A nasty brain wreck and alot of convincing!!

Last Goodbye

Thinking of ideas was surely harder than it looked. Jake was right I had to think of something which would be acceptable throughout the world. I was currently lying on my comfy bed figuring out what new to do in the concert. If only I could bring out the OTP in them. I still was in my ideas when my room was filled with a noise shouting 'CASEY YOU HAVE A CALL!!'. I seriously need to change my ringtone. Thanks to my sister, i never could miss calls because of that ring tone.

I checked the caller name to find out my best friend Alex calling me. It was already 4 months since i last contacted her. Hey, don't blame me, staying with the boys i sometime forget to take my baths.

"Hey Alex! What a timing? I was just thinking about you."

"Liar!! Anyways, it's been long since i talked to my girlfriend, so i thought maybe i could ring up. So what's up?How's life?"

"Everything's okay i guess. I am currently in a crisis, kind of. I have approximately 8 hours to think of some ideas and unfortunately, my brain cells are refusing to co-operate with me. You have no idea how messed up I am."

"Ya, I heard about that. Jake called me to inform about the concert. I am sure you are presently wrecking your brains about it. Hehe, I would love to see that."

"Ha, you didn't change a bit. Always the tease." I sometimes had to remind myself how Jake and Alex were dating some time ago. Apparently, things didn't go well which made Alex leave but they sure remained good friends. It was still surprising how Jake continued his habit of telling everything to Alex like the old days. He told her what he had for breakfast, what shampoo he used that day, what colour clothes he wore. I mean, literally eveything. I won't be surprised if he told her when he visited the washroom. Sounds creepy!!!

"I think Jake has a point. You should be careful of what you make them perform. You know many fans in America are still fighting with their friends stating that their so called 'oppas' are not gay. I wonder how they are so obsessed about these korean pop-stars. Anyways, I am sure it would do a lot of good especially for you if some of them were girls, I mean it would surely help you with your ideas and ......"

"OH MY GOD!!!! Alexis Grace, you are a genius. Where were you all my life?"

"You see I had a internship in Chicago and before that I..."

"No I didn't mean it like that. Anyways you just gave me the best idea ever. It's going to be hard to convince them but I think I can try. Oh my god!! You just made my day!!

"Uhhh. Iam glad i could help. But.... can you tell me what I helped with?"

"Come on, don't be so modest! You were the one who gave me a hint that this whole thing will only be possible if some of them were girls so........." I was waiting for her to catch the trail. "Don't you get it?"

"I still don't know what you...........OH I get it. What a brilliant idea Case! I must be a genius to come up with such an idea. I know this is going to be hard to convince them for a gender-operation but I think they will give in."

"Wait WHAT??? What do you mean by gender-................. NO!! HELL NO!! I didn't mean it that way!! Ugh!! Anyways I'll call you later, I really need some time to gather my head. Toodles." I then hung up the phone. I know this would be impossibly hard but hey, you can always try. I gathered all the crazy ideas i had and decided to call Jake. He should be the first to know since he was the director and all. I dialed his number and counted the rings. This was always a habit when i was extremely nervous or excited. At the 8th ring, he picked up the phone.

"Yeboseyo?" A groggy voice questioned me.

"Hello! Jake, it's me Casey." I still didn't get used to say yeboseyo instaed of hello. Ahh me and my habits.

"Case, you better have a really good reason to wake me up at 3 in the morning." Oops didn't notice the time.

"Sorry Jake. But I just talked with Alex and she came up with a brilliant plan. I couldn't stop myself from calling you."

I then calmly explained him my idea. Thankfully, he just listened without making a comment or two which was soo unlike him. I took a minute to breathe and remember if i had left any part out. After hearing the plan, ( by the way, he is a great listener. No wonder he was a women-charmer) he kept quiet for a few minutes before anserwing. Then, 

"Casey, the idea is good. but something bothers me. Do you think the members will agree to do this? I mean, like you know how touchy they are about this subject."

"Jake, I know this is going to be hard but we have no other choice. And believe me, if you hear what Alex suggested, you would definitely agree with my idea." And i reluctantly told Alex's idea of -operation. As soon as he heard this bizarre idea, he started laughing so hard, I was sure he knocked out a table or two judging from the noices in the background.

"Well, I am not surprised. That just sounds like her. Anyways, making them agree is your problem. So hang up so i can go back to my dreamland."

"Gee!! Thanks!! And here i thought that you could help me." I thought of saying something much more insulting but stopped, hearing snores from the other side. Well, looks like I have to take care of the problem. I knew this wasn't going to be easy but I had confidence that they would agree with me at some point. All i wanted was one word from their mouths and that was : YES

"NO, No way. I am so sorry Casey but we can't help you in any way" Key shouted, more like screeched at me. Presently, all the artists were sprawled on the floor listening to the crazy idea i just proposed.

"But come on, you know it's gonna work. We have nothing better to showcase for the event. And Iam sure you don't have any ideas either." I glanced hopefully at Jake, begging him through my eyes, if he could help me. But all i got was a head-shake and a look which said 'sorry, can't help you, this is your fight. fight it yourself' Ohhh!! How I hate this guy sometimes.

"Casey you know this sounds ridiculous don't you?" Eunhyuk asked me. "You know we tried really hard to change our appearences from beautiful and gorgeous to handsome and charming after the 'Gee' performance and I don't think I should remind you what happened at that time as you were present there yourself." I knew exactly what he was talking about. Months ago they had showcased an act where each one of them  had dressed up as a girl and danced on various girl-group songs. If you asked me, I actually enjoyed it. But the boys had other views about the performance. The fans were one of the problems. They enjoyed the performance so much that they had demanded to see more of these kind of performances. That lead way to the Lady Gaga performance by Heechul. But that didn't quite satisfy the fans but they were satisfied for some time. Similarly, the boys were scared what would happen this time if history repeats itself.

"But guys, this time only a few of you are going to dress up as girls and others are going to stay as they are. Thats the whole point actually. You know the fans will go crazy if they see their favourite OTP's together as in a drama or a movie."

"Why don't you just ask the girls to portray the role of ......... girls." G-dragoon answered not convinced of his own answers.

"Trust me. I thought of that but don't you know? A boy and boy relationship has more craze than a boy and girl relationship. So you really need to help me out here." I pleaded, wondering if they would agree.

"But Casey, the idea itself is crazy. Are sure it's going to work?" Taecyeon asked me.

"Look, I know this is really absurd for me to ask you to dress up like girl but i have no other bright ideas." I stated. "Looks like I am not the right choice for this job. I should have declined the offer when I had a chance. I knew I didn't deserve this post." I murmured. But it looked like the boys heard me and got a bit emotional.

"Fine!! We will do it!" Stated Kyuhyun which caught me off-guard. Actually I didn't expect any of them to listen to me and Kyuhyun was surely at the bottom of the list as he had the most hardest time to come out his female-appearence. He really did make a beautiful and hot female. But then i realised why he had agreed.

"Of course, you would have no problem because you get to stay as a boy." Sungmin answered the question for me. In the pair of Kyumin, Kyuhyun was always the male counterpart whereas Sungmin had to be the..... well you know the female counterpart. "But I think this act may be the show stopper. If we can pull this off, I think i don't need to tell you how famous we would become. So I agree."

Slowly, many people started to see sense and gradually agreed to the idea.

"Then what about us? If you already have ladies what about the real ladies?" Dara asked.

"Well I have thought of that. You could become the rivals. You know, the beautiful and y villians." Jake offered. For a moment i thought that they were offended. But they just smiled liking the idea. Looks like I exceled in my mission. I was beyond happy. A grin spread through my face when i announced.

"What are we waiting for? Lets see who pairs with who!!" And i started taking in notes.



Another chapter done. Can I ask you guys a favour?? I really dont know about 2pm and 2am so could you tell me who is paired with whom among the group. that would help ma alot!!.

Commens are appreciated!!






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kyuhyun1559 #1
dont worry!! u will find out but there is a bad news. it will take some time before u realise it cz this is all but a tip of an iceberg (laughing evil laugh)!!!