Nothing Can Be Changed

My Handsome Soldier
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When the sun shone brightly through the window, I got up immediately and put on my hanbok. I sat on the porch, waiting eagerly for Donghae to come. Today is the fourth day. Tomorrow is the day I'm going home. I had to see him for one last time. I heard footsteps coming towards the house. I fixed my hair and waited for the person. To my surprise, it wasn't Donghae but Minhyuk. "Good morning," he greeted.

"Oh, Minhyuk. Good morning," I greeted back with a bow. "How are you lately?"

"Uh......good. I guess," I replied.

"Just one more day and you'll go back home," he said cheerfully. I smile and nod my head. "By the way, how come you are here instead of Donghae? Does he have duty to do?" I asked.

"Uh....not exactly," Minhyuk replied.

"Then, what is it?" I asked, feeling worried. "Is he alright?"

Minhyuk remained silent for a few moments. But I beg him to tell me what happen to Donghae. And he gave in. "Something........happen to Donghae last night. He......he......"

"He what?" I asked impatiently.

"He is being put in prison for abandoning his post on guarding the king's chambers. The king was attacked by an assassin last night and Donghae didn't come and protect him. And now, he is being punished. Tomorrow, he will be sentence to death," Minhyuk explained.

I gasped in horror. Donghae being punished for what happened last night? And tomorrow, he's going to die?! That is outraegeous and horrifying! I began to tremble with fear. "I'm sure he didn't mean to abandon his post. He could never do that," I said in a soft voice.

"Well, he did. Sometimes, he's hard to trust," said Minhyuk.

"I have to go and see him," I said, rushing out but I was grabbed by Minhyuk's hand. "You can't go to the palace at the moment. You wouldn't want to see Donghae getting punished. It's a real horror scene, trust me. And I don't want you to get freaked out."

"Please, Minhyuk. I have to see him. Please take me to him," I begged with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Gongju. My duty for today is just checking on you, not escorting you to the palace. It's His Majesty's orders. I'm really sorry," Minhyuk apologize. I began to bury my face and cry. "I have to go now," I heard Minhyuk whispered.

"Oh, Donghae!" I sobbed. I quietly walked back into the house and went to my room. I laid down on my mattress and stare into space.


(A/N: I would not write about Donghae's punishment, since it's too gruesome for the young readers. I'll just skip to where Gongju visits Donghae in prison)


Just then, I heard a knock from the door. "W-Who is it?" I called. "It's Mi Cha, dear," the voice spoke. "Come in, madam," I said, wiping my tears. The ahjumma opened the door and came in. She bend down next to me. "I couldn't help overhearing you and that soldier earlier. Is it true that Donghae is in prison?" she asked, worriedly. I nodded and sobbed again. "They are going to kill him tomorrow. I can't bear to see him die!"

The ahjumma comfort me by hugging me, just like how my mother used to do when I'm upset. "Donghae would never betray the king. This is not like him." "I know, my dear. I feel the same too," the ahjumma said.

"I felt like this is so unfair to get him punished for abandoning his duties," I whispered.

"My dear, you have to understand this. To the royalties, this is a huge problem whenever their subjects don't follow orders. One teensy mistake will put them to death. This is how things are here," she said.

"I prefer to be in my world," I said.

We were interrupt by a voice outside the room. "Agasshi, a shaman named Shol is here to see you." Oh! Shaman Shol is here! I got up and left my room. I followed the servant outside where Shol is waiting

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Chapter 8: WOW! No words, it was awesome! :)
AdibahAzzam #2
Chapter 8: Author nim that was...DAEBAK !!!!
simple but AWESOME !
I hope you make a story about donghae x oc again ^ ^
Maybe school love ?
*don't mind me :P
Chapter 8: It was nice. It was like you read my mind about the ending, wherein a student who resembled Donghae appeared. It is the kind of ending I was expecting and you managed to do it. The story was kinda short and fast paced, I guess it would be better if every detail were written and the story was expanded but I understand that you should finish before your exams. I like it and good luck on your exams. Fighting!