Texts, Heartbreak and Tears

Fake I Love You's

Your POV

I walked thourgh the sunny park filled with laughing childern and happy couples. I felt a twinge of lonliness as I sat down on the hard wooden bench and saw people with their loved ones. I on the other hand am completly alone on this fine,sunny day.I sighed to myself sadly . It had been three weeks since Seunghyun last called. I didn't want to be one of those nagging girlfriends and I understood that he was busy with his hetic schedule but just one call was all I wanted. Just one call so that I could hear his deep,husky voice and make sure he was okay. Normally I wouldn't get so worked up over this but Seunghyun's calls were becoming more and more scarce. I stared at the playground infront of me and smiled sadly when I saw a young couple walked past hand in hand . 'If only me and Seunghyun could be like that again' I thought sadly. But I knew one day we would be able to walk in the streets together again, I just had to be patient.

"Oh my gosh did you hear about T.O.P?!"  a highpitched  voice exclaimed.

My attention immeadiatly went to the owner of the voice.

"No what?!" her friend aked eagerly.

"T.O.P and Sunny from SNSD are dating!" she screeched excitedly.

My body froze, surely this is just another rumor?

"No way I don't believe it " her friend said skeptically

"Its true!" the girl said as she rumaged thourgh her bag. "Here look." she said as she showed her friend the cover of a magazine.

My eyes widened. On the cover was a photo of Seunghyun and Sunny  kissing at resturant with a crowd of shocked people behind them.I stopped breathing. One part of me wanted to call Seunghyun and ask him what all this was about, but another more dominant part of me knew that it was true. This was the reason why he hardly calls me any more I mean why would he? I was a plain seventeen year old girl no wonder he chose her over me afterall she was a gorgeous, talented twenty-one year old that could sing like an angel. I thought bitterly as my eyes began to sting. I thought of all those texts I received saying he loved me and wondered how many of those were real and how many of them were fake. A bitter smile made its way to my face.

" Happy Valentines day." I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks.

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SeonAMonster #1
Update pleaseee? :D
One word.

AMAZING~~~!!!!! <3
m0zarts0nata-- #3
Angel_Kiss #4
seungriism #5
Just read this now. ITS AMAZING!!! Hope u update ^^ i cant wait !
still loving it. please update, i miss it.
new readerr~~O: <br />
bad top! good jiyong!<br />
okay kant wait for ur nxt update^^
sungyoung #8
I just read your story for the third time ^^<br />
And it's still as good~~ <br />
sungyoung #9
:3 You've gotten yourself into heaps of awesomeness ahahah xD That's what ~! ^__^ <br />
Update soon :3:3:3:3 <br />
Jiyong is awesome, no matter how mysterious or rude he comes off as xD