
Paper Boat

Peep - peep – peep - peep.
“Doctor I think he wakes up!”
He screamed his voice full of worry. Nervously he fumbled on the sterile blanket, an old habit he never really got the chance to quit. Usually he prefers to grab someone’s tight or arm, even hands were welcome. But there was no one he could have hold onto.
“Don’t worry the medicals will kick in, he won’t feel anything …”
The doctor tried to reassure him but he couldn’t help but to feel on the edge of panic.
“But …”
He didn’t want them to put him to sleep again, this would be his third surgery but it was actually the first time he showed some kind of reaction, the first time he seemed to want to wake up.
He was so terrified of losing him, that all he could do was to stare. Monitoring how the nurses injected him another ampule with another serum before his eyes darted back to Chansungs not so peaceful face. He looked so fragile, so scared, so hurt and then suddenly the twitching eyelids opened. It seems to be an extreme difficult and painful thing to do, since it seems to take an enternity. Everything around Minjun seems to pass by in slow motion, and the irritating noises faded. He hasn’t even realized he was holding his breath until he heard his own gasp.
“Chansung? Are you alright?”
Chansung slowly tried to narrow his eyebrows, making Minjun lips curl in a sad smile. Chansung never has liked to be called pet names, but it always has been a habit to the composer.
But as happy as he was to get a reaction from the once youngest from their group, it also frightened him. Wasn’t he supposed to be asleep? They were about to bring him to the next surgery right? To more hours where he would feel like a cat on a hot tin roof. So why was he awake?
But it didn’t really matter since now he was able to search for his hand, carefully not to pull on the hoses and wires. He almost didn’t dare to touch him, too scared he might hurt him even more. But once he got hold of the familiar slightly chubby fingers he felt a lot better. It still was the very same strong hands which could break an apple apart like before the accident, just the strength was missing.
The bubble around him burst and all the blocked out voices became even louder. Blurred was only his sight because the tears streamed down without mercy.

The nurse barked and almost knocked him out of her way, but he hadn’t let go of his hand. She grabbed Chansung infusion to push it along with the now moving bed.

By the time they reached the end of the room, Minjun always at his side, Chansungs eyelids became heavy again. He struggled to keep them open, a hopeless fight. It didn’t need a doctor title for Minjun to guess that he would soon drift of back to sleep and out of Minjuns reach.
“Chansung if you come back, let’s make holiday, we could go to Switzerland, or Honolulu. Or let’s sail somewhere, wherever the wind will take us.”
It took a while but to his surprise Chansung tried to open his mouth, tried to reply something.
But all he could hear was a dry pained sound. Luckily he had noticed that his throat was too dry and Minjun probably couldn’t have understood. Therefore he tried it a second time, weak but audible enough.
“The others...”
Obviously Chansung fought with every word, but Minjun could guess what he wanted to know.
“They are save Chansung, just focus on your own recovery.”
He had to blink away the tears, because Chansung was in no condition to bear with the truth just yet. Hell he doesn’t even know how to deal with it!
Sometimes he found himself grabbing into the air, because it became a habit that there would be taecyeon with coffee next to him. Or he thought he felt Khuns firm comforting hand on his shoulder. And when he woke up at night he could swear the "twins" sat next to each other fast asleep. But they were never there. Nichkhun died suburb, Taecyeon passed away on the way to the hospital. Junho was a fighter, he always was, he tried he even had spoken to him, but his injuries were too serious, and he never made it out of the E.R. Wooyoung was the difficult one, he looked as if everything was okay, just asleep, but after a few days the doctors had to let him go. Brain dead, they said.
“…we all…together?”
“Yes, yes together, we will wait okay? Don’t let us wait!”
They had reached the end of the corridor and therefore the end of the public area, Chansung’s hand slipped out of his caring grip, out of his reach. He watched as the frame of the bed disappeared behind the heavy doors of the E.R. and the red light went on.
There will never be enough tears to express the loss and the sadness Minjun felt, but as long there was at least one alive he would hope and pray and protect with all he could.
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Chapter 2: My dear, you seem to have a wonderful knack for dreamlike sequences and surreal settings. It's most intriguing to read and while I find myself initially confused, things do work themselves out in the end. I think these would hit harder if I did know the 2pm boys like you do, but I certainly found myself with a heavy heart and fighting tears by the end. It did take the epilogue and a second read through for everything to really come together, but once things settled into place, I was pretty much wonder struck by what you pulled together.

Your foreshadowing from the other characters was very well done and the little tidbits of information and reactions that you granted from the other members helps to solidify the situation when I went back through again. I'm not even mad about the twist at the end because you do give warning throughout, even if we don't immediately know why. The paper boat reference is quite lovely in a morbid and sad sense, and I was definitely wincing when you took into consideration some of how netizens would react in life. Ouch. T_T And probably not wrong either, which is the other depressing part.

While I felt bad for Chansung, I felt even worse for Minjun in particular. That would be harder than what Chansung was going through in my opinion. My only question is were they actually on a boat in some isolated place for 'sanity' sake or was that all a product of imagination? Otherwise, everything else I can puzzle out and piece together as intended (I think), which I found to be incredibly moving and, while not entirely a tragedy, very sad all the same. Still, you do leave us with a glimmer of hope for which I am grateful and it makes the end that much sweeter for the sorrow throughout.

Well done overall. A very beautiful piece indeed. ^_^
Chapter 2: aww *sniffle* at first i thought everyone was alive, trying to hide from channie that minjun had died. the comment about minjun's eyes being different only reinforced that idea. for me it was kind of a twist ending that minjun was the only one still alive :/

this is sad.
Chapter 2: I have nary a poetic bone in my body so I could never write anything like this. But that doesn't stop me from admiring someone who can. This was so dreamy and surreal and so very special.
lonelyfan #4
Chapter 2: oh my!!!! .... it made me cry , quite literally ,,,, wow just wow , ur writing is just wow . i could actually feel the emotion. you should continue . Heck i'll even buy ur book if you ever think of writing one ......
lonelyfan #5
Chapter 2: oh my!!!! .... it made me cry , quite literally ,,,, wow just wow , ur writing is just wow . it could actually feet the emotion. you should continue . Heck i'll even buy ur book if you ever think of writing one ......
Chapter 2: Oh boyyy I'm a crying mess.. I can't bear my feelings.. :'(((( I don't remember crying this hard for any other fic... *drop on the floor crying*
Now my fever will get even worse.. >__<
But golly this story is SO BEAUTIFUL~!
You are an amazing author <3
Samiliro #7
Chapter 2: WOW just wooow...
U know I have been a silent reader for a year but i just couldn't hold it in anymore... This was the most touching story I've ever read... God I can't stop crying.
Chapter 2: T_____T Yuan this is very much angsty...

the boys had an accident..and chansung and minjun are the only survivors ;_;

chanwoo conversations at first were so deep and cute..and I thought the boys were on some sort of vacation, but then things they said like letting chansung knows and what not unveils it...

;u; its sad and beautiful at the same time Yuan
Chapter 2: Oh mannn... You really know me. I am crying. ToT This is so sad. Really really sad. I pray to all god, please don't let this story happen in real life. I can't take it. I just can't. You did so well honey. You move my emotion through the story from happiness til the sadness. Poor little Channie. He must be really sad when he find out about this. His hyungs truely care about him. I can feel their love. Mannn,,,, I can't stop crying. What should I do?
Ahhh... I am going to comment more later. I just can't by now. I just need to cry until I satisfy. Wait for me please.