You shouted throwing yourself off the couch. You were dripping in sweat and hyperventilating.

"It's over... it's okay now... he's gone, it's okay." You repeated to calm yourself down.

"I'll just take my medication then go back to sleep. Yeah, that'll help."

As you entered the kit

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PinkInnocence25 #1
Chapter 30: I am speechless... i mean like this is the best VIXX story i have ever read and the fact that my bias (Jae Hwan) is the one destined for Hyun Hee :) Great Job author-nim!!!!
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 30: Ooooo , ravi is bad boy . I like it .
Chapter 30: Oooo ken haha
At first i was like what wrong with this story and then i was like waa ravi you evil man haha . And know i get it . Hehehe goodjob .
LennyV #4
Chapter 30: Wow! What a nice plot! I can't stop reading! Good job! (Y)
Chapter 30: Sad but happy ending ... feel pity to Leo but feel happy to Ken woohoo
Chapter 28: No no no ... she'll not die right ㅠㅠ
Chapter 28: Omg am glad theee safe but the girl please tell me she is going to live
Chapter 27: Wonshik is cruel ㅠㅠ and ... Is Taekwoon and Hyunhee really saved ?

Yah Jung Taekwoon are you lying ? Yeah u'r lying but you know how to control your heart when u'r lying ㅠㅠ
Chapter 26: Shot...... Leo and Ken died ? Seriously died ? Nooo !!!!