Chapter 1

Hanbin Fluff One Shots

I burst into class right as the bell sounded and hurried to my seat. After I settled down at my desk, I chanced a quick glance to the back corner of the room by the windows.

“If you’re looking for Hanbin, he’s not here,” my friend whispered from the seat next to me. My head spun back to look at her as I scowled.

“Why the hell would I be looking for Hanbin?” She smirked, but didn’t reply, and soon class started.

I found myself zoning out as the teacher talked about functions and radicals, and my thoughts drifted to the empty seat in the back. Why was he absent today? Did something happen? Was he hurt? Was he sick? I shook my head, annoyed at how curious I was about him. I sighed and asked the teacher if I could go to the restroom – I needed to clear my head.

I left the room and – instead of heading to the bathroom – I made my way outside, to the back garden. I looked up at the cloudless sky, taking in the beauty as I walked across the grass. When I finally looked back down, I noticed a figure laying on the grass not too far from me. Curious as to who else would be skipping class, I made my way over to them. I froze once I realized who it was.

Hanbin was laying on the grass, sleeping, with his arms behind his head. A small smile made its way onto my face, and I walked over to him. I looked at his relaxed face, and then glanced up at the bright sky. I looked back down at him, and then moved over so that I was blocking the light from his face. I turned my back to him – feeling awkward that I was staring at him – and just silently stood there.

A couple minutes passed – with an occasional glance back to make sure I was still blocking the sun – when all of a sudden I felt a hand grab my wrist and yank me backwards. I let out a yelp of surprise as I fell down onto Hanbin’s lap. When I regained my composure, I looked to see Hanbin sitting up, staring at me. I felt my entire face heat up as I realized the position we were in, and I started to get up, but he grabbed my arm, stopping me. “

What are you doing here?” he asked as I became overly aware of how close his face was to my own. I turned my head away from him, not wanting to look into his eyes.

“I… uh… I- I was bored in class and came out for some fresh air, and I saw you sleeping and thought I’d be nice and block the sun for you!” I blurted out, sure that my face was now completely red. His hands suddenly cupped my face and turned it so I could see him; he was smirking slightly.

“Well, thank you very much. You should be careful though – you shouldn’t be out here all alone with a guy. You don’t know what might happen.”

I was about to retort, when his lips suddenly crashed into mine, cutting me off. My eyes shot open in surprise, but they slowly closed as I began to kiss back. His hands fell – one to my hip, and the other to my thigh. The kiss quickly intensified, and before I knew it, I was laying with my back on the grass, and Hanbin was hovering over me – the kiss unbroken. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as we kissed. We kissed like that for a few minutes until he pulled away.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He said, smirking.

He then stood up and held his hand out to me. I hesitated for a second, but then accepted it, letting him help me up. I avoided his gaze once I was up – fully aware of how red I was – and was about to let go of his hand when he suddenly intertwined his fingers with mine.

“Come on,” he said, and I looked at him, smiling shyly at the skinship. “Let’s head back to class.”

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I keep imagine the girl in this story as Hayi..i like HanHi pairing and the fact that not many HanHi's fic here makes me imagining good story, Hanbin such a sweet guy here..cant believe he likes her as well