Chapter 8. Tis the season to be Jolly

What Happens Next

Bo-na walked into their room and saw Eun-sang lying face down on her bed.

“Ya Cha Eun-sang, what’s wrong with you? Why do you look like Sadako?”

“Kim Tan and I had a fight.” She raised her head to look at her friend and sighed.

“Annyeong Chingus.” Hye-won walked in and dumped her bag on her bed. “Ya Eun-sangie, what’s wrong?”

“She had a fight with Kim Tan.” Bo-na said and sat on her bed.

“Omo, you and Kim Tan can fight? I thought all you two did was be lovey-dovey. I have to admit, it is a little sickening watching the both of you coo at each other over the computer.” Hye-won laughed.

Eun-sang threw a pillow at her. “Aren’t you supposed to ask what our fight was about?”

“You’re going to tell us anyway, so you might as well spill it.” Bo-na said.

“Kim Tan said he can’t get away for Christmas. He isn’t going to be home.” She said and Hye-won scoffed loudly.

“You fought about that? Really, I can’t believe that you would be so mopey because your boyfriend isn’t going to be home for Christmas.” She said shaking her head.

“But I haven’t seen him in months. I miss him so much but he can’t make it.” Eun-sang sighed again.

“You know what will make you feel better?” Bo-na said suddenly.


“Let’s go to a club.”

“I’m in. I’ve never been to a club before.” Hye-won said excitedly.

“I don’t feel like it.” Eun-sang said.

“Ah Cha Eun-sang, you’re no fun. Do you want us to ship you to Boston?” Hye-won threw her hands up in the air.

“Come on Eun-sangie, we’ll dance a little bit and then come home. Tomorrow, you can call Kim Tan and you two can coo at each other over the computer again as always.” Bo-na said.

Hye-won batted her eyelashes and pouted, “Think of this poor country girl who has never been to a club before, eo?”

Eun-sang giggled, who knew Hye-won would be such a madcap when they first met. “Fine. Let’s go. It’ll lighten my mood anyway.”

They got dressed and went out feeling like young women around town, Kim Tan momentarily forgotten. While they were dancing, a man came up to Eun-sang and tried to get her to dance with him.

“Ya, you better leave her alone. She’s practically married.” Hye-won said stepping in front of Eun-sang.

“I don’t see her husband anywhere. Would you like to dance pretty lady?” the man reached for Eun-sang’s hand and tried to pull her. She sidestepped him and shook her head.

“No. You can see I’m with my friends.”

“Ah come on, just one dance. It’s okay.” The man said and tried to grab her again. Bo-na whacked his head with her purse.

“Don’t you know what ‘no’ means? Are you deaf or don’t you understand Korean?” She yelled at him.

“Let’s leave, we don’t have to deal with people like this.” Eun-sang said and they started to walk out of the club. They hadn’t gone far before the man came after them, his friends in tow.

“Omo, this guy isn’t going to go away. I’m going to have to teach him a lesson.” Hye-won whispered.

“Ya, he is twice your size and he has back-up.” Bo-na whispered back.

“I can totally take them.”

“I think we better leave quickly. They look angry.” Eun-sang said and pulled Hye-won along. They knew that if they let her, she’d probably get in trouble with the men. She had told them she did taekwondo back home.

They reached outside and tried to a hail a taxi. They finally get one and just as they are about to get in, the man who had tried to grab Eun-sang stepped forward and grabbed Hye-won.

“Ya, let go. Won’t you let go?” she said.

“Hey, your friend might be married, but you aren’t right? Let’s go have some fun.” He leered at her.

“Eun-sangie, Bo-naya, please get in the taxi.” Hye-won said.

“But, what about you?” Eun-sang said.

“Just get in, and leave the door open for me. Ajhussi, start the engine.” Hye-won said to the driver.

“So, how about it?” the man said, still holding Hye-won’s arm.

“I’m going to give you till the count of three to let go of my arm. One, two, three.” And right there, in her high heels and sparkly dress, she flipped the man over her shoulder and jumped in the taxi. “Ajhussi, go go go.” She shouted and the driver sped off. The two girls gaped at Hye-won and then they all started giggling which turned into full blown laughter and by the time they got back to school, they were falling over each other, clutching their stomachs and laughing.


Eun-sang had helped Hye-won secure a job because she was uncomfortable with always asking her mother for money every time she needed to buy something for school or for herself. Bo-na always came to hang out at the café whenever she wasn’t meeting Chan-young, who was on break from the Police Academy. Today was one of those days Hye-won and Eun-sang worked together in the café while Bo-na sat to a side, sipped her coffee and chatted with Chan-young on the phone.

“What are you doing today?” Bo-na asked,

“I’m picking up Kim Tan from the airport.” Chan-young replied.

“Wait, Kim Tan is back?! How come Eun-sang doesn’t know? She’s been moping for days because Tan told her he wouldn’t be home for Christmas.” Bo-na said.

“It’s supposed to be a surprise. Young-do is with me.”

“Mwo? Ya what is happening to us these days? Why are we making friends with strange people?” Bo-na said, casting a glance in Hye-won’s direction.

“I don’t understand it too. Don’t let Eun-sang know okay, we’ll be stopping by the café on our way from the airport. See you then.”

“Arasso.” Bo-na said and hung up. She watched Eun-sang attend to a customer and smiled, Eun-sang would smile again very soon.

After an hour attending to customers, Eun-sang and Hye-won decided to take a break and sit with Bo-na. Hye-won and Bo-na were chatting about something but she wasn’t really paying attention to what they were saying. She wondered what Tan was doing. After he said he wasn’t coming home for Christmas, she had been feeling sad. She missed him so much and even though they Skyped each other a lot, the time difference would get between them and one or the both of them would be too tired to talk for long. Besides, it wasn’t the same as being together, being able to feel each other. She felt her phone vibrate against her thigh, “Yeobseyo.” She said.

“Hello Sidney.” Tan said on the other end.

“How have you been?” she asked, completely ignoring her friends who had stopped talking and were staring at her.

“I’ve been well. I wanted to give you an early Christmas present since I won’t be able to see you this year.”

“What is it?”

“I think it should be arriving soon, you should go outside and get it.”

“But I’m at work right now; it’ll have to wait till I get home.”

“I knew you’d be at work, so I had it delivered there.”

Eun-sang was curious now, “What kind of gift is it?”

“Look out the window.”

“What?” She looked out the window and saw Tan, Young-do and Chan-young standing outside beside Chan-young’s dark green car. She stood up and zombie-walked outside, followed by her friends who wondered why she looked so shell-shocked. Eun-sang’s phone was still pressed to her ear.

“I missed you.” Tan said and hung up. Her face split into the biggest smile he had ever seen.

Hye-won shook her head and stared at all the pretty boys, “It looks like a flower garden out here.”

Tan, Chan-young and Young-do walked forward to where the ladies were, Tan stopping a few feet in front of them. He opened his arms and Eun-sang jogged the remaining the distance and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I missed you too. So much.” She said.

Young-do stared at the girl watching Tan and Eun-sang hug each other, he wondered who she was. “Hyung-soonim, aren’t you going to introduce your friend?” he said to Eun-sang.

Eun-sang let go of Tan’s neck and held his hand instead. “This is my roommate Yoon Hye-won. Hye-won, this is Yoon Chan-young, Lee Bo-na’s boyfriend and my best friend, and this is Choi Young-do, Kim Tan’s friend.”

“Oh, Bo-na told me about you. Wah, you’re something else Yoon Hye-wonssi.” Chan-young said.

“Ya Lee Bo-na, what have you been telling him about me? They’re all lies.” Hye-won blushed.

“So, you did not flip a man over your shoulder outside a club?” Chan-young asked putting an arm around Bo-na’s shoulders.

“Erm, well the man was troubling us and after I told him Eun-sang was married and everything.” She mumbled, stuffing her hands in the pocket of her apron.

“Ya Cha Eun-sang, why were you going to a club without me?” Tan asked.

“Kim Tan, you’ve been back for five minutes and your jealousy is already showing. Come on, let’s go inside our break is almost over.” Eun-sang said.

They all went in and sat at a table while Eun-sang and Hye-won went back to work.   

Young-do watched Hye-won move around the café attending to customers, he couldn’t a girl her size to flip a full-grown man over her shoulders. He was fascinated.

“I can see you staring at the new girl. What are you thinking Choi Young-do?” Tan leaned in and whispered to him. He didn’t want Chan-young and Bo-na to hear them. Not that they could anyway, they were so wrapped up in each other they probably wouldn’t notice an earthquake.

“I’m not staring.” Young-do replied.

“You totally are. Do you want Eun-sang to hook you two up? She flipped a man Young-doya, the girl is perfect for you.” Tan teased.

“Ya, quit it Kim Tan.” Young-do playfully punched his arm.

When their shift was over, Chan-young offered to drop them all off.

“It’s okay; I can just ride the bus. I’m staying over at Eun-sangie’s house for a while before I go back home for Christmas.” Hye-won said.

“Let’s ride the bus together.” Eun-sang said.

“No. Young-doya, why don’t you ride with Hye-wonssi? Eun-sang is coming home with me tonight.”

“Ya Tan why would I go home with you?” Eun-sang asked,

“Because we haven’t been together in four months and I missed you too much.” He leaned in and whispered to her, “Besides, it seems Young-do has taken a fancy to your friend. Let’s give them some time together.”

Eun-sang glanced at Hye-won and noticed she was trying not to stand too close to Young-do. “Omo, you’re right. Fine, Young-doya can you please ride with Hye-wonah tonight? Is that okay?”

“He doesn’t need to do that. It’s fine. I can take care of myself.” Hye-won said.

“Yoon Hye-wonssi, if you keep arguing like that, I might start to think you have something against me.” Young-do said. He shot a look at Tan, it said ‘I’ll kill you.’

“Hye-wonah mianhae. You know it’s been so long since I saw Tan. Remember how I was last week?” Eun-sang pouted at her friend and linked her arm through Tan’s.

Hye-won sighed. “I can’t change your mind, might as well go home. You are coming home tonight, aren’t you?”

“Ya Cha Eun-sang, you can’t stay over at Tan’s house. Remember we are supposed to go shopping tomorrow.” Bo-na piped in from the front seat of the car.

“Don’t worry, I won’t keep her up too late.” Tan said shuffling Eun-sang into the back seat of the car.

“So, what am I supposed to tell your mother if she asks where you are?” Hye-won said to Eun-sang.

“Just tell her I’m at Tan’s house. You’ll be okay with Young-do, right?” She said more to Young-do than Hye-won.

“Hyungsoonim, you offend me. Aren’t I a gentleman?” Young-do replied.

“I know you Choi Young-do, take care of my friend. She’ll beat you up if you don’t.” Eun-sang yelled as Chan-young drove off.

Hye-won couldn’t believe Eun-sang left her with this guy, she didn’t even know him. Okay, yes she was curious because he was so good-looking. Eun-sang had caught her glancing in his direction a few times while they were working and she had about staring at him. But who wouldn’t? He was gorgeous.

“Shall we?” Young-do said to her and indicated they head for the bus stop. They walked together in silence till he spoke. “So, you flipped a man?”

She blushed. “Erm, yes.”

“Amazing. Do you do martial arts?”

“I did Taekwondo a little bit back home.”

“Ah, I do a little bit of Judo myself.”

She glanced at his body, yeah it looked pretty good. She caught herself and cleared . They boarded the bus and sat together. There was more silence.

Young-do looked at her; she was staring out the window. This was really awkward. What would they talk about? He was going to kill Tan for putting him in this situation.

Chan-young dropped Tan and Eun-sang off at Tan’s house and declined going in because it was already getting late and he needed to drop Bo-na off at home. Two maids came and carried Tan’s things into the house and Tan and Eun-sang walked in hand-in-hand.

“Unni!” Eun-sang yelled the minute she walked in the door. Da-kyung poked her head out and squealed.

“Eun-sangie! It’s been so long.” She enveloped her in a hug.

“Hyungsoo, I just got back from America, shouldn’t you be hugging me first?” Tan pouted.

“Aigoo, you haven’t even changed a little Kim Tan.” She said and hugged him and Tan patted her back. He noticed his hyung giving him a strange look.

“Unni, I’m so sorry I haven’t come to visit since Tan went to America. I’ve been so busy at school and I haven’t had a lot of free time.” Eun-sang said.

“Kwaenchana, I know how stressful college is. Ah, we must have a party to celebrate Tan’s homecoming.” Da-kyung said.

“Are we going to have a party every time Tan returns home? That’s wasteful and he’s going to get a big head.” Won tsked.

She waved off his concern, “It’s fine. Wonssi, didn’t you miss your brother? Why are you just standing there? Won’t you even give him a hug?” Da-kyung folded her arms.

Tan spread his arms and waited, “A good husband always listens to his wife you know.” His brother smacked him upside the head instead. “Hyung!” Tan yelled and rubbed his head.

“Were you fingers broken? You couldn’t even pick up the phone to call?”

“I did call you.”

“Once, you called me once. I’m mad at you.”

“Ah hyung.” Tan said and held onto his brother’s elbow like a child.

“No, I don’t want to hear it.” Won said and walked away closely followed by Tan who was still whining for his brother to not be mad at him.

Da-kyung felt warmth in her heart; Won loved his brother very much. She smiled; the smile didn’t escape Eun-sang’s notice.

“Unni, what are you smiling about?”

“Nothing, it’s nothing.” She blushed.

“Omo Unni, is it Wonnie Oppa? Why are you blushing?” Eun-sang teased.

“I’m not blushing. Are you staying the night?” She asked putting her hands to her face to try to cool it down.

“Yes, I am.”

“Do you want to sleep in Tan’s room or should I tell one of the maids to get a room ready for you?”

Now, it was Eun-sang’s turn to blush. “Unni, how can you suggest such a thing?”

“Why not? Do you think I wasn’t your age once? I had a boyfriend too okay?”


“You know what, just sleep in Tan’s room. It would save the two of you the time of sneaking up and down the house and waking everyone. Just don’t get into any trouble.”

“Ah, so embarrassing.” She buried her face in her hands and Da-kyung laughed loudly.

Later that night, Tan called his mother to let her know he was back.

“Omma, I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you immediately I got back.”

“It’s fine. How are you? Did you eat? Is Eun-sang with you?”

“I’m fine Omma. Yes, she’s here, I’ll drop her off tomorrow morning. I already ate.”

“Arasso, tell Eun-sang that her mother is upset. Hye-woonie told her that Eun-sang wasn’t coming home tonight and she went into her room and shut the door. She hasn’t come out since. Tell her to call her mother. Eo?”

“I will. Goodnight Omma.” He said and hung up.

He turned to see Eun-sang already in his bed. He folded his arms and looked at her with a huge smile.

“Come here.” She patted the space beside her.

“Let me just look at you a little bit, you look so perfect in my room and in my bed.”

She folded her arms against her chest, “Don’t get any weird thoughts Kim Tan, I promised to behave this night. All we’re going to do is cuddle and sleep.”

“Did I say we were going to do otherwise? I’m too tired anyway.” He said and crawled in beside her. She snuggled into his arms and she heard him sigh. “It’s good to be home.”

“I’m glad you came back. I missed you a lot.” She said.

Won sat in bed and watched Da-kyung fluff a pillow. She had come into his room and said she was going to sleep here because Eun-sang was in the house and she didn’t want her to suspect that they weren’t sleeping together.

“I’m going to take the couch so don’t worry.” She said and laid down. “Aren’t you glad Tan is back? You’re so lucky to have a brother. I always wanted to have a brother, being an only child was really lonely growing up.”

“I was somewhat lonely too growing up.”

“Why? You had Tan. How could you be lonely?”

“The relationship between Tan and I hasn’t always been good.”

She sat up and looked at him. “How so? That boy loves you very much.”

“I know he does. He showed it every day. I was so insecure because of Tan. I grew up in a family where brothers smile in each other’s faces and stabbed each other in the back. It was hard, my father always made it clear that the only person you could trust in this world was yourself. He used to say letting someone know you love them is showing weakness and that wasn’t allowed for an Heir. I was scared that Tan would grow up and stab me in the back. I pushed him away every time he tried to get close to me.”

“I can’t believe abeonim would say such a thing. It is difficult watching our parents fight for what they worked hard for. My father is an only child too so he never had to contend with greedy siblings but he had to deal with a few shareholders a while back. They were bent on removing him as the CEO of Yang Telecomms. My father was ill for so long and I thought he was going to die. I never want to experience that again, that’s why I try to make him happy and do whatever he wants. That’s why I married you.” She said.

Won felt a weight settle in his chest. What was this he was feeling? He knew she married him just because her father told her to but why did he feel bad hearing her say it like that? “What was your boyfriend like?” He asked suddenly.


“I’ve told you about Hyun-joo, but you never once mentioned your boyfriend to me.”

“Ah, well you didn’t ask and I didn’t think you’d want to know.”

“Well, I’m asking now. Tell me about him. What was he like?”

Da-kyung cleared . Why did Won suddenly feel the need to know about her boyfriend? He was such a strange man these days. “His name is Kim Ji-hwan. We met back in college, he was my sunbae. He was very nice and he used to make me laugh. I had a huge crush on him before we started dating. Since I didn’t have any friends, he used to force me to hang out with him. One day, he said ‘you like me don’t you?’ I was shocked. I didn’t know he had noticed. I denied it but then he said ‘it’s okay, I like you too.’” She laughed at the memory of her days with Ji-hwan then she glanced at Won’s face and noticed he had a dark expression. She realized that perhaps she shouldn’t have gone into such detail, after all he is her husband.

Won adjusted the bed clothes and laid down, he really shouldn’t have asked about her boyfriend. He should have just kept his curiosity to himself. He was jealous of a memory, a memory that she felt was so beautiful. Would he be able to compete with that memory? Why did he care anyway, they were going to be divorced in another two and a half years. Suddenly, that prospect didn’t seem so pleasant anymore.


Bo-na, Hye-won and Eun-sang strolled around the mall shopping for Christmas presents.

“Thanks for ditching me to spend the night at your boyfriend’s house.” Hye-won said. She was mad at Eun-sang for making her look like a fool. If she never saw Choi Young-do again, it would be too soon. She felt that she might never live down the awkwardness and embarrassment she felt yesterday.

“Omo, Cha Eun-sang you slept in Tan’s bed?” Bo-na giggled.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, all we did was sleep. Hye-wonah, didn’t you enjoy Young-do’s company?”

“Enjoy? I thought I was going die from embarrassment. We had nothing to talk about. It was so awkward.”

“That’s strange, I could have sworn you would be interested in him.” Eun-sang said.

“I can’t ever do that again. I was hoping for the ground to open up and swallow me.” Hye-won said and buried her face in her hands.

Bo-na was laughing her head off watching Hye-won be embarrassed. Who knew she had it in her? “But you were interested in him, right?” she asked.

“I have to admit, he is quite good-looking but that’s it. We have absolutely nothing in common.”

“Oh you have more in common than you know.” Eun-sang said and walked ahead of them.

“What, what does that mean? Cha Eun-sang!” She yelled after her.

“Pali! There’s going to be a rush soon we have to go now if we want to get toys for your siblings. Pali!” Eun-sang yelled.

“Sometimes, I really want to kill that girl.” Hye-won grumbled.

“Relax Hye-won. Choi Young-do is a good guy, if a little awkward. Just be glad you met the present him because the old him was a huge jerk.” Bo-na said and pulled Hye-won along to the toy store.  


Tan, Young-do and Hyo-shin sat together in a café. They had just come from playing golf and it was really cold.

“Sunbae, how was the army? You look manlier these days.” Young-do teased.

“You guys just wait until it’s your turn. It’s really hard.”

“Hyung, I heard you’re dating Rachel these days.” Tan said.

Hyo-shin glanced at him, “How did you know that?”

“Young-do told me.”

“And how did you know Young-do?”

“Don’t you know, Rachel and I are best friends, we tell each other everything.”

“It’s just been for a while, we’re still trying to get a hang on things.” He said.

Tan and Young-do looked at each other, nodded and turned to him at the same time.

“Hyung, Rachel is a nice girl”, Tan started.

“She has been through enough already,” Young-do said.

“What is this?” Hyo-shin was shocked.

“So you better take care of her.” Tan continued.

“And you better treat her right. If you hurt her, you will answer to me. I like you Sunbae, but I will kill you if you hurt my sister.” Young-do finished.

Hyo-shin was stunned for a few minutes then he turned to Tan, “You of all people are warning me against hurting Rachel?”

“I know I know, but I’m serious hyung. I’ve already repented.”

“I already made Tan pay, it’s alright.” Young-do said, sitting back in his seat.

“Well, what about you Choi Young-do, still pining over Eun-sang?” Hyo-shin teased.

“Young-do has a new love interest.” Tan said and Young-do choked on his coffee.

Young-do felt his face go red. He was recalling how awkward last night was. “Can we not talk about that?”

“You don’t like her?” Tan asked.

“What kind of girl is she? Is she pretty?” Hyo-shin asked.

“Of course she is. And she’s tough too, she flipped a man.” Young-do sighed.

“So, what’s the problem?” Tan asked.

“It was awkward. We had absolutely nothing to talk about.” Young-do replied.

“That’s too bad. You didn’t ask her anything about herself?” Hyo-shin asked.

“She didn’t seem like she was all that interested in me anyway. I guess it’s not meant to be.” Young-do sighed again. It was just his luck, another pretty girl that wasn’t interested in him.

“I think we should help you two along.” Tan smiled.

“No! No, please don’t. Just let it go.” Young-do said and his friends laughed. ‘Sometimes, I really want to kill these guys.’ He thought to himself as they sipped their coffee.

Author’s note: Hi everybody. Omo, this chapter is really long but the words just kept coming and I didn’t know what to do but pour them out. I hope you all like it. This might be the last update for some time because I really have to concentrate on my exams but I’ll be back as soon as possible after my exams are over and hopefully, the story would be more interesting. Enjoy.

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Khawahish #1
Chapter 14: I don't understand that why most of ff's of THE HEIRS are about Young do and Eun sang...... but anyways I really really loved this ff<3. Thanks for writing it :)
Millenium2468 #2
Chapter 3: *prestigious
Millenium2468 #3
Chapter 3: maybe a choi young do first love one but the girl is very pertigious something like that?and that her brother is lee jong suk
Riyhana38 #4
Chapter 14: Loved it
You know what I'm smiling ear to ear right now
Gonna miss it like hell
ankita24 #5
how to download these storeis as pdf ?????????
seolhyun12 #6
Chapter 14: I want more. I will read the rest of ur stories. Bye. Loved it.
seolhyun12 #7
Chapter 14: Hmm! It ended.
seolhyun12 #8
Chapter 10: how embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seolhyun12 #9
Chapter 10: Oh ma ya!!!
seolhyun12 #10
Chapter 10: Oh ma ya!!!