How to: Murder for dummies

Stories without ending (one-shot collection)

Contains violence, nothing too graphic, tho. You know the classic ´mafia´ look? A suit, hat, coat. All fancy and stuff, imagine it like that, also it is in past, so the car and clothes are from previous century...

Joining a gang might not have been that great of an idea. Considering I´ve never even punched someone, yet alone killed a person. Now they assigned me a ´take care of them´ case and I am not happy about it. Taking care of someone isn´t as fun as I imagined it would be, nonetheless, it is my duty now. I am currently polishing my silver and white gun, preparing it for a silencer. I want to be clean and stay clean. I am not wearing suit just for the guy to spill his filthy blood all over. Yes, maybe I didn´t mention it before, but the victim is a guy. Pretty rich, when at it. He did something my boss didn´t like. Needless to say I wasn´t informed on any details. I was told his existence is inconvenient plus his name and address, for obvious reasons. I screw the silencer on my gun and put it into my suit jacket. A blade is hanging on my side, just to make sure I don´t screw things up. It´s a simple sword with a silver hilt. Nothing special, but it serves its purpose. I slipped on my long woolen coat as it was nearing winter and stepped outside. Cold breeze whistled past me and I shivered at the first contact with winter weather. I put on my fancy hat and went to my car, not really using it. I just needed to lead neighbors into thinking I went somewhere far, while in fact my destination was only 10 minutes´ walking from my house. I parked the car after two minutes spent driving it, just around the corner, shortening my walk by about four minutes. I pushed open the door of my car and looked around to make sure noone noticed me. 


I stood in front of the man I was about to murder. Put to sleep, to be nice. I thought I would be confused. That I would have a mix of feelings inside my chest, stopping me from being professional, but that never happened. Even now as I am standing here, pointing the barrel of my gun at his forehead, nothing happens. My hand isn´t sweaty, my arm doesn´t shake, it´s steady. I thought the man would plead for mercy or something, but he doesn´t. He is calm, just like me. And then, as the gun is knocked out of my hand, I realise why he is so calm. Dammit, couldn´t I pay more attention to my surroundings? My hand stings from the kick that was delivered to it, but while the other man grabs my hand, I quickly shift the other into my coat and pull out my blade, swiftly navigating it into this new man´s heart. I impaled a man, I could feel the hot blood pouring out on my arm, but I couldn´t care less. I pull out the blade as the body thumps to the ground. Blood is slowly dripping from the point of my sword as I look up at my assigned victim. God, was I glad I brought the sword with me. Sooner than the man could do anything, I plunged myself on him and dipped the blade into his chest, aiming for the heart. For the second time in a minnute I killed a man and didn´t feel a thing. So after all, it wasn´t such bad idea to become a part of a gang. I might even be good at something for once... 

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