Not again..

Just A Touch Away

Kris and Luhan entered the apartment. Kris headed immediately towards his bedroom and left Luhan alone with the two dogs in the living room. Luhan sat down onto the sofa with a sad expression and put the dogs onto his lap. The two dogs looked at him, almost with a pitiful expression, like if they understood how Luhan felt. 'Don’t worry guys, at least I like you.' He chuckled sadly while petting them. Luhan didn't understand why Kris behaved this way all of a sudden. Sure he knew Kris didn't like dogs. But he could at least act like a man and accept the punishment. Luhan wasn’t very fond of dogs either, but at least he didn't behave like a little child.

Kris and Luhan didn't argue that often, but Luhan didn't like it for sure when they did. In the end Luhan would feel guilty and he would be the one who apologized. This time it was going to be the other way around though. He was done with always being the first one to apologize. He was willing to wait as long as it had to. Luhan was determined to make Kris apologize first. If Kris could be stubborn, Luhan could be even more stubborn.


Luhan's stomach growled. Today had been a hectic day and his body was tired and wanted food. He groaned when his stomach made sounds again.

He got up from the couch and walked towards his jacket to get his wallet. Luhan glanced one last time at Kris’ bedroom door before he shut the front door.

 'What should I get myself?' Luhan wondered. He started thinking of all sorts of delicious food and his lips in excitement. Drool was hanging in the corner of his lips.

Luhan started craving for some pizza and decided to go to his favorite pizza restaurant. In the back of his mind he knew he must have said something to Kris about going out but he was still angry, so he didn’t bother to tell the giant about his plans. It was cold outside and Luhan snuggled even closer into his thin jacket, to protect himself from the cold. The wind was blowing harshly into his face, playing with his hair. The stars were shining brightly next to the full moon. Soon, Luhan reached his destination, the pizza restaurant. Luhan opened the door of the restaurant.

A melodious voice spoke to him. 'Did you book?'

Luhan didn't know what to say and shook his head.

'There's a table for two available. Would you like to sit there, sir?' The young waitress asked with a small amused smile.

Luhan nodded happily. The waitress showed him the way to the table.

'What would you like to drink, sir?'

'A coke, please.'

The waitress nodded and walked away. Luhan looked around. There were so many people here. It was cozy and Luhan felt at ease. Suddenly he saw a familiar face in the corner of his eyes. He didn't waste a second and dialed Kris.

 Kris was still lying lazily on his bed. 'Shut up' He yelled to the dogs who kept on barking and he put a pillow on his head. Suddenly he heard his phone ringing. He stood up from his bed and reached to his jacket, which hung on the chair in front of his desk. He took his phone out of his jacket and checked the name of the caller. The familiar name 'Luhan'' flashed on the screen. 'To answer or not to answer.' Kris muttered under his breath. After debating with himself for a while, he decided to be nice and just pick up the phone. 'Yeah?' he said casually.

Luhan didn't waste time greeting Kris. 'She is here!'


'What do you mean, “She is here”? Tell me you're not drunk, Luhan. Can’t you be a bit more precisely?’ Kris kept on ranting. 'I don’t know whether you’re talking about one of your one-nightstands or your mom.'


Luhan snorted. 'I don't do one nightstands. You do. The girl is here, you know who I’m talking about.'


Kris sat up in a rush and bumped his head against his nightstand. He groaned. 'Why didn't you say so! I'm coming. Address .' Kris said shortly.


'Did you bump your head against your nightstand again? Gosh you’re so clumsy.' Luhan retorted. 'I'm at our favorite pizza restaurant, so you know where to find me.'


'Okay, I will be there before you know it.' Kris was about to hang up before he realized something. 'Wait, what are you doing in our favorite pizza restaurant without me?' Kris yelled desperately.


'Kris! We don’t have any time to argue, get your over here, I need you.' Luhan ended the call angrily. Luhan looked around. Everyone was staring at him. He had made a scene, by screaming in the phone at the end of the conversation. He felt blush creeping on his cheeks and he knew his cheeks were flaming red.  Even the girl looked at him. Their eyes crossed. He saw surprise flashing in her eyes. The black haired beauty stood up quickly and dashed out of the door.


 'Not again.' Luhan sighed and stood up from his chair and ran after her. 'Why is this girl always running away from me? It should be the other way around. She should be running towards me, because I’m hot.' Luhan thought while chasing the girl in the busy streets of Seoul.


Luhan's phone began ringing. He took the call while holding his gaze strictly on the girl. He dodged people while screaming 'I'm sorry' to all the persons he bumped into. 'Yeah?'

An angry voice answered him. 'Where the heck are you?'


Luhan looked at the name tag of the shop and shouted that in the phone followed by a rushed ‘quickly' and hang up on Kris. Luhan started to feel tired and wondered how that girl could keep on running for that long. He didn't want to give up though; he was almost desperate to catch the girl. All of a sudden he saw Kris coming out of an alley.


It didn't take long before Kris took notice of Luhan, who was running like crazy. Kris smirked in amusement. For him it was funny seeing Luhan running like a retard with his short legs. Kris shook his head and started running after Luhan.


'Finally.' Luhan breathed out heavily when Kris ran easily beside him.

The girl was still stealing glances over her shoulder.

Kris moved his head and slightly shook his head in the direction of an alley. Because Kris and Luhan knew each other since they were kids, they understood each other without any words have to be said.


Luhan nodded at Kris, this way Kris knew Luhan understood him. Suddenly Kris and Luhan splitted up.


The girl looked back again over her shoulder and saw that only Luhan was still running after her. She smiled in victory. She lost one man. She felt a wave of triumph running through her body. The black haired girl made a sharp turn to the right and was about to turn into an alley when she bumped into a person. She fell with a loud thud onto the ground. 'Aw.' She murmured and looked up at the unknown person. Her eyes widened and she gasped. Then a long sigh slipped from her lips. She knew she was defeated.


 'Gotcha.' Kris grinned in a smug way. Kris took the girl by her wrist and dragged her to the busy main street. Luhan saw Kris with the girl and gave him thumbs-up. Kris shook his head. Luhan would always be childish. Even he couldn't change that. It was part of Luhan's character. Kris could only give him a lopsided grin. There couldn’t be read any emotions on the girl’s face. Luhan and Kris took her to the car. People were staring at them but the three of them ignored it. When they reached the car, Luhan opened the back door for the girl to take place. But not before they handcuffed her. Kris closed the door.


'I was the one who caught her.' He smirked proudly.


Luhan sighed. He and his ego were sometimes too much... 'But I was the one to spot her.' He shot back.


Kris chuckled. 'We're the best team!' And they high-fived each other.

Luhan smiled and dialed the number of their boss. 'Hey boss, we got her.'

Suddenly Kris poked Luhan's shoulder. Luhan gave him a glare. He hated when people poked him. He just didn’t like skinship that much. Kris poked him again and pointed at the car.

'What?!' Luhan asked him irritated while he held a hand over the phone so the boss couldn't hear them talking. Luhan shifted his gaze to the end of Kris’ finger. The door of the other side of the car was open. And the girl was gone and was nowhere in sight.


'... not again' was the only thing Luhan could mutter.


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Chapter 4: Such a cute update! <3
Their personalities are adorable as well xD