
Rainy Days


 Rain drops are the tears of glass that falls from a shattered and distressed sky.


Minji was awakened from her sleep from the beaming rays of the warm sun, beating down on her cheek. She rolled and turned, messing up her sheets and knocking pillows to the ground as she tried to avoid the bright orb that was intruding her slumber. She groaned, grabbed her pillow and slammed it on top of her face. She shut her eyes tightly in attempt to block out the reality that it was morning already. The sleepy girl finally found a position that she could lay in where the sun wouldn't hit her, breathing out peacefully she relaxed once again. Just as she was begining to drift back to her dreams her phone rang.

"Arghugh," the half asleep and frustrated girl mumbled.

Stretching to her bedside table, Minji grabbed her phone while successfully knocking over a book, pens, and her watch. She moved the device closer to her face, squinted at the caller ID, and brought the thumb that was hovering over the reject button down. Placing her phone under her pillow, the exhausted girl let out a sigh as she collapsed back into her mound of pillows and sheets.

"Oh Minji," a disappointed voice standing in the doorway stated, startling the 19 year old, who immediately jumped up and fell backwards off her bed. 

Once she came to her senses, the now awake girl looked up at the robber who officially stole her rest away. She was greeted by a familiar and perfectly made up face. The trespasser was leaning in the arc of the doorway with her arms and legs crossed, her stance radiated confidence, as if she owned the place. 

The girl with loosely curled chestnut hair, raised her perfectly groomed eyebrow at the one sitting on the floor and asked, "How dare you reject a call from me?"

Minji sighed and got up from the floor, "How did you get in?"

The girl pursed her glossy lips into a thin line in response.

"Do I need to repeat myself? How did you find out my passcode?"

"Minji dear, I know you more than you think I do. I know that the only dates you remember are yours, your mom's and dad's birthdays. So, I just guessed and played around with the numbers until I got in."

Minji sighed even more, earning a devious smirk from the girl that was now making her way over to her bed.

"To others you may seem hard to read, but to me you're just like an open book Ji," she said as sat down on Minji's favorite throw pillow.

"Sydney," Minji began, trying to compose her thoughts and figure out how to greet the unexpected guest. "You know that I love you right?"

"I would hope so."

"Good, so you would understand if I kicked you out right now cause I want my sleep."

"You do know that it's 11:15 already, right?" Sydney asked while checking out her newly painted nails.

"Of cour-wait what?" 

The girl long chestnut hair rolled her eyes. "Good old Ji, you never change," she said as she clucked her tongue.

Minji groaned, "I can't believe I let myself sleep in this late."

"You say that everytime, Ji."

"How many times do I have to tell you? I hate being called just Ji. I don't know, it just sounds weird and a bit boy-ish," the flustered girl said as she began to frantically run around her room, looking for her biochemistry notes so that she could review before taking her last final of the semester.

"You've probably told me that about..." Sydney trailed off, looking up at the ceiling as if it held the answer to her question, "-maybe 5,782 times?"

"And yet you never listen."

"Naturally," the chestnut colored hair girl giggled, only to earn her best friend's eye rolling in response.

"So, what brings you here?" Minji asked as she sat down next to Sydney on the bed.

"Well, school is over and I thought I should come visit you to celebrate us getting through our freshman year."

"Actually, school isn't over just yet. I have a final to take at 12:30."

Oh and a meeting with some guy who apparently hates my guts.

"See? You were complaining earlier about my unannounced visit but I hadn't come in, you would have slept through your exam," Sydney said in a factual tone as she smiled triumphantly, showing off her pearly whites. 

"You're the best Sydney, as always."

Gee, thanks Syd. Thanks for reminding me that I'm practically about to march off to my death now.

Minji's stormy grey eyes took some time to observe her childhood best friend. For as long as Minji could remember whenever the two girls were together people always declaed Sydney as the prettier friend. However, the people spoke the truth. It's not like she could ever argue with that statement anyways. 

Sydney Choi was the epitome of perfection. She was beauty incarnate. Every girl would have loved to die and be reborn with her face, every guy would kill for a chance to talk to her. 

Her big, chocolate eyes matched her high cheekbones perfectly, Her sharp nose complimented her full rosy lips. She was blessed with a pale glowing complexion that rested on her oval shaped face. And to top it all off she had long, gorgeous chestnut colored hair and a killer model body.

Sydney was studying to be a fashion major so of course, she dressed in the latest styles. Today, she had on a sheer black tank top underneath a white leather jacket that she paired with dark washed jeggings and studded wedge sneakers. To tie the look together, she kept her jewelry black and white, simplistic. 

Wow, life just isn't fair.

"Minji please, any girl would die to look like you."

Did I just say that out loud?

"Over the past 15 years I guess I've learned how to read your facial expressions."

Am I that easy to read? Stop it, you're kind of creeping me out.

"Yes you are easy to read."


Sydney just laughed at her best friend, flashing her blinding signature smile and slightly shook her head.

Oh look, Miss Perfection's laugh and award winning smile still hasn't changed. It's so not fair.

"Oh Minji I'm going to kill you. Shut up and look at yourself," Sydeny said as she grabbed Minji by her shoulders and shoved her into the mirror.

"Ow! What are you doing?" Minji exclaimed.

"Showing you how beautiful you've gotten over the past year," Sydney's cold fingers clasped onto the side of Minji's face as she tilted her friend's head upwards to face her reflection.

Minji sighed and gave in. Once Sydney Choi wanted something, there was nothing that could stop her. She just stared into her dark grey eyes and judged the image she saw staring back at her from head to toe.

Her messy bed head hair was a dark auburn color, it wasn't as long as Sydney's but it still had some length. Her skin was pale but it didn't glow like her best friend's did. Her face was egg shaped, a wider forehead that dipped into a pointed chin. Her lips were naturally a soft pink that matched her somewhat tall nose. Compared to others she may have been pretty, but compared to Sydney she was just plain.

"See? You've got the looks and an even better personality. People are attracted to you, I mean didn't Suho have to fight five guys to get to you?"

Minji felt her shoulders and joints stiffen at the name Suho.

Sydney doesn't know yet, she can't know.

Minji plastered on a fake smile. When she spoke, her voice was sugary and overly sweet. 

"Yeah, he did. Gosh, he's so romantic."   

Sydney looked at her friend with a confused expression. 

Crap, she didn't fall for it.

"Are you and Suho ok?"

No, we're not. We are anything but ok.

"Of course we are! I mean, why not?"

"Real-" Sydney started but was cut off by Minji's abruptness.

"Really, everything is fine. Suho and I are perfectly ok, why are you questioning that? Don't jinx us or something, that wouldn't be good. If you jinx us and something happens it will be all your fault, missy. But why am I even thinking that? We're ok, beyond ok, absolutely positivley ok! Oh would you just look at the time? I'm late for my exam, it was nice seeing you Syd. I'll be back later so we can catch up then."  

Sydney blinked, trying to process the blurb of words that just flew out of Minji's mouth and attacked her ears at the rate of 80 miles per hour.

The jittery girl didn't wait for her friend to reply as she threw a brush into her tangled hair and grabbed her backpack off the ground. 

"Over and out Ms. Choi," she said with a salute as she raced out the door.

"Over and out Ms. Oh," Sydney mumbled quietly to herself while mimicking the military salute pose. 

You're a horrible liar but you still remember our signature goodbye salute. Oh Minji you really do never change.

At exactly 5:13 PM Byun Baekhyun was tapping his foot impatiently outside Seoul National University's science building with his arms crossed. 

She's clumsy, she's rude, she's savage. Let's see if she's a late straggler as well.

The boy was already agitated just thinking about her, in fact he had been in this mood for the past three days. That Savage Girl had been driving him crazy all day and night ever since she had bumped into him again, literally.

"It's cause you're interested in her," Chanyeol teased with a smirk.

"Interested?" Baekhyun shouted as he slammed his palms onto the table.

Chanyeol chuckled and raised his eyebrow in a mischievous manner.

Baekhyun opened his mouth to snap back a snarky response but was silenced by Chanyeol as he held his pointer finger up to his lips.

"This is a library, remember?"

"How can I like a girl who I have just met and has no manners whatsoever?" Baekhyun grumbled.

"You're a perfectionist, she obviously has flaws that you want to fix. Maybe that's why you're drawn to her," Chanyeol suggested nonchalantly.

The boy with jet black hair let out a sarcastic laugh as his blood began to boil down.

"You're funny. You know that I've never seriously fallen for a girl before so you may say 'You don't know what it feels like to like someone.' But trust me when I say that I know for a fact what I'm feeling for her right now is anything but good."

"Hello? Anybody home?"

Baekhyun blinked rapidly as a hand waved around his face.

"O-o-oh! You're...here," Baekhyun glanced at his watch, 5:15 PM, sharp.

Ok maybe being late isn't something I can add to her list.

"I wrote a check for the amount that it would cost to repair the damage. Again, I'm really sorry for my recklessness and any trouble I've caused you," the girl said as she handed him a check. He could her that her voice was quivering as she tried to control herself in front of him.


"Oh and I didn't make the check out to anyone because I realized that I never got your name."

Baekhyun just stared at her. He didn't know why, but he felt bad that he had never given her the proper chance to make a good impression. Maybe it was because she looked like she was on the brink of tears. 

Does she really feel that guilty about what happened? Perhaps she's not that bad, maybe I was too harsh.

"Are you alright? You look like you could use some kind of assistance."

It was after those words had left Baekhyun's mouth that the stormy grey eyes finally released the tears it had been holding in. 

Wow, I must have been really harsh with my words the other day. 

The girl with dark auburn hair crouched down into a squatting position and covered her face with her dainty hands. Her pale shoulders shook ever so slightly as her tears began to moisten the pavement.

Baekhyun was always awkward it came to situations like this. Emotions, people, feelings, and Baekhyun were four things that did not mix well together. Tears were scarier to the uncomfortable boy than anything else. 

He fiddled with his hands and shifted his weight slightly from the balls of his feet, to his heels, and back again. Unsure of what to think, his body instinctively crouched down to the distressed girl's level and tentatively patted her on the back, drawing small circles and shapes against her clothed skin. He began to get lost in the checkered pattern on her purple shirt.

The young woman smiled at the sight of her little chubby toddler crying because he thought he had broken her favorite dishes.

"Mommy I'm so sorry," he managed to blurt out between sobs.

"There, it's ok Baekie. I'll just buy new ones. What's important is that you're safe."

The young boy gasped and his loud cries suddenly ceased. 

"R-really?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Of course, you're my son after all. You matter more to me than anything."

She took the toddler into her arms and began to hum a soothing tune while lightly patting his back and drawing random but comforting shapes into his skin.

The wetness of his hair jolted Baekhyun back to reality. He didn't notice that the clouds were already grey until the first few drops of the rain storm fell. 

"No! I forgot to check the weather this morning," the girl groaned as she cried even more.

"Hey, it's ok-"

"No it's not! Nothing is ok! How would you understand anything?" she screamed, making Baekhyun flinch.

"Look, I know what I said a few days ago was a little harsh but there's no need to cry. I forgive you now."

Suddenly, the girl dropped her hands and gave her full attention to him. Her gaze was strong but he could see the pain in her glassy eyes. He swore he was imagining things when he felt the electrically charged stare that her marbled grey eyes gave him. It sent shivers down his spine. 

Note to self, don't look into her eyes. They're like Medusa's, only more hypnotizing.

"You think that I'm crying because I regret hitting your car?" her hard voice broke the trance that he was put under from her heated stare. He blinked and recollected his thoughts.

"I-isn't that why?" 

She let out a painfully sarcastic and overdone laugh. She was banging her hands on the pavement and slapping her knees, everything. 

"Wait, let me catch my breath," she wheezed between sobs and laughs.

She's a mess, an absolute mess.

It had started to precipitate harder, soon they both were getting soaked in the cold spring rain. It took a full three minutes before the girl could compose herself.

She glared at him and again Baekhyun felt an indescribable sensation wash over his body. He found it ironic that in her unstable and angry state, she was kind of attractive.

Why haven't I noticed her eyes before? 

"Excuse me, um..." she trailed off looking at him blatantly, as if she expected something from him

Oh, my name.

"Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun."

"Look, Byun Baekhyun. The reason I'm in this state right now is not because of what happened between you and me three days ago. It's because what you said earlier was exactly what Su-" she stopped mid-sentence and shook her head.

"Never mind, but what makes everything even worse is the fact that I'm standing out here in the-"

She looked around frantically, grasping her wet clothes as if to verify that it was actually raining and that she was really soaked from head to toe.

"I'm standing..." she waved her arms around, gesturing to the water falling from the sky. 

"...in the rain," the girl whispered right before her eyes rolled back into her head and her lanky legs gave way.

To Baekhyun, it was as if everything happened in slow motion. 

She spoke, her voice dragging. She collapsed, her knees buckling under her weight. Her eyes rolled back, shutting tightly. He ran, his legs felt like lead as he made his way towards her. His arm grasped her waist just before her head hit the ground.

"Oh my God, are you ok? Hello? Please wake up." 

He shook her but got no response. Panicking, he pulled out his phone and called the ambulance. Baekhyun picked her up bridal style and carried her into the science building where it was dry. He waited next to the unconscious girl for the EMTs to arrive. 

What kind of a dark life do you live? I never knew...

He finally allowed himself to fully examine the girl's face. Her wet skin was pale and the wetness from the rain had made it glisten. She had long and dark eyelashes that matched her thick straight eyebrows. He even noticed that she even had barely visible freckles scattered across her cheeks. Everything about her face just fit together, like a puzzle that created one beautiful picture.

Suddenly, he heard a buzzing noise that interrupted his staring. Baekhyun pulled out his phone but got confused when he saw that the screen was blank. Looking left, he realized it was her phone that had been ringing. Reaching over, he grabbed the device and held it up to his ear.

"Oh Minji, I've been waiting for you at home for almost six hours," the voice said in a stern tone.

So that's her name... it's actually kind of has a nice ring to it.

"Hello? Are you friends with Oh Minji?"

The person on the other end sounded startled when she realized there was an unfamiliar voice answering her call.

"Y-yes. And you are...?" 

"Hi, my name is Byun Baekhyun. It's a long story as to why Minji and I were meeting today but she just fainted a few minutes ago and the EMTs are arriving shortly," he tried to sound as calm and professional as possible.

"Oh my God. Where are you right now? What hospital is she going to? Hold on, I'm grabbing my stuff just text me her location and I'll be right there. Please stay with her until I get to the hospital."


"My name is Sydney Choi, you can put me down as her gaurdian on the hospital forms."

"Wait I-"

Baekhyun heard a click and the droning buzz of the phone. He looked over at Minji's unconscious body and let out a sigh.

"I guess it's going to be just you and me until we get into the hospital," he mumbled to no one in particular.

Just then, he heard sirens followed shortly by flashing lights. The EMTs came with a stretcher that they hoisted her onto. Baekhyun hopped into the ambulance right after and sat next to the auburn haired girl. He just prayed that everything woulf be ok so that he could go home peacefully. 

Just before they shut the doors he felt someone grab his hand. Startled, the black haired boy glanced down to see that it was Minji who had latched onto him. Unlike the incident in the bus however, she was holding onto his hand gently and without realizing it, Baekhyun felt his fingers slip into hers. Their hands fit perfectly, as if they were made to be together.

The EMT worker looked at the two and smiled before shutting the ambulance doors, young love was always sweet.

From a distance a certain blonde haired boy stepped out from behind a column that had hidden his face as he observed the scene before him. He took off his black shades and pulled out his phone, dialing the number he had dialed three days ago. 

"Task one complete," he stated into the receiver.

He heard a satisfied grunt on the other end.

"Proceed with the next task, follow the plan."

"Yes, Sir."

"Do not forget the ultimate goal of this mission."

"Never, Sir."

He hit the end button, slid his phone back into his pocket and replaced his sunglasses onto his face before slipping into the shadows once again.


A/N: Hey guys! Here's the next chapter, I hope you like it. I never knew it was this hard to update regularly. Of course, I'm busy with school work and stuff but sometimes I just lack ideas for what to put into a new chapter. I guess by writing I've learned to give waaaaayyy more respect to amazing authors who manage to update every few days. When I first started this fanfic I thought that I would update every 3-4 days but I guess it takes me about a week to finish one chapter so that's how it's going to be from now on. Enough blabber, what do you guys think? We're finally getting some good BaekJi action hehehe ~ What happened between Suho and Minji? What do you think of Sydney? What the hell is Suho doing and who is he working for? Don't forget to comment, subscribe and upvote! Come back next week for a new chapter (;


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halfway through chapter 8!!!


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kdramalover1 #1
Chapter 7: i miss your updates!! I suddenly remembered it after coming accross it when looking for anonther fanfic lol
this fanfic is amazing and I hope it gets continued :)
kdramalover1 #2
Chapter 7: Thank you so so soooo much for the update :)
Chapter 7: YOU UPDATED ;U;
Chapter 7: geeky baek is so cute haha
and yay because minji and baek are getting closer
but the ending omg is it suho again? wasn't he leaving for someplace? and how did he even get in?!
anyways thanks for waking up so early in the morning and taking time out of your vacation to update for us yayayyay
missycherie #5
Chapter 7: Omg yes you updated! And I know wht you mean abt characters having a life of their own :p omgod I think suho kidnapped her! Asdfghjkl. And and I kinda like Sydney even tho she is being jealous now hahah.
hananii19 #6
Looking forward to read this xD
missycherie #8
Chapter 6: hehehehe :D i love kai and sydney they are adorable.. by any chance they'd end up together? and i have a feeling she is calling baekhyun for back up? (or am i wrong??) yvonne i know exactly how you feel about the writer's block. torturous! but its wonderful as per usual! <3 cant wait for the next update!!
Chapter 5: I'm so confused. What are you doing Suho?! =_=