Laws and Lies

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May 31st, 2014. 11:24PM.


She wakes up at 9AM, and Kai is already gone. It’s a weekday, so he’s likely gone to school, she surmises. Shifting onto her back, she notes her phone’s flashing screen, and picks it up, scanning its surface.


From: Boss


New court case. Report to office ASAP.


To: Boss




From: Boss


Folder on your desk.


She interned at the most prestigious law firm in Korea. The position was beyond selective. She’d edged out thousands of other hopeful applicants.


In return for her brilliance, the firm paid her extremely well. Her work was well-worth that of a full-time employee’s, and her annual sum neared $100,000.


But she wasn’t satisfied. Ambition came to her as instinct, not as choice, and it pushed her through death and hell.


Ambition was a drug of its own.


She wasn’t going to stop in Korea. She had plans.


Plans to become internationally known.


Plans to work in America.


Plans to break convention.


She knew that one day, ambition was going to kill her.


But until then, ambition would be her fuel.


She swings her legs over the edge of her bed, and stumbles over to her bathroom. A quick brush of teeth, minimal makeup, and Listerine is applied.


She dresses in black jeans, black blazer, and black pumps, and grabs her black Hermes purse, before she sweeps out the door.


June 6th, 2014. 11:07PM.


(Scene: EXO eating lunch. Chen is eating his sandwich bemusedly, not really tasting anything. The other EXO members are conversing animatedly. Xiumin notices Chen’s silence.)


(Teasingly) “How’s the girl, Chen?”

The entire group falls into a hush in anticipation of his answer.


(Not noticing the attention) “She’s not here today . . . “


At these words, Kai,

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Chapter 16: Ahhhhh I wish there was more lol
Chapter 14: oh dear god the plot thickens.. Jongin shows his warmer side too? I wonder if a factor of why she, unadmittedly and perhaps unconsciously, clings to Jongin is because he and "oppa" kind of look alike? Can't wait for the next update!
foolproof222 #3
Chapter 13: Wen will u update... tnx
iIIicit #4
Chapter 13: mmmmm i want more
more jongin
more chen
more ugh im dying here
so lustful hng i love it
cinemon #5
Chapter 13: Poor jongin who didn't get the kiss...anyway I'm team jongdae!
foolproof222 #6
Chapter 1: next chapter please....
Chapter 12: Must .. believe .. in .. Jongin ..
Shan't .. admit .. to .. Chenfeels ..
cinemon #8
Chapter 12: Awwww I love her and cheN!
Chapter 12: Sweet mornings like this with Chen; simply irresistible ^^ Glad that she is happy ~
Chapter 11: I'm loving this story. It is creative and short in words. The characters are pretty mysterious as well. I'm excited to read your next chapter ;)