Large cheese burgers, fangirl mobs and sticky notes

Fake I Love You's

I instantly recegnised him even though I had only met him a few minutes ago but then again it was hard to forget someone who dressed so bizarrely.
"Well are you going to take my order or not?" he asked impatiently.
The sound of his bad-mannered voice bought me back to reality.
" Uhh yes what would you like to order?" I asked.
" A large cheese burger with extra large fries and a large coke." he said instantly.
I nodded as if I wasn't weirded out by his order, handed him a piece of paper that read "17" and hurried off to the kitchen.

"What is he wearing?" a girl a few tables away from him sneered as her firend snickered in response.
The young man in question however was unaffected by the taunts directed at him and simply looked out the window as if he was reminiscing.
" Ae Sook-ah can you deliver this to table 17?" asked the cook.
"Yes unnie." I replied
I dragged myself towards table 17.
"Have a nice day." I said as I placed the tray of food on the hard,cold table.
"I think T.O.P and Sunny are so adorable together! Think about how cute their babies will be!!!" an excited voice said.
I bit my lip trying to keep composed. 'People are talking about their babies?!' I thought in absolute shock. I stared down at the young man who had his eyebrows scruched up together in a frown as if he disapproved of something.
"Aren't you hot?" I asked him in order to distract myself.
He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something then closed it again.
" Tch why do you care ?" he replied with.
I took in a deep breath. 'Don't get mad at the customer Ae Sook, Don't get mad.' I reminded myself.
"Enjoy your lunch." I said with forced cheerfulness and walked off.

"Bye Ae Sook-dongsang !" Sang Hee yelled in farewell.
"Bye unnie" I said with a soft chuckle.It was so strange calling Sang Hee unnie. Most of the time she acted like the dongsang but she did live up to her unnie title when called for.
"Oh my gosh I can't believe he actually asked me out!!!" an excited voice squealed.
"Of course he would you're perfect for each other!" another voice said as they walked past.
 A small smiled crept its way to my face as I remebered the first time I asked Seunghyun out.

 " Unnie I don't think I can do this!" I said desperately.
" Dongsang you have to be strong. Fighting!" she said with an encouraging smile.
"B-But what if he-"
"No buts!" She cut me off. "You go up to this mystery guy you refuse to tell me about right now and ask him out! I will not put up with you complaining about what couldv'e happen for this entire year!"  her voice indicating that she was still annoyed that I didn't tell her who it was.
" That's all your worried about?!" I asked,hurt.
"Of course not! Now go up to him and ask him already will you?!" she said with a laugh.
[End of flashback]

I shook my head roughly. I will not allow myself to think about him. As I took a step into the chilly evening air a male figure turned around and faced me.
" You sure took your time didn't you?" said a familiar, rude voice.
" Yah are you stalking me ?!" I asked suprise.
"Why would I stalk you? " he asked as if it was the most absurd thing he ever heard.
I opened my mouth to explain to him that a stranger waiting outside my work for me to come out is technically stalking.
" Come on lets go" He said a twinge of impatience the only emotion his voice held.
" What?" I asked completley lost.
" Oh for Gods sake!" he said in an annoyed voice. He turned to face me and took his sunhat and glasses off.
I widened my eyes in complete shock.
"Now will you come with me?!" he said an aggravated tone.
"OH MY GOD ITS G-DRAGON!!!" a highpitched voice screeched.
"." he cursed. He grabbed my wrist in a firm hold and ran as if the crowd of people behind us may try to kill him at any second.
He weaved his way thourgh the busy streets of Seoul, nearly knocking a man over because of his haste. He abruptly turned around and headed into a dark alley. He clamped his hands over my mouth in case I might give our location away. As the crowd of people ran past us screaming his name he let go of me and released a relieved breath and sat down on the hard, concrete pavement. An awkward silence began to enclose around us as I just stood there lamely watching him . Not being able to bear the uncomfortable silence I asked the question I was most curious about.
"Why did you take me?"
He looked up at me.
" Because your his ex aren't you?"
I hadn't expected that answer and ended up wincing.
"Yeah so?" I asked.
"Sing" he ordered.
"Just do it." he said annoyed.
"Twinkle twinkle little star-"
" Stop!" he commanded with a wince on his face. "Can you dance, model or write lyrics?"
"No" I said a bit embarrassed.
His face was expressionless but his eyes held a tinge of annoyance.
"I can draw though." I added so I wouldn't seem completely stupid.
He lifted his face and his eyeslooked me over as if he was examining me .
"How well can you draw clothes?" he asked .
"Alright I guess..."
"Well lets just hope 'alright' is enough."
"Huh?" I asked, baffled.
He (rather roughly) stuck a sticky note onto my forehead.
" Be there at 1:30 tomorrow " was all he said before walking off.
I looked at the sticky note it read :
397-5 YG Building(5th Floor)
Hapjeong-Dong, Mapo-Gu.

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SeonAMonster #1
Update pleaseee? :D
One word.

AMAZING~~~!!!!! <3
m0zarts0nata-- #3
Angel_Kiss #4
seungriism #5
Just read this now. ITS AMAZING!!! Hope u update ^^ i cant wait !
still loving it. please update, i miss it.
new readerr~~O: <br />
bad top! good jiyong!<br />
okay kant wait for ur nxt update^^
sungyoung #8
I just read your story for the third time ^^<br />
And it's still as good~~ <br />
sungyoung #9
:3 You've gotten yourself into heaps of awesomeness ahahah xD That's what ~! ^__^ <br />
Update soon :3:3:3:3 <br />
Jiyong is awesome, no matter how mysterious or rude he comes off as xD