until when...

Come To Me (Little By Little)

(Please listen to The Ending-Nell)



If there was anything Minseok wasn't, it was weak. 

That was the one thing he could never, can never, and will never be. He could be all things: a brother, a best friend, a lover, but he could never be weak, simply because he can't be. He needed to be strong, strong for her, she who couldn't support herself

She need him to be strong, so strong he would be



Hey, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine

Are you sure, Chae, your arm-

It's fine, Minseok, really

I really think we should go get that checked ou-

No, please don't

But I-




Ever since that day, she had become distant. 

Barely talking, hardly sleeping, not even taking a single glance at food. Minseok was worried; worried for her. Why was she like this, surely she should be happy? Watching her unmoving - but obviously awake - form with a troubled gaze, he pushed himself away heavily from the doorframe, turning away from his source of unrest.

How had something that should've redeemed her, something that should've set her free made her so unhappy? He was slowly losing her again, the bright girl she once was; the girl who was once as bright as sunshine had dimmed to a mere nothing.

Minseok was worried


Chae, this isn't healthy! You can't keep living like this, you could di-

Minseok, it's alright, I promise

That's not what I'm seeing, Chae

Just trust me



Minseok smiled in content as Chaelyn lifted the fork to her pale, bloodless lips, voluntarily eating after months of being force-fed by Minseok himself

"It's good to see you eating again, Chae. I was really, really worried for you." His voice radiated barely-disguised affection and warmth, the concern melting away, his worries displaced.

"It's nothing" Chaelyn replied stiffly after a moment of chewing.

Minseok flinched at the glaringly obvious lack of emotion in Chaelyn's shaky, cold-as-ice voice, but was quick to cover it with a smile bright enough for the both of them. It's just because she hasn't spoken to anyone in a long time, it has nothing to do with you, he tried reassuring himself, but for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to believe it.

"Of course it's something, Chaelyn, you could've die-


He stopped himself abruptly at her shrill, distressed cry "I'm sorry, Chae, I shouldnt've said that, I'm so sor-"

"It's alright, Minseok, you didn't mean it. I'm going to my room, eat without me."  Chaelyn pushed her chair back harshly, letting it clatter to the floor with a scraping sound that put minseok on edge. she snapped her head away from him, but he easily noticed the crystal clear tears she was unsuccesfully trying to hide. It was clear to him that she was hurt and upset, maybe even angry at what he had said. 

At that moment, Minseok had never felt so absolutely stupid and insensitive, especially with what had been going on.

Walking up the stairs with slow, letheragic steps, Minseok watched her with heavy eyes, watching all the progress he thought she had been making disappear with a single, careless sentence. He was losing her again.

Minseok was scared.

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And with mixed emotions, I check 'mark story as complete' -Mattokki


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Chapter 3: Hmm.... that was quite interesting. You totally piqued my curiosity during the second chapter and satisfied it in the third. Unique ^^