Rude receptionists, lion statues and a job

Fake I Love You's

A/N: Sorry for the delayed update OTL

I stared at the tall gray building in dismay, with its polished windows and gleaming doors the building gave off a very professional aura...the exact opposie of me. I stood outside the building doors hesitating on entering. 'Why are you here anyway?' I asked myself. When G-Dragon had given me the sticky note I was absolutly sure that I wouldn't come. I mean why should I? He was nothing but rude to me since the start so why should I listen to him? But the truth was that I  wanted to come, I wanted to come ever since the incident at the park. I took a deep breath to calm myself and slowly entered. My eyes widened as I saw the inside of the building.  It was breath-taking with it's pure, white marble floors and exotic flowers that were hung from every wall. There was a stone fountain in the middle of the wide corridor filled with dozens of tiny,golden fish.
"Miss may I help you?" asked a polite voice.
I turned around and saw a young woman with dark brown eyes and coal black hair that was tighed into a tight bun.
"Umm yes I uh..." I mumbled, unsure of what to say. I highly doubt she would believe me if I told her that G-Dragon wanted to meet me.
" a have note" I said finally ,searching my pockets for the neon slip of paper.
"Umm here" I said lamely as I handed her the note.
"...and what do I do with this?" the lady asked with a brow raised.
"Ummm I got it from an artist here" I cringed at how lame it sounded.
She nodded.
"Right okay m'aam I'm sorry but could you please leave and return with a valid entry pass?" she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"But I-"
"She's with me" spoke a cold voice from behind me.
I let out a relieved sigh then immeadiatly stiffened why did I recegnize his voice so easily?
"Ah Jiyong-ah! I didn't know you requested her!" said the lady with wide, panicked eyes.
"Lets go." he said to me, completly ignoring the receptionist like he ignored my apolgy when I first bumped into him.

I walked behind him slowly, taking in my surrondings, such as the tiny little statues of lions that were placed evenly along the cream coloured walls and the portraits of who I presummed were Yang Hyun Seok's family members.
"Whose she?" a voice sneered.
"Why is she wearing that?" another said in disgust.
"Proabably just a fan that won a competition." scoffed another.
I looked down at myself. I was wearing dark blue jeans and a grey t-shirt with a penguin printed on it however compared to everyone else, with their short skirts, designer jackets and high heeled boots, I was obviously under-dressed. I hung my head low so that my hair covered my blushing face.
"You're late." G-Dragon said.
"No I'm not, Its only 1:35" I told him
"Exactly I said come at 1:30 not 1:35" he said in his obnoxious, cold voice of his.
He stopped abruptly in front of a black door and looked me directly in the eye.
"When we go through this door you're going to act as if coming here was your idea understood?"
"You'll find out soon enough" he said with a shrug. "Oh and by the way adress me as Jiyong."
"To make it seem that we're close." was all he said before opened the door.
I cautiously followed his footsteps unsure whether or not I should actually follow him.
"Ah Jiyong-ah! You're back and you brought the girl with you too!" exclaimed a loud, masculine voice.
"Yes this is Kim Ae Sook "
The man looked at me with questioning brown eyes. But I didn't notice. My eyes were locked on a group of four young men, well one man in particular who also happened to be staring back at me with shocked eyes.
"You sure? She seems quite young"
"Exactly she could bring in something completly new and original"
I heard people say but I didn't notice my attention was completly focused on Seunghyun. I felt someone yank my arm.
"What?" I said finally after breaking eye contact.
"Lets go" Jiyong said is his normal, annoyed voice.
I let out a sigh and quickly followed him. My eyes widened in suprise as we entered a wide, spacious studio. The studio was filled with colour oencils, pastles and paints of what possibly could be every colour imaginable. The ceiling was painted different shades of blue and the walls were covered with posters of many influencial artists and models The man led us to a sleek, wooden desk that was painted black, it had a thick sketching pad ontop and a case of sketching pencils beside it.  He gestured for me to sit.
"Now I want you to imagine a young man sitting in a dark alley. He has several bruises so it seems that he has been in a fight. I want you to draw clothes that link to that scene."

I glanced at Jyong his exression clearly telling me that if I mess up he'll kill me. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and imagined  the scene the man had described. I drew torn shirts as if some animal had attacked them and ragged uneven jeans that seemed to have been bitten off. I set my pencil down and looked over my work to see if it needed any altering.
"Are you done?" asked the man
"I-I think so" I replied
He intensley stared at my drawing for what seemes like hours.
"You have potential" he said " your drawings could use some work but I'm sure they'll improve as time passes."
"I'm sorry what?" I asked confused
" You are now one of YG's desingers!" he excalimed in a cheerful voice
I froze. My mind slowly processing what had just happened. I get to work for YG. I get to see Seunghyun.
"I'm sure the shock is overwhelming, I was like that too"
"Manger-hyung could you give me and Ae-Sook-ah ah few moments ?" Jiyong asked.
The manger nodded and exited the room leaving me ,Jiyong and an akward silence.
"I hate you"  I said after awhile
"No you don't. If you did you would have left the room ages ago" He stated in an off hand manner.
"Besides now you can get closer to Seunghyun and get him to take you back"
"I don't want him back" I said disgusted "He can date whoever he wants but I just want answers"
"Well now you have a way of getting them." he replied with the same non caring expression he always has on.
"How do you know all of this anyway?" I asked curiously. Last time I cheeked me and Seunghyun were the only ones who knew about our relationship .
"I have my ways" he said .
"Oh and if I were you I would come here at 8:00 am tommorow unless I wanted to get fired" he said beofre walking out of the studio.
I took in a deep breath in order to restrain myself from throwing the sketch pad at his head.
"Ugh what have I gotten my self into?"

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SeonAMonster #1
Update pleaseee? :D
One word.

AMAZING~~~!!!!! <3
m0zarts0nata-- #3
Angel_Kiss #4
seungriism #5
Just read this now. ITS AMAZING!!! Hope u update ^^ i cant wait !
still loving it. please update, i miss it.
new readerr~~O: <br />
bad top! good jiyong!<br />
okay kant wait for ur nxt update^^
sungyoung #8
I just read your story for the third time ^^<br />
And it's still as good~~ <br />
sungyoung #9
:3 You've gotten yourself into heaps of awesomeness ahahah xD That's what ~! ^__^ <br />
Update soon :3:3:3:3 <br />
Jiyong is awesome, no matter how mysterious or rude he comes off as xD