A Horrible lunch and a stuck up

Last Goodbye

"AHHHH! Iam really tired. and I am hungry and I really need to go to the washroom" Kyuhyun shouted with frustration. He really hated the practice sessions and today wasnt doing him good either. He kept on stumbling on something invisible and cursed alot. Well i was used to this because if he didnt do such things that would surprise me more. He then pouted cutely  and looked towards me like a kicked out puppy.

Well there goes my weak heart again. I looked at the watch and was astonished to see it was alreay afternoon.

"Well, wrap it up guys. I think you had it enough and anyways you have schedules to got too. I was informed to tell you and kick you out of here so you could attend them." I opened the file to look at their schedules.

"Heechul you have a shooting for WGM, Sunggie you have a vocal practice with Seonsengnim, Kangin you have a recording for a variety show, Sungminnie and Wookie have to go for Sukira and Kyuhyun has to go for recording Radio star. As for you guys" I siad pointing to Shindong, Eunhyuk and Donghae " you can head back to the dorms and relax". I informed everyone of their schedules as they groaned and sat down drowning themselves with water.

My stomach growled startling me and reminding me the fact that i did not have breakfast. So i was eagerly looking forward for lunch. As i was looking at the gate with a sly smile wondering if i should run out of here, Heechul noticed me.

He came up to me and threw a questioning glance. I looked at him with a question mark on my face and he immediately understood. " I was wondering why you call me Heechul these days" he asked me. I was taken aback by his sudden question. I didnt expect him to notice the detail.

"Looks like i forgot!" I lied. The truth was, i always called Heechul 'omma' because he was really the mother figure to me. Eventhough Leeteuk is known to be motherly, i found myself more attached to Heechul but i stopped addressing him so, due to the fight we had a few weeks ago. It was over a stupid matter (he thought i was going out with some one and he was mad that i did not tell him. But the truth was i never dated anyone so far and that led us to the fight. Bubbling with anger, he shouted at me saying that he was no longer an omma for me and i had taken it way too serious and stopped calling him that.) Later, on finding out the truth we reconciled but i still was hurt by the fact that my omma would actually doubt me. But knowing Heechul, who didnt like showing emotions openly, i let the hurt slip through me.

"Okay i will call you omma from now on!" listening to this he smiled at me and left. My stomach growled again reminding me i was hungry.

"Guys!! Dont forget you have a dance practice with SNSD and EXO tomorrow at 7:00 am. dont be late. As for now Hit the showers, grab some lunch and get the hell out of here." i shouted as i made my way to the canteen.

It was hell of a day but the only thing which can make me feel happy again was  FOOD!!. I was always a foodie, i eat when iam happy, sad, angry, or  stressed. This was the only thing apart from dance, i loved the most. But again, i never actually gained weight i was still the same 48 KG (more or less). Blame it to my excessive dancing and and excessive freaking out due to the members. As soon as i saw the menu for today's lunch, the bright smile i was spoting fell off my face. There goes my idea of having a good lunch today!!. Today we had caesar salad, beef bulgogi, samgyeopsal and sweet buns for desserts. I instantly cursed as i made way to the counter to help myself with the salad and buns for my lunch. I lazily walked to a empty corner and pointlessly poked my salad with my fork.

"Enjoying your lunch much??" i heard Chanyeol and Baekhyun approaching with plates filled with food in their hands. Chanyeol was eyeing me while Baekhyun had a knowing smile playing on his lips. They settled themselves in the empty chairs infront of me.

I gave him a smug smile. " Does it really look like that?" I resumed poking the salad and finally took a piece in my mouth. I instantly scrunched my nose in disgust and pushed away the plate. Oh well, you could always have dessert.!! I picked up the sweet buns and started munching on them. Baekhyun just saw me and started laughing but Chanyeol threw a glance at Baekhyun for an explaination.

"Dont you know that Ms.Casey West here isnt a fan of pork and is highly allergic to beef?" Baekyun answered him and added "I found it the hard way." Chanyeol gave me a Is he serious? look to me and seeing my expression, he understood immeadiately.

" How can you stay in a place where the staple diet is pork and not be able to eat it??" he asked me all the while stuffing his mouth with pieces of pork. And here i thought he really cared for me but as soon as he continued stuffing his mouth, all the gratitude i felt for him went out the window.

"I think pork tastes really squishy and gummy like. Why cant people eat something much more delicious like uhm..... chicken for instance, its delicious compared to pork and beef." It was true. I loathed pork and beef, sometimes people ask me if i really belong to America where beef is rather famous. Whenever i had to go out with my friends, i was the only one who would ask if i could have a hamburger sans the ham and as usual the waiter would give a strange look before leaving. I once ate stir fried beef offered by Baekhyun during my early days of working here. I couldnt blame him though, cause he did not know about my allergy, and soon after i had to be rushed to the hospital. Baekhyun was so scared that he practically thought that i was dead. In the end, he was absolutely right. He learned it the hard way.

"No wonder your friends with Onew sunbaenim" Baekhyun commented. Well, he was right. The first thing which kicked off in our friendship was our mutual liking or should say interest in chicken. He was practically crazy for it. I was no better compared to him. We would always come up with ideas how to make the other members agree to have chicken for breakfast, lunch or dinner. While i was devouring the sweet buns, i saw the Super Junior and SHINee members pooling into the canteen. Wookie approached me his oh-so-sweet smile, handing me a lunch box. I dumbfoundedly stared at him when he answered "I know you cant eat pork or beef, so i made this for you. Dont worry it does not contain anything with green veggies either. I made it with chicken and soy sauce. Hope you enjoy it." he addressed me before sprinting back to Yesung and Shindong. Here was the other member i liked the most. Although not as motherly as Heechul omma  was for me (Heechul and motherly?? Who am i kidding?? Heechul and motherly dont even fit in the same sentence), he always cared for me and my food habits. After all he was the cooking expert in the dorm who liked to feed the members and take care of them. If i hadnt known better, i would think he was trying to impress me. And as expected, as soon as the word chicken left Wookie's mouth, i could see Onew glancing at us once in a while. When Wookie left i called out to him.

"Hey Onew, want to share some??" Instantly his face brightened up and came sprinting towards and took a chair beside me. The EXO member eyes him and prepared to leave us.

"Guys, where are you leaving? there is no need to feel shy infront of your sunbaenim, anyways i dont think Onew would mind having you here. right Onew??" I turned my head towards him for the answer. He just nodded his head without breaking his contact with the plate in front of him. Koreans really took the age difference really seriously. I have noticed this alot of times. EXO is know to be joyful and immature but once they are in the same room as their seniors, they would be very well-behaved and would address them with respect.

"No, its okay Casey, actually we have schedule anyways, so we would leave first. Bye Case, Bye Onew sunbaenim." Saying this they left but of course not before bowing to Onew. Onew, who is known for his politenes turned towards them and flashed a smile before going back to his precious chicken. After few spoons, i couldnt eat anymore, blame it on the sweet buns.

"Yah!! Here! you finish it, iam already full" saying this i pushed the plate towards Onew. "And dont forget to wash it and give it back to me, iam supposed to give it back to Wookie, safe and sound."

"Arent you younger than me? I could use some respect here you know, besides, you should be the one to wash it. You are my dongsaeng." And here we are, he always plays this age comparision game when i ask  him to do chores. He clearly knows that i dont mind the age barrier at all, but everytime i ask him to do something he would shoot me with this older-younger relationship.

"Ohhh! please Onew. Dont you even know me. I dont give a whether you are older or younger. You are the one to finish last so you would do the washing. And about the respect thing, you know i  dont even talk formally with Super Junior members who are way older than me, even the magnae of that group is 5 years older than me. HECK, even Chanyeol and Baekhyun are a year older than me but have you ever seen me talking to them using formalities. NEVER!! Anyways you know i like breaking the rules and i also know that you like that quality in me so cut me some slack for god's sake." Onew just stared at me while i was talking to him and ended up saying somehing which left me feeling like a complete idiot.

"Fine, if you want me to wash the box, say it directly. You dont need to beat it around the bush, you know." I mentally facepalmed at this. As i was going to retort, i heard Jake calling me. When i reached him, he told me to come to the main office at 5:00. I glanced at the watch to see i had merely an hour left so i decided to clean myself before leaving.


"Hey!! What's up?" As soon as Jake saw me, he smiled at me with some files in his hand.

"Hey!! You are on time. The cheif called you in his cabin. He wants to speak to you about something." I frowned knowing exactly what he meant by the chief. It means the CEO of SM Ent., Mr. Kim Young-Min. I always had a dislike toward him. Because i found him irresponsible and a total stuck up.

"Looks like your not happy with the news." Jake commented.

"I think he wants to kick me out!!." I answered. My relationship with the CEO wasnt a secret for anyone. Everyone knew that i loathed him. DAMN!! I think he himself knows that i hate him to the core. Well it isnt hard to find out especially when someone talks to you holding up a glare every single time and give answers as if you want to eat him alive.

"Are you kidding?? You know he would do anything not to loose you. Many people out there are trying to lure you into their companies with strange offers and the cheif is doing his best not to let you go. Eventhough he is aware of th fact, you hate him, he is smart enough to not let you go or else he knows his downfall is near. As a matter of fact, i think the meeting is about something regarding the concert being held in Busan." He said. I nodded, he was right, the cheif would never let me go. I was one of his best choreographers but still that didnt make me like him. Honestly i liked Lee Sooman Sunbaenim alot more. He took the responsibility of his artists, at least he would arrive on time for meeting (unlike someone with the name THE CHEIF).

"Well, we have to wait till we find out." Saying this i departed and made way to the  cheif's cabin. As soon as i knocked the door, there was a faint 'come in' heard. I took a deep breath before making my way into the cabin. The cheif was sitting in his chair as usual with the same smug look he always had.



How was it?? I know there is nothing important in this chapter but i just wanted you to get familiar with Casey's character. In the upcoming chapters you would know her better.

As usual, comments are really appreciated!! CIAO!!

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kyuhyun1559 #1
dont worry!! u will find out but there is a bad news. it will take some time before u realise it cz this is all but a tip of an iceberg (laughing evil laugh)!!!