Fashionable Haircuts and Possessive Eaters

Just A Touch Away

Kris and Luhan were sitting in two expensive chairs in front of their Boss' desk. 'This chair is probably more expensive than the clothes I'm wearing.' Kris thought while staring out the window. In the meantime their Boss was yelling at them furiously. You can probably already guess why...


'How could you let her escape again? This isn’t the first time this has happened, but already the second time! I didn't give you guys this case for nothing. I just don’t understand how a little brat can be smarter than you two!’ Boss kept on ranting and yelling. Luhan's head hung low and mumbled 'Sorry' for the tenthousandth time, while Kris was still gazing outside at the baby blue sky. Kris didn’t like it when people yelled at him and told him he did something wrong. In situations like that he shut himself out from the world around him. Their boss sighed and sat down with a tired expression. He suddenly looked a lot older than his real age. 'What do I do with you guys?' It looked like Luhan was on the edge of crying. Even though he was a grown up, handling critic was not his strongest point. So much had happened these two days. The tears were shimmering in his eyes. Luhan fiddled with the hem of his shirt to prevent his tears from falling. It wouldn't be very manly to cry. Kris was still annoyed. He directed his gaze now towards the director who was sighing hard while having his hands in his hair. Kris knew they had screwed up, but the boss was beyond angry. It was weird to see him this angry. Normally he was a friendly man, who doesn’t get angry that easily. Kris looked at Luhan. Suddenly he was startled. He saw a little tear in the corner of his friends’ eye. Kris didn't know what to do. You didn't want to see a sad Luhan. Once Luhan starts crying, he will be crying non-stop. Kris had to prevent that from happening. Being the protective brother/friend that he is, he patted Luhan's leg. Luhan looked up to meet Kris' eyes. Kris nodded at him, to assure his best friend that it was alright. Luhan smiled a little at him in return. The boss sighed once again. 'I can't come up with another punishment, because you just received one. Oh, what should I do with you two?' Their boss said while he ran a hand through his hair. Kris and Luhan still didn't make any sound and were still in the same positions when they sat down. After a few minutes of silence their boss finally said something. 'You two can go.' Luhan looked at his boss with disbelief. 'Huh? But... we made... how?' Luhan stuttered. Their boss chuckled at the boy's reaction and clasped his hands together. 'Sometimes you two make tons of mistakes, but I know that in the end you always deliver good work. I'm sorry for overreacting, but it was just that I thought you wouldn't screw up, because all you had to do was to catch a girl.' Boss said with a soft expression. Kris couldn't believe what he just heard. A smile crept on Luhan’s face, he smiled and bowed. “Thank you so much, sir!" 'Thank you so much, sir. We won't disappoint you again. Thank you for giving us a a third chance.' Kris quickly took Luhan's wrist in his hand and dragged him outside before their boss had a change of mind because of Luhan's rambling. Kris gave the older man a small nod before he closed the door.  Kris and Luhan both look at each other and then they burst out in laughter. 'That was close.' Luhan said and wiped imaginary sweat of his forehead. 'Yeah.' Kris giggled.


'So the idiots messed up again...' Kris quickly turned around to the person who was speaking. He scowled when he saw the face of Chanyeol. Innocent Luhan did miss the hatred in the eyes of the two enemies and waved enthusiastic at his colleague. 'Hi Chanyeol.' Chanyeol was leaning against a wall with his hands tucked in his pockets and a smug smile on his face. 'Hi Luhan. 'He answered back. Kris chuckled sarcastically. 'Please, stop your act.' Chanyeol was taken back because of Kris' clear remark. He was about to open his mouth to say something but closed it. Chanyeol frowned and walked away in defeat. Luhan who, was still clueless as ever, frowned his brows and looked at Kris. Kris was smirking because of his little victory.


'Couldn't you be nice for once? Luhan said when he understood the situation and he bumped into Kris' shoulder and walked away. Kris was just dumbfounded. He cursed under his breath. 'Luhan, wait!' He ran behind the disappearing figure. Luhan turned around rather quickly. 'What?' he spat out. Kris ran a hand through his own hair. 'Luhan, I'm sorry, okay?' He looked away. He wasn't very fond of apologizing. He only did this because Luhan was his best friend and he didn't want to fight with him today.


Luhan gazed at Kris and saw regret flashing in his eyes. Luhan softened, because he knew Kris was being sincere. 'It's okay, you're forgiven.' Luhan grinned. 'Really?' Kris asked with a pout on his face. 'Yeah, don't try to act cute, it doesn't suit you.' Kris chuckled. 'Let's go out. My treat?' Kris gave Luhan a big smile. 'Wow!' Luhan looked in awe at Kris. He never just paid for someone’s food. He probably must be in a generous mood. 'So what should we get?' Kris asked. 'Doesn't matter, as long as it's delicious and edible, I'll eat it. Luhan responded, while his stomach was growling loudly. 'Yeah, I know. Don't make that face' Luhan giggled at Kris expression. Kris laughed out loud. 'How about a big hamburger?' 'Sounds fine to me.' Luhan was already his lips.


'Why is it  taking the deliveryman so freaking long?' Luhan stated frustrated and groaned when his stomach started growling for the thousandth time. 'I'm so hungry.' he said in a whiny voice while plopping on the couch. 'Maybe he was hungry himself and he ate all our food.' Kris said with a serious expression. 'No time for your oh so funny jokes, Kris.’ Luhan said and threw a pillow to Kris' head. Kris dodged the pillow just in time and stuck out his tongue. Just in that time the doorbell rang. 'Food~!' Luhan yelled while sprinting towards the door. Luhan opened the door in a fast motion. He scowled when the person in front of him wasn't the person he was expecting at all. 'Kai, what the hell are you doing here? I thought you were the deliveryman. Next time you visit my house, bring some food!' Luhan yelled. He stomped his feet and plopped down on the couch again with a frown on his face. 'Well hello to you too.' Kai said with raised brows. Kai looked at Kris curiously. 'Why is he being such a drama queen?' he whispered. 'The queen is hungry and thought you were the deliveryman.' Kris shrugged. 'Oh.' was the only thing Kai managed to say. Suddenly Kris started laughing. 'What did you do to your hair? Did your hair catch on fire?' Kris held his stomach with his two arms. Kai just looked ridiculous. Kai pouted 'It's the latest fashion. I even cut it myself' He lightly touched the end of his white hair. Kris laughed even harder. He managed to speak during his outburst. 'That explains a lot. I don't even know why Luhan goes to your barber store.' Luhan was curious about Kris laughing and came in the room. 'Why are you laughing, Kris. Oh by the way, nice hair, Kai.' Luhan complimented. Kai smiled in return. 'Thanks, Luhan' at the same time Kris abruptly stopped laughing. He stared dumbfounded at Luhan 'You think that's pretty?' He asked with disbelieve. Luhan nodded 'Well of course. It's the latest fashion. 'I’m thinking about cutting my hair the same way as Kai.' Kris started cracking up again. 'Oh my god, please, don't.' Kris said while wiping tears from his eyes. Luhan rolled his eyes. 'The giant is having fun by himself.' Luhan turned towards Kai. 'When can I come by your shop to cut my hair?' He asked with glinting eyes. ‘You can come by tomorrow and of course for you, my friend, it's for free.' 'Kai you really don't have to do that.' 'Nah, it's okay, everything for a good friend.' Kai said with a smile on his face. Kris finally pulled himself together and was done laughing when the door doorbell could be heard loudly through the apartment. 'This time it better be that damn deliveryman.' Luhan mumbled to himself and walked towards the door.'


Luhan opened the door with anticipation.

‘Yes my food, I love you.' He shouted while jumping up in down and clapping his hand in glee.

Suddenly he pulled the deliveryman into a hug. 'You don't know how long I've been waiting for that hamburger.' Luhan purred in the man's ear.

The deliveryman just stood there, his eyes widened in shock. He didn't move a bit.

In a swift motion Luhan grabbed the paper bag with fast-food, handed the delivery guy some money and pushed him out the door. 'Thank you.' Luhan waved before he slammed the door shut.

Kris looked at Kai with a lopsided grin. 'He just threw himself on the poor delivery man.' Kai laughed and bumped fists with Kris. Luhan came back in the room with two paper bags. 'I got the food~' Luhan said in a sing-song voice.

Suddenly the window flew open and a man came in through the window. Kris groaned and face- palmed himself. 'Did anyone say food?'

Luhan just sighed. 'This is our food. Go back to your own appartment, Tao.’


Tao sighed. 'But that's so far.' He whined. Kris raised his voice. 'You live next door for God's sake!'

'Yeah so? Do you know how long it took me to climb from my balcony to yours? Thirty freaking seconds.' Tao whined again

'Don't be such a baby, you can stay.' Luhan sighed and rolled his eyes. 'Really?' Tao went over to Luhan and gave him a big hug. 'It's okay.' Luhan patted Tao's head.

'Please you two lovebirds get a room.' Kris said while looking at the two

'Gross.' Kai rubbed his nose and covered his eyes

'But we didn't order enough for the four of us.' Luhan pouted sadly

What! You didn’t order food for me?' Tao yelled hysterically

'Don’t tell me I came all the way here for nothing.'

Kris quickly grasped the bags from the table and flew to his room.

Within two seconds he managed to get him and the food in his room with the door locked.

The other three remaining stared at the place Kris had been. 'What the hell did just happen?' Kai said dumbfounded.

Luhan came back from the shock and strolled with angry steps to Kris' room.

'If you don't come out in three seconds with the food, I will tell them what happens in the fourth grade!'

Luhan began counting. 'one....'

Without blinking once Kris stood outside his room with the food bags reaching out to Luhan. 'Please take it. Don't ever tell anyone about "that" will ya!' Kris glared

Luhan smiled and patted his head. 'Alright, alright.' He giggled. 'Okay, who want some food? We split it even.' All four of them sat down around the coffee table.

And that's how the four friends shared a meal. They laughed together and shared stories from their past. Little did they know that someone was watching them...


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Chapter 4: Such a cute update! <3
Their personalities are adorable as well xD