ooh! You just got burned!

We meet again.
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"Seeing you're doing better, I'll get going." He said getting in his car.

"Okay, drive safe."

"You doing anything tomorrow?"

"Actually, I think I am, FTisland has a photo shoot so..."

"Arasso, another time maybe?"


"Cool it's a date."


"Bye Hyunhee!" He wheeled out of your driveway.  "

Bye..." You slowly waved till he disappeared from sight.

Going back inside you decided to make yourself a pot of tea.

"There... now you just squeal when you're ready." You told the pot.

"Gosh I'm weird... talking to non living items."

Since it was going to take awhile you sat back and watched tv.

"Nothing really good to watch, but this is decent." You claimed settling on a channel.

Hearing a high pitch noise a few minutes later you went to get your tea.

"I wonder where Lulu is..."

At that moment the tv made a huge noise demonstrating their newest fireworks and Lulu flew from the cabinet hitting you and the extremely hot tea pot on the way down.

You screamed in agony as the water starting burning through your flesh ever so slowly. You screamed till you saw nothing but darkness.

A few hours later Eunhae came by to thank you for taking her spot the other day.

"Hyunhee! You home?" She walked around the house till she stopped in the kitchen to see your motionless raw body.

"HYUNHEE!!" She dropped everything and called

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PinkInnocence25 #1
Chapter 30: I am speechless... i mean like this is the best VIXX story i have ever read and the fact that my bias (Jae Hwan) is the one destined for Hyun Hee :) Great Job author-nim!!!!
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 30: Ooooo , ravi is bad boy . I like it .
Chapter 30: Oooo ken haha
At first i was like what wrong with this story and then i was like waa ravi you evil man haha . And know i get it . Hehehe goodjob .
LennyV #4
Chapter 30: Wow! What a nice plot! I can't stop reading! Good job! (Y)
Chapter 30: Sad but happy ending ... feel pity to Leo but feel happy to Ken woohoo
Chapter 28: No no no ... she'll not die right ㅠㅠ
Chapter 28: Omg am glad theee safe but the girl please tell me she is going to live
Chapter 27: Wonshik is cruel ㅠㅠ and ... Is Taekwoon and Hyunhee really saved ?

Yah Jung Taekwoon are you lying ? Yeah u'r lying but you know how to control your heart when u'r lying ㅠㅠ
Chapter 26: Shot...... Leo and Ken died ? Seriously died ? Nooo !!!!