Malady M'lady

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June 12th, 2014. 5:32PM.


Walking out of class, Chen spots Kai in the distance in his trademark Hood by Air sweater. He calls out to him, but strangely enough, there is no response.


Frowning, Chen jogs over, playfully pulling Kai’s hood down.


Instead of the face of Kai, he is greeted by her’s.


Chen wants to think he is jumping to conclusions, but he has never seen that hoodie on anyone but Kai.


A wave of jealousy sweeps over him.


Is that why she’s been ignoring him? Because she was ing Kai?

Were his feelings nothing to her?


Outwardly, however, Chen asks her in an ice-cold voice


“Why have you been ignoring me?”


Hurt, but not surprised by the frost in his voice, she decides to reply honestly. Timidly, she states,


“I’m sorry. I had work. Chen, please understand.”


Chen hated what her voice did to him. It was raspy and weak. It softened him, but the train of his vehement thoughts were more than enough to freeze his heart again.


“Why didn’t you tell me so?”


“Because I just started checking my phone today, Chen! Anything I texted you would have sounded like an excuse! And you deserve someone better than me. Chen, stop pursuing me. I’ll never be able to-----“


Her words trail to an abrupt halt as a wave of vertigo hits her. She sways unsteadily, attempting to root herself to the earth, to no avail. It seemed like gravity was determined to win the battle.


Alarmed, Chen reaches a hand out to steady her, and notes how emaciated she looks. Her cheekbones were sunken in even further, and the bags under her eyes were hollows of shadow. He could encircle her forearm with his fingers.


Concern lacing his glacial voice, coupled with exasperation, Chen asks,


“When was the last time you ate?”


(Pause) “I don’t remember. Look, Chen, I’m sorry for bothering you. I’ll be leaving now.”


The girl turns around and takes two steps before the rush o

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Chapter 16: Ahhhhh I wish there was more lol
Chapter 14: oh dear god the plot thickens.. Jongin shows his warmer side too? I wonder if a factor of why she, unadmittedly and perhaps unconsciously, clings to Jongin is because he and "oppa" kind of look alike? Can't wait for the next update!
foolproof222 #3
Chapter 13: Wen will u update... tnx
iIIicit #4
Chapter 13: mmmmm i want more
more jongin
more chen
more ugh im dying here
so lustful hng i love it
cinemon #5
Chapter 13: Poor jongin who didn't get the kiss...anyway I'm team jongdae!
foolproof222 #6
Chapter 1: next chapter please....
Chapter 12: Must .. believe .. in .. Jongin ..
Shan't .. admit .. to .. Chenfeels ..
cinemon #8
Chapter 12: Awwww I love her and cheN!
Chapter 12: Sweet mornings like this with Chen; simply irresistible ^^ Glad that she is happy ~
Chapter 11: I'm loving this story. It is creative and short in words. The characters are pretty mysterious as well. I'm excited to read your next chapter ;)