Getting along and a CRAZY idea!!!

Last Goodbye

Behaving something which you really aren't is very hard. TRUST ME!! I know!! I tried really hard to pretend calm throughout the whole week of the practices and every time, i found myself stressed out. All the SM artists were surprised to see me coping up really well eventhough some of them made mistakes in their dance routine. They were used to the Casey who used to shout or throw things at them whenever they made a mistake and were clearly taken by surprise when they saw the sudden change in me. Nowadays, i was calm and collected. The conversations took place without the use of shouting nor curses in the practice rooms. Eventhough the artists were stunned by this sudden change in me, they didnt let it show, for which i was really thankful.

The work was done rather harmonously. Each and every artist took this gathering seriously and attended practises on time. There was no complaints from anyone and i could even see some of the non-dancers trying their best to perfect their dance steps. All in all, i was pretty proud of them. Of course i had my momens of remorse and anger when i found out that some of them were playing pranks on each other and pulling everyone's leg ( HI!!! SUPER JUNIOR!!), but i couldnt blame them, we all needed some break and their pranks would always leave us laughing or giggling.

I was watching them practice when i found Jake making his way towards me.

"Hey!! They look good don't they?" he asked.

"Yeah! They look pretty decent. But that's not really the problem Jake. Everytime they have a concert, they do nothing but dance and sing. We have to make this stage really special if we want eveyone to remember it but unfortunately i can't come up with any ideas. I want something which no one expected them to do. What do you say?" I questioned.

"Actually, I agree with you. Hey, I think i might have an idea. Yesterday i was searching for good stories or novels to read. Thats when i stumbled across a site called And trust me when i say this, they take this one-true-pairing damn seriously. I have gone through many stories with the artists as main characters and some funny and crazy love stories between them. So, I was thinking........"

"Go on, Iam listening." I encouraged.

"I thought maybe, this time we should make the wishes of the fans come true. We can make play some kind of game in which they may express their relationship with their pair. What do you think?"

" I think...... that's a wonderful idea. Oh my god!! Jake You are a genius. And I, just thought of a great game which would not only excite the fans but also expect more from their favourite pairs for something more." I said. Suddenly many ideas were coming into my mind which could make the concert much ore famous.

"Listen Case, before you over-do it, let me remind you that this show is going to be aired as an international event. Eventhough people in Korea may enjoy the pairing of their favourite stars, people abroad may not appreciate it. So, think of ideas which may hint their close relationship but not, like showcase their love between them. Some foreign fans may misunderstand this as gay love and disapprove of it." Jake warned.

"Don't you worry about it Jake!! I will take care of everything. This is going to be a event, which cannot be forgotten so easily." I assured him. 


Sorry for not updating early and also for the short update!!!

I am kind of busy in getting ready for interviews I have to attend. So please cut me some slack!!!

Comments are always appreciated!! CIAO!!!

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kyuhyun1559 #1
dont worry!! u will find out but there is a bad news. it will take some time before u realise it cz this is all but a tip of an iceberg (laughing evil laugh)!!!