I Didn't Tell You

You Didn't Tell Me
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 “I Didn’t Tell You”



There was a short pause. When Tao looked up he realized the manager was staring at him. Looking around he realized they all were. What did they want him to do? Lie? He swallowed hard as he felt his pulse becoming quicker from the panic. Maybe he could understand their feelings. How could he lie to them all this time and not lie just once to Kris. But…Didn’t they understand? How could they really expect him to lie to his favorite hyung? To Kris?


Tao took a breath trying to force himself to accept what he was about to do before he spoke.

“No. It’s not me ge. They saw your message. I’m sorry hyung. I didn’t know...” Tao felt the tension in the room as the members looked to each other. Most of them didn’t seem as angry as they were shocked. But…the manager was a different story.


The man glared across the space at the boy and slowly shook his head. There was a pause and Tao could hear the sound of the crowd becoming more distant before Kris spoke.

“It’s ok. It’s not your fault. Are you ok?”

“W-What?” Tao blinked confused momentarily.

“Are you hurt?” His hyung continued. That’s when Tao realized Kris was still worried about his fall from before. With the current situation they were in did that even matter right now? Tao shook his head nervously even though he realized the older couldn’t possibly see him through the phone.

“I’m fine hyung.” Tao heard the other give a soft sigh as if he had been holding his breath in anticipation.

“That’s good.” There was a slight pause before Kris spoke again. This time his soft tone from a second ago had changed into the cold tone he was used to. “So if Tao didn’t call me, who did?” Tao turned his attention back up at his manager’s face as the man gave a little grin.


He watched as the man motioned to a nearby security guard. In an instant the man grabbed the shoulder of another and the two rushed out of the room. Once they were gone the manager responded.

“I did.” Tao glanced over when he heard Baekhyun whispering not all to quietly to Chen who was standing next to him.

“Did they leave to find him?” He asked. Chen looked about as confused and dazed at the other but nodded a little in response.


Once more Tao was torn with internal conflict. Should he risk warning Kris and upsetting everyone further or should he just be quiet this time? He wasn’t even sure he knew what was so good about Kris not being found. What could they possibly do to the M leader? It’s not like they would drag him off to prison or something. They wouldn’t do anything bad to the older boy. Right?


Tao bit the inside of his lip as he looked back to the manager who was still speaking.

“Have you been talking to Tao all this time?” He asked. Even though he wanted to hear how Kris would respond Tao knew there wouldn’t be much time left. The panic must have given him an extra sense of courage that helped him ignore the possibly negative outcomes as he called out.

“Kris hyung!”


Tao was about to tell the M leader about the security that were out looking for him but based on the sounds coming from the other end of the phone he realized it was too late.    



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Chapter 1: says the video is private (?)
krodri08 #2
Chapter 15: I have never wished for a fanfic to be more real than this one T.T
I believe for whatever reason Kris left he never meant to hurt exo. I really wish them all the best. Good luck to exo and kris <3 I'll always be a fan . EXO12
I wasn't even on the 2nd chapter before I started crying. I admit I didn't want to read this fanfic at first because its like opening a cut that was barely healing. I didn't want to deal with the pain again. You made me have hope again, thanks ♡
anomalauls #3
Chapter 15: Oh Fanfan. I hope that one day you and the boys reconnect.
anomalauls #4
Chapter 7: "Because you weren't sleeping. OMG. Tear.
anomalauls #5
Warning: If you are not ok with the idea of two people of the same gender being attracted to each other and physically comfortable around each other, you should not read this story. In fact, you should probably avoid K-Pop and humanity in general. IMO.

_kritter126 #6
Chapter 15: Awww, well now I'm crying!
Chapter 15: This story was beautiful :'o I really hope they'll reconcile one day like this too!
Thank you for sharing it with us ^^ It really tugged on my heartstrings T^T Lets hope for the best for both EXO and Kris <3
forever18 #8
Chapter 15: I really appreciate your story chingu~ really really thankyou for you
Kris is my bias, along with tao and when I found out about kristao couple, I really love both of them because they really cute and remind me with me and my best friend or with my little sister whenever I see their brotherly act on air XD
also I see them like I see sisterly relationship between jung sister
I love them, kristao, because they love each other, a very good older and little brother

And the rumor yeah it was really affected me, I cried a lot for 2 days in my room, lucky I live alone far away from my family because of my study, because if not, they will probably yelling at me and said if I act like an immatured and weird for 18 yo girl ahahhahahaahah

I love your story chingu, it feels like healing words for me although I know for sure your store is fictional one but yeah I am still clinging to my hope, my little hope ;')

But I only wish the best for them so . . . Yeah just like frozen, just let it go wkkwk

When I was reading this story chingu, I also listening to exo sad and ballad song like baby dont cry ahhahaha so it was a bit make a "perfect environment" ahahhaha

And I LOVE this story
ganbatte ne~
Yumi_desu #9
Chapter 15: Thanks for your story :)) I really enjoy to read it, i thinks this story helps a lot of exotic :((
Chapter 14: ahh~ it's a really really great!!! TT.TT