Chapter 4

Hanbin Fluff One Shots

“For the last time, Hanbin, we’re just friends! Am I not allowed to have friends?!” I cried out, exasperated.

“I just don’t like how close you guys are,” Hanbin retorted, scowling. “I know you’re friends with my team, but can’t you just stay away from them a bit?”

I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

“You want me to stop talking to my friends because of your insecurities? That is ridiculous! Why should I have to give up my friends for you? Why can’t you just trust me, and understand that I don’t have that kind of relationship with any of them?”

“Well, can’t you just think of it like they’re busy training, so it would be better not to distract them?”

Then shouldn’t that apply to you too? Maybe you should stop spending time with me and train some more.”

Without waiting for him to reply, I stormed off. He called after me, but I ignored him and just headed home. Suffice to say I was seething by the time I got into my room. I kicked my bedframe, ignoring the stab of pain that shot through my toes, and then flopped face-down on my bed. I shoved my face onto my pillow and screamed, letting out all of my frustration. When I had calmed down enough, I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. I lay there for a minute before I heard a knock on the front door. I got up and walked over to it and looked through the peep-hole to see Hanbin standing there. 

He knocked again when I didn’t open the door, calling out, “I know you’re in there! Please, just let me talk to you!”

I stood there for a moment, contemplating what I should do, and then I opened the door. Hanbin had a hand up like he was going to knock on the door again, but he quickly lowered it. I glared at him, waiting for him to say something.

“Can I come in?” He asked hesitantly after a moment. I simply moved my body a bit to the side, allowing him to squeeze past.

Once he was through I closed the door and we walked to my living room. We sat – him on the couch, and me in a chair opposite him – and just stared at each other in silence for a minute.

“Look,” He started, breaking the silence, “I… I’m sorry, okay? I know I was acting like a jerk, and I have no right to ask you to distance yourself from your friends. I just can’t help but get a bit jealous when I see you guys laughing and joking around together. I’m sorry.”

I sat there quietly, watching him as his head hung in shame. After a minute I stood, walking over to him. I stood in front of him, crossed my arms, and stared at the back of his head as he kept it down.

“Fine,” I said, startling him and making him lift his head up to look at me, “I forgive you.”

He shot up, a grin plastered on his face, and was about to hug me when I held my hand up, stopping him.

“However,” I began, a dangerous tone in my voice, “If you do this again, we’re done. Got that?”

He nodded vigorously, still smiling, and enveloped me in his arms. I couldn’t help but smile as he squeezed me, rocking me from side to side. All of a sudden he pulled away.

“Come on, I’ll make you dinner!”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen. He sat me at the counter and busily started to look around, trying to figure out what he was going to make.

“How about some Pajeon?” He asked, looking back at me. I smiled and nodded my head.

“That sounds perfect.”

He grinned and got all of the ingredients out and started to prepare the food. I watched as he enthusiastically started to make the pancakes, and failed spectacularly. Letting out a laugh, I got up and walked over to him, grabbing the utensil from him. He smiled sheepishly as I started to fix what he had messed up. I gave him a few jobs to do, so that he could still feel like he helped, and soon enough the food was ready. When we were done eating I grabbed the plates and took them into the kitchen, setting them down into the sink. All of a sudden I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to see Hanbin’s face right in front of mine.

“You really are too good for me,” he said, staring at me. “I don’t deserve you.”

Smiling softly, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to mine.

“Don’t you ever say that again,” I whispered before closing the gap between us.

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I keep imagine the girl in this story as Hayi..i like HanHi pairing and the fact that not many HanHi's fic here makes me imagining good story, Hanbin such a sweet guy here..cant believe he likes her as well