Lightning under sakura

Stories without ending (one-shot collection)

I stand beside a large lake, its surface calm and mirroring the night sky with a full moon. Two richly branched sakuras stand above me, making a somewhat canopy over me with their long branches full of little pink flowers. Although it's night and no wind is present, from time to time I can hear silent rustling of petals as they descend from the trees to the ground. It's peaceful. I look at the lake, it reminds me of the far and wide ocean, that I love to watch. It has been long time since the Kae army departed from the seaside and began marching deeper into the land. We won many fights, we invaded and claimed as ours many villages and towns. Since the war time began I was able to achieve great military success. I have the highest rank. I am the leader. And thus I am in great danger everytime we paint the battlefield bloody red colour. As a leader I must be in the frist row, I need and must encourage the soldiers to participate in the battle to their fullest. Over the time I developed my fighting skills and now I hear my soldiers call me names. In a good way. There are several names they call me, but the most frequent is Inazuma (稲妻, lightning) because of how fast I move during battle. 
I hear rustling of grass behind me, so I spin around, my armour giving a soft clang clang clang sound. Another man in armour appears.

"Oh, if it isn't our famous Inazuma."

"Manetsuta." I say, trying to be as polite as possible without breaking his neck in that instant.

"Ts, ts, ts. Is this how you greet a friend?"

"You are no friend of mine." Manetsuta is person with second highest rank. He always have been jealous of my achievements, always trying to replace me. A few times he tried to poison me.

"Inazuma, let's have a duel."


"Inazuma, come on, don't be a ."


"Inazumaaa-saaaan." He tries the whiney voice.


"Ok, so it will be murder then." He immediately snaps into all-serious and murderous mood. I lay my hand on the hilt of the katana hanging on my side.

"I said no."

"I don't care. I just want to get rid of you." His eyes are filled with hunger for torn flesh and thirst for spilled blood.

The fight lasted long enough to tire both of us. We summoned our last energy for our last dance under the sakuras. I felt the katana getting heavier every moment, but Manetsuta dropped his first. I lowered my katana as he stumbled closer to me. Only too late I noticed the small shining blade of his dagger getting closer to my body. It looked strangely, like something not from Japan but rather from a country that lays behind the ocean. Beautiful ocean. The dagger pierced my stomach, not causing a wound fatal enough to kill me instantly.

"It's poisoned. But I think I might have put a little bit less than needed to kill quickly, so it is highly possible that you will have long and painful death."

"So you sticked with poison after all." I say as I fall to ground. I hear him leaving. I look up, holding the wound. I know it can't be helped, I am going to die. I look above me, at the quiet sakuras, I look at the calm lake. I watch the petals and even full flowers as they float on the water. I watch them as they silently fall on the ground, next to me. And then I close my eyes, I'm not watching the nature anymore. The last tought in my mind is: At least I died in a beautiful place.
* * *
some years later
* * *
I am again standing where I was killed. Although now it's during day. The lake is shimering and shining under the sun rays. The sakuras are once again in full bloom, casting a shadow under them. Even the near forest is quiet. I wonder who planted these two sakuras here, in the forest, near a lake. After my death, I became ghost. I soon find out it's not as easy as scaring people and walking aimlessly where I died. Interacting with people isn't difficult, but one has to master it during time. Interacting with other ghosts is as it was with people when I was alive. For ghosts is traveling incredibly easy, one can fly there, walk there or just think of a place and they will appear where they want. But this skill needs to be mastered also. 
But I stand here, in Japan, in the place where I was killed. Because I have no where else to go. What for? 
Silence, ghosts are quiet, so when they're coming, one can not hear it. But I heard a twig break. A human? A very clumsy ghost? I spin around.

This was supposed to be as rp, but it failed. But I like the story so I decided to put it here. If anybody wants to rp with me, feel free to contact me either here or on kik, which is rindagazetto . Have a good day:)

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