Ellie's boring day at school

Foreign Love

~Ellie's POV~


            The first bell had rung and everyone was already seated after a quick conversation with their friends. A small statured female was quietly sleeping at her desk in the back at the last row. She stirred after a couple of minutes before finally deciding to wake up to her Algebra teacher already ending roll call and in the process of discussing the importance of the process in which you find “x”.

She inwardly hated the fact that he always looked terribly awkward, and unfortunately, stuttering in between his sentences and rubbing his neck every minute didn’t help much at all. He was okay looking; not too shabby not too drab. Black hair sleeked back to where you can fully see his face structure and blemish-free skin and clear glasses to top off the typical teacher look. Thankfully, he was not obese but at a nice weight for his stature.

            She subtly rolled her eyes, looked down and began to doodle on her worksheet. (A/N: italics means her thoughts, okay?) Can’t this class go by faster already? Gah before I know it I’ll be in deep sleep again…


The loud sound from the speakers located everywhere in the high school indicated that it was time to switch to 8th period; the last class before school is officially over. With a soft groan she forced herself up and stumbled out the door.

            She itched to grab into her pink harajuku lovers bag and plug in her earphones, but of course, you weren’t supposed to have “any kind of technology while in campus” and being the person she is, she wouldn’t break the rules though everyone else seemed to disregard it.

            Students pushed and bustled and made their way through the long halls at Edinburg High otherwise known as EHS. A gray dreary building that would sort of remind you of a prison except on the inside there was red and blue blocks painted on the walls (the schools colors) and colorful posters plastered high and low exclaiming each class; (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior) and how great it is to be at a high school like this.

            People, mainly Hispanic, walked to their next period including her. A girl you would think of an age about 12 blended with everyone else. Thankfully because of her height, she could simply ease in and out of other people’s way but decided not to due to her inability to sense her surroundings. She blinked once again and shook her head to clear the haziness that comes with lack of sleep. A few minutes afterwards she found her classroom room 183. She turned the metal handle and strolled inside.

            A smile found a way onto her face as she familiarized with her most favorite class; Art AP (Advanced Placement) IV. Stools were replaced for chairs and long creamy colored tables that created a shape of a rectangle but left a space for her teacher’s desk was located in the middle and took up about 3/4ths of the room.  Copies of Vincent Van Gogh’s artwork was placed neatly side by side on the wall as well as other students masterpieces. A vast glass window that held a door that led outside was right across the room; where some supplies were stored and where students could work if they chose. Next to the glass door, a small little office that held a computer and a desk as well as two large cabinets where materials were kept were located.


            She brightened up at the sound of her name, momentarily forgetting that she was half asleep; she half ran -half walked to one of her good friends Mariela.

            She immediately gave a grin,“Hola! Watcha doin’?

            She glanced up into friendly dark brown eyes slightly covered by black glasses.

            “Oh nothin’ just going to go the restroom, I’ll be back kay?”

            She nodded in understanding and looked back to see that Mariela was closing the door behind her.

            Skipping to her seat, she pulled out her bag and browsed for her needed supplies. Once found, she hastily spread them out eager to get started. She rushed to the office and pulled out her unfinished art piece and scrambled towards her seat. Ellie sat down and took out her blue nano iPod and played her favorite song at the moment; “I Am The Best” (by 2ne1).

            Once it started playing, she got to work bobbing her head the entire time, already memorized the dance moves enough to know where to make her shoulders turn at the right time. Being the awesome teacher that she was, Mrs. Garza believed that listening to music while working proved to be motivational and also inspirational to her students, therefore let iPods and musical devices out.

            Sometimes getting distracted by Mariela’s constant questions and of course the song itself makes it hard to concentrate on her work but determination to finish keeps Ellie in track.

            Soon came fast and school was now over. Happy that the hardest part of the day was out of the way, Ellie practically ran over to the bus area, where her ride was soon to come…in about 20 minutes. As always, while waiting for her bus she stayed near her close friends Alaiza (Uh-lie-za) and Joann (a guy given that nickname for no apparent reason at all). Talking about almost nothing in particular, it was always easy to get sidetracked by some random happening but it was completely normal that way.

            Glancing almost every minute, Ellie finally spotted her bus and quickly bade her friends and newly made acquaintances goodbye and ran to catch up before it left without her…again.

            She coolly strolled over to the opened doors and found a seat amongst the crowded area and plugged in her earphones, once again finding the opportunity to drown herself in the music she loved and that kept her at peace almost always. She browsed quickly through her list of songs until she came upon the one she wanted to listen to and pressed play. “Demon” (by Jay Park) could be heard in her ear drums and the catchy melody caused to her lip sync the words that she already knew after a few 100 listens. Park’s rap was one of her ultimate favorite parts of the song besides the chorus of course, (A/N: LOL it rhymes XD) I was trying to go and save my soul cause’ lovin’ you really takes its toll, you’re the only single name I know…

            Screeching to a stop, the bus finally came to her destination and while heading out, she gladly thanked the driver and slowly walked to her to her apartment with her sister Erielle (like Ariel but with unique spelling) trailing behind.

            Ellie headed over to the computer and let her long, slim fingers type into Google, looking up pictures of 2ne1 and watching K-dramas and 2ne1 TV as well as performances, and ending with reading a couple of fanfics before finally immersing herself in her homework, though halfheartedly and while listening to K-Pop.

            Man I wonder what it would be like if 2ne1 came here….



Author's Note:

hola people!! so here is my first chapter! try not to get bored with the boring info but i just thought it was necessary to get to know the characters surroundings :PP XDD

Please comment! i want to see what you all think since its my first time writing a fic :DD ill try to make it more intresting in the upcoming chapters so watch out for me! ^o^

ill see if i can update tomorrow okay? :3

P.S anyone know where i can find a good uh..poster maker? :D



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