First encounter

Just A Touch Away

It was dark. It was dark like a pitch black puppy or rather dark like a horror night. Luhan couldn't see anything. He did everything the way his senses told him to do. He silently tried to open the lock of the door with a hairpin. When he felt the lock open he beckoned to Kris to follow him. They slowly walked into the storage room. When they got closer to the back they heard muffled screams and cries. Luhan sprinted towards the sound. In a corner of the room was a girl tied up to a chair. Her wrists and ankles were tied to the wooden chair. Kris quickly got the clod out of .

'Are you okay?' Kris asked the girl.

'No, do I look okay to you? The girl snapped at her saviors.

'Excuse me, we just saved you, the least thing you can do is to say thank you.' Kris said visibly annoyed.

The girl snorted at Kris' remark. 'Well, thanks for saving me, but I don’t exacly like playing damsel in distress.'

Kris and Luhan were stunned. They had never met a girl who wasn't thankful after being saved by two handsome guys. Luhan and Kris stared at the girl with baffled looks on their faces. Luhan didn't like this awkward situation at all and tried to cut it. 'Let's go before “he” comes back.'

Kris quickly nodded and followed his friend until the girl spoke up. 's, I'm still stuck on this chair. A little help would be great.'

Kris shook his head. 'This girl is something different' he thought. Little did he know that Luhan was thinking exactly the same. The guys quickly loosened the ropes around her ankles and wrists. Luhan held his hand out for the black haired girl to take but she obviously ignored it. Luhan was stunned once again. Tons of girls would be swooning all over him if he offered them a hand. Luhan placed his hand back by his side. The girl stood up from the chair and suddenly ran away.

'What the-' was the only thing Kris managed to say. In the meantime Luhan quickly chased after the girl.

They were on a special mission to save this spoiled brat. How would they bring the news to their boss that the one they had to save, ran away.

Kris stood there for a good few seconds before he also started running after them. Their boss would murder them if he knew that they had let the girl get away. She was one of the few people who saw "his" face. They had to get some information from her. The Korean Secret Agency - KSA for short - knew almost nothing about him. He was dangerous so he had to get caught. This girl was one of the only people who survived an encounter with the man. She could at least answer some questions, right?

Luhan was close to grabbing the girl by her blue shirt but she suddenly changed directions, she turned to the left into an alley. Luhan lost her again. He began to get frustrated. 'Damn it' he groaned while panting hard. Kris came up behind him.

 'Did you lose her?' Kris asked.

'Yeah, that little brat is faster than I thought she would be.' Luhan answered the taller one.

'Boss is going to kill us.' Kris said matter-of-factly.

'Let's go back to the headquarters and tell the oh so joyful news, may the heavens be with us.' Luhan said sarcastically and threw his hands in a dramatic way in the air.

Kris chuckled while the two partners fighting crime headed back to their car.

'Let me drive.'

Luhan passed the keys to Kris without questioning. Kris drove kind of slow. He was a little afraid. Their boss could be really scary if he wanted to. But yeah, they had to speak to him. They just had to. Kris parked the car in front of the SM building. They got out of the car and walked towards the backdoor. 'I wish you the best.' Luhan said. They gulped before opening the door.

When Kris opened the door he collided with a person. Kris scowled immediately. It was obvious that person he had bumped into, was a person he didn’t like. In fact it was person he and Luhan both despised, besides their boss. It was their most favorite colleague in the world, Park Chanyeol.

 'Can’t you watch out before you slam a door in someone’s face, jerk' Kris yelled angrily.

 'No,' Chanyeol grinned. ‘I didn’t do it on purpose, but it seems like Karma doesn’t like you two either.'

Kris was about to get furious and teach this bastard a lesson, but Luhan held him back.

'Come on, Kris, he isn’t worth our time.'

It had been like this since the beginning. Kris was the one with a short temper and Luhan was the calmer one. They were the perfect team though.

Kris glared one last time at the smirking Chanyeol and closed the door with a lot of noise. Luhan looked at him amused. 'Was that really necessary?'

Kris snorted. 'He just kept smirking at me.'

Luhan laughed out loud, because of the stress and because Kris was being unreasonable. The two of them walked further into the building in silence. They greeted a few other colleagues when they walked past by. The two handsome boys were in front of the boss' office now.

 'Luhan, I'm scared.' Kris said with a serious face. Luhan laughed nervously and gave him a pat on his shoulder.

'Don’t worry; I’ll be right by your side.'

Kris nodded and looked at Luhan one more time before he knocked on the door.

'Come in.' A stern voice could be heard. The two guys gulped nervously. Chasing serial killers was no problem, but when it comes to their boss, they were scared to death.

'I’m going to pee my pants.' Kris thought. He opened the door and they went inside the office.



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Chapter 4: Such a cute update! <3
Their personalities are adorable as well xD