
Just A Touch Away

Luhan and Kris were in their office in the KSA-building. The two were thinking about clues. Maybe they overlooked some the first time. They still had to find the mysterious girl who ran away. Till today she was still missing. Luhan and Kris were both in deep thoughts. Luhan was staring at the wall while sitting on the table. In the meantime Kris was staring outside the window while ticking his fingers on the table. All of a sudden Luhan snapped out of his thoughts, annoyed.

'Please stop doing that.' Luhan stated frustrated.

Kris didn't even bother replying to the other male so he just stopped ticking and continued staring outside the window. The two of them were thinking were to search for clues. Kris sighed. Are they ever going find this girl?


'Kris I don't know about you, but I'm at the point where I start to get really frustrated. No matter how hard we think or how many times we look over it again, we just can't seem to find the answer.'

Kris sighed and replied simple. 'Same.'

'I'm so tired, Luhan, seriously. I think it's better if this case turn into a cold case. The girl is nowhere to be found.'

Luhan nodded and smirked. 'But then you have to tell Boss.'

Kris visually paled. He gulped nervously. ' Ehm... maybe... Ehm....’ 


Suddenly a ringtone voiced trough the room. Luhan was startled and fell from the table on the ground. Kris was laughing his off but his phone was still ringing. He picked up with a snort ' Hello, Kris here.'  He was surprised to hear "that" voice on the other side of the phone. It was his younger brother who resided in The States. ‘Sehun, why are you calling me?’


Luhan looked surprised at Kris; even he didn’t expect the younger brother to call. Their relationship wasn’t what you would call the best. Sehun was adopted by Kris parents after his parents died in a car accident when he was ten years old. Kris parents were good friends with Sehun’s parents, so they felt it was a sort of obligation to adopt him, since he had no other family. Sure Kris parents treated him like their own son, but Sehun never felt at home by them after the accident. So he poured all his anger and grief out on Kris. Their relationship had been rocky ever since and actually they never had been on good terms.


‘Wow, I’m so glad to hear from you too Kris.’ Sehun said in a sarcastic voice.


Kris already imagined Sehun rolling his eyes while saying that. ‘You never call me, so what’s the reason you suddenly decided to do so?’ Kris said, being straight to the point.

‘Actually... ehm... Matter-of-factly....’ Sehun hesitated.

‘Yeah Sehun what is it? I don’t have all day. My time is more precious than to be wasted.’ Kris said rather cold.

‘Ugh, fine. I’m in Korea and I'm ing broke, so please can I move into your apartment. I don’t want to bother mom and dad.’


 If Kris had taken a sip of water that moment, he would have spilled it all over the table. ‘What?’ Kris blurted out. He was literally dumbfounded. Sehun would never, but never reach out for help, and especially not from Kris. ‘You’re broke and you are asking me for help?’ Kris smirked.

‘Kris, please, I don’t need your sympathy.’ Sehun snorted. ‘But, please I’m begging you. Let me move in with you. You can pick me up at the airport, and hurry please. The weather here is so damn cold.’ And that’s how Sehun ended the phone call abruptly.

‘Sehun I’m not picking you up from the airpo-. Wait did he just hang up on me. I’ll kill him when I lay my hands on him.’ Kris said through gritted teeth.

‘So what’s up with Sehun?’ Luhan asked curiously.

‘Actually…’ Kris started laughing hysterically all of a sudden. Luhan was quite taken back, because Kris looked like a psychopath. ‘The kid is broke. He practically begged me to let him move in with us.’ Kris managed to say all in one breathe while whipping tears from the corner of his eyes. Luhan looked at Kris with raised eyebrows, but then he also burst out in laughter.

‘Wait, you mean… hold on…’ He said between slow breaths. ‘So basically you said that the snobbish and spoiled Sehun is broke? That means he has to look for a job now. Oh my god, I can’t imagine this.’ Kris and Luhan basically started crying because of the imagination of Sehun working. It took them a while to pull their selves together.

‘He also said I had to pick him up from the airport and he kept whining about the cold weather.’ Kris added.

‘Kris you’re not going to do, what I guess you’re going to do, right?’ Luhan said and was about to laugh again.

‘Yup, I’m going to let him wait for a while.’ Kris smirked.



’15 missed calls and 23 texts from Sehun.’ Kris snickered. Kris and Luhan were on their way to the airport to pick up the impatient Sehun.

‘You remember you let him wait three hours?’ Luhan said to Kris.

‘Yup, I know.’ Kris smirked slyly.

‘And you know he is going to be ing mad at you.’ Luhan continued.

‘Yup, I know.’ Kris answered again. ‘It will be totally worth though. You can see it as my way of welcoming him back to Korea.’ Kris smirked again and returned his focus on the road.

‘Sehun is going to kill you, for sure.’ Luhan clicked his tongue.


After a short fifteen minute drive, Kris and Luhan arrived at the airport. For quite a while they waited for Sehun to come outside. 'Why isn't that brat coming?' Kris grumbled.

'Maybe he saw a unicorn and he went chasing after it.' Luhan said in a sarcastic way. Kris didn't even bother to answer.



As impatient as he is, Kris entered the departure hall. Kris looked everywhere for Sehun, with Luhan tagging along, whining about his hurting feet. He looked in every shop, corner and was getting so desperate he wanted Luhan to check the ladies toilets. According to Kris Luhan looks very feminine. Well, we kind of agree. 'Kris, I think he called a cab.' Luhan sat down in a chair. After searching for an hour they decided to take a short break. So Kris and Luhan went to a small cafe at the airport.


'He is broke, remember? No way he could have called a cab.' Kris retorted

'Oh yeah... I forgot.' Luhan sheepily answered.


Luhan mumbled and ran a hand through his curly hair. In the corner of his eye, Kris sees a very familiar figure. The figure spotted the two and started walking towards them.

'Well, well, look who finally has arrived.' Sehun said with a smirk on his face.

As reaction Kris scowled. 'Do you know how long we have been looking for you?'

 'Yeah I know, I did it on purpose just like you ''accidentally'' let me wait. Now let's go, I'm hungry and I'm really craving some home-cooked noodles.' Sehun said in a remarkably sassy way.

Kris could imagine Sehun snapping his fingers, while speaking. Luhan looked at Sehun with a rather blank expression. Luhan averted his gaze to Kris. 'You were right; he sure is a spoiled brat.' He whispered and grinned.

 'Well, are you two coming, I don't have all day.' Sehun whined, quite annoyed.

 'Yes we're coming, your Highness.' Kris said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. Sehun was satisfied with Kris' answer and strutted towards the exit. Kris and Luhan stood up from their chairs and followed Sehun, who walked like he was a runway model. Suddenly Sehun stopped in his tracks, which caused Luhan and Kris to bump into him. 'I just realized I'm your guest, so you can carry my luggage.' Sehun said and rolled his suitcase towards Kris. Kris felt anger bowling inside of him. If this was a cartoon, he would probably have exploded in a million pieces. Luhan saw his friend turning red and tried to calm him down.

 'Calm down Kris, don't let his words get to you...'

While Luhan was giving his friend an encouraging speech, Kris could only focus on Sehun's figure which was getting smaller with each step he took. 'I'm... going... to  ... kill... him....’ Kris spat out, each word rolled slowly from his lips with pure hatred.

'No you're not... ‘But Luhan was too late. Kris was already after Sehun. Kris took big steps and yanked Sehun’s shoulder. Sehun abruptly turned around.


 'Now, listen to me, brat!' Sehun tried to speak but Kris beat him into that. 'Don't speak! It's my turn. While you're in my house, you follow my rules.' While Kris was pouring his anger out on Sehun, Luhan arrived too with

Sehun's luggage. They were getting a lot of attention. Luhan tried to hush Kris but his attempts were in vain. Kris just kept on going. 'So here is your luggage that you can carry.' And with those last words Kris walked towards the exit. Luhan ran after him, hollering that he needed to come back.

And Sehun, well he just stood there, completely baffled.


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Chapter 4: Such a cute update! <3
Their personalities are adorable as well xD