First Encounter

Rainy Days

 It's alright sweetie, a little rain won't hurt us. In fact, rain  allows all life to thrive and grow.


Oh Minji sighed and tapped her foot impatiently while she stood at the bus stop. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and glanced down at the time, it was already 6:37 PM.

I'm going to get in so much trouble for being late ... again.

It was a typical Thursday night and Minji had a biochemistry class scheduled for 6:45. This was not the first time she had been late. The first few times she arrived tardy was because the semester had just started and her professor understood that students, especially freshman, needed time to adjust themselves to their new schedule.

However, it is now April and the semester was almost over.

Her love for photography and ever growing obession with capturing life was the main reason behind her tardiness. Minji was a girl who easily got distracted by various things. She just couldn't help it, ever since that incident she has made a strong effort not to let the small things in life pass her by. The frozen pond, the new trees that had just planted in the park, the pretty window display of pasteries, even the intricate designs on the wall of a café's bathroom seemed to scream her name, begging for her attention and a mini-photoshoot.

Oh Minji, what is your lovely excuse going to be this time...

Today the young girl had a somewhat legitimate excuse. She was helping her mother deliver flowers to a birthday party and lost track of time. When she realized that it was already past 6:15 she ran to the bus stop in hopes that the old gas-guggling shuttle was running just a tiny bit late. Of course, with her luck, the shuttle had arrived on time and she was left to wait for the next one.

The 19 year old girl let out another frustrated sigh as she raked her hand through her dark auburn colored hair. Checking her phone again, the sides of tugged downwards as she read the weather report. Maybe the meterologists were wrong, they were inacurate most of the time. Besides, she was constantly checking the weather, how could she have missed this?

Doubting the news, she glanced up at the sky, stiffled a groan and became washed with an overwhelming sense of dread.

The clouds had begun to cluster together, forming ominous huge mounds of gray. The sky was slowly loosing its blue hue, replacing it with a darker color that simply screamed depression. The air tickling her nose was crisp and sharp, a clear warning sign that it was going to rain soon.

Minji subconsciously started to hum "Rain, Rain, Go Away". It was something she has always done when it was raining; ever since she was five. She had done it so often that it became a habit and half the time she didn't even realize she was humming the nursery tune until she had hummed it through at least ten times. 

About three minutes later Minji saw the dreaded first drop. It seemed to fall in slow motion as if it were teasing her; debating on whether or not it should start the inevitable storm.

Why do I have such horrible luck? If that stinking shuttle doesn't come in the next minute I swear I'll murder the little old man driving it for forcing me to stand out in the rain.

When the little bus finally chugged down the road, it was too late. Minji had been standing under a store's sign for a few minutes already with her hood messing up her hair and her hands scrunched inside her sleves. Although she was only exposed to a few rain drops as she sprinted to the bus, it felt like a stinging knife each time one came in contact with her skin.

She bounded into the bus and was greeted with a "Hey there!" from the driver.

Minji simply replied with a glare and a few undecipherable mumbles.

Scanning the bus for an empty seat, she found one next to a boy who was engrossed in his phone.

Perfect, the only thing I hate more than rain is probably nosy and annoying strangers.

The exhausted girl threw herself into the seat, plugged in her headphones and turned the music up. She closed her eyes and tried to pretend that it was sunny and beautiful outside. Maybe there were birds chirping somewhere in the trees, blue jays were her favorite. In her utopia there was no rain falling outside and the painful memories that always fell with it did not exist.

"Just stay here ok? Daddy will be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to drive to the book store across the street to pick up your mommy, then I'll come right back to get you."

"Why can't I come too?"

His facial expression tensed for a split second. Maybe she was just picturing things.

"Minji, just sit here and finish eating. I don't want you to come along and not be able to finish your food."

"Take my umbrella daddy, it looks like it's raining pretty hard outside. It will protect you."

The toddler grabbed the little lavender umbrella sitting next to her and handed it to her father with a toothy grin.

"Thank you, dear. I'll be right back, don't go anywhere ok? I'll be quick, I promise."

"Ok. I won't go anywhere."

"There's my little princess."

And with that he exited the café into the pouring rain, leaving the little girl to wait for someone who would never return.

Byun Baekhyun was this close to beating his Flappy Bird high score. He hated to admit it but he was slightly addicted to the stupid falling bird game. It had taken over his life for the past 31 hours, each time he opened up the app he found himself pressing the replay button over, and over, and over again.

Everyone he ran into would scold him for letting himself get obsessed with such a game; espcially after his recent Candy Crush mania. He made a promise that he would never allow himself to be controled by a dumb little app again. Nonetheless, he broke that promise and downloaded Flappy Bird; the devil incarnate; after seeing his friend play it a few times.

"It's sooo addictive, Baekhyun download it. It's super fun, I swear."

"It looks stupid. Looks like something that took 5 minutes to throw together."

"Just download it, if you don't get addicted then I owe you $20."

"Alright then Channie boy, get that money ready for me."

Baekhyun bit his lip and furrowed his brow in concentation as he tapped away at the screen, weaving the brick-like bird through the series of green colored pipes.


His elbow was suddenly bumped into, causing his thumb to fall out of sync with the yellow bird's bouncing. 

"What the- I was so freaking close!"

He glanced over at the person who robbed his high score from him. It was a girl with a scornful look on her face. She wore a grey hoodie that was bundled over her disheveled hair. She appeared to be oblivious to the fact that she had just rammed her arm into his elbow really hard. Instead of apologizing, or even looking over at him, she just carlessly threw her black backpack on the ground, plugged in her headphones, sighed and closed her eyes.

"Jesus, people these days...", Baekhyun mumbled to himself as he once again hit replay.

A few stops and a couple incidents in which Baekhyun was tempted to throw his phone into a pit of poisonous snakes later, the bus was about to pull up to his stop. The 21 year old glanced over to see that the rude girl still had not moved since she got on. 

He lightly tapped her shoulder and pulled out one of her lavender colored earbuds.

"Um, excuse me? I kind of need to get off now so if you don't mind moving, that would be great."

The only reply he got was an incomprehensible statement.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"Rain," the sound asleep girl whispered almost too quietly to hear.

Baekhyun sighed, she was still half asleep and barely understandble. Better yet, she still hasn't moved more than three inches from where she was originally, fantastic.

Clearing his throat he shouted into the girl's ear, "Hello? Could you please move so I can get out?"

"Mmm, don't! Don't leave!" she screamed.

The girl snapped up with wide, crazed eyes and grabbed onto his arm with such force that it caused Baekhyun to jump back in shock.

"No, the rain, it's-it's- not safe!"

Her grip tightened on his arm. Baekhyun never knew a girl her size could be so strong.

"Are you alright?"

She looked around for a few more seconds before coming back to reality from whatever fantasy she was creating in her mind. Realization crept into her dazed stormy grey eyes and she quickly droped his arm.

The strange girl stuttered, "Oh, I-I'm so sorry," while lowering her head in embarassment.

"No, it's perfectly fine. But, if you could please move out of my way that would be absolutely lovely," the annoyed boy snapped back with a slight edge in his tone.

"Y-yes. Right," she quickly gathered her belongings and stammered into the empty seat across the aisle.

The boy angrily stormed out of the bus and into the rain. He didn't even bother to throw on his hood because it was only a little drizzle.

People like her are the reason why human kind is becoming more savage by the day.

He gave the bus one last glance and caught her eye through the window just before the bus turned the corner. 

Baekhyun just sighed as he walked down the street toward the library with his head bent down and fingers tapping on his phone all the way.


A/N: How do you like the first chapter? I tried to make it as descriptive as I could without ending up writing a chapter full of details without dialogue. What do you think of the OC? She's already kind of mysterious isn't she? Ohohohoho you'll read about her tragic past a bit later so stay tuned! Leave feedback, subscribe and upvote puh-lease c:


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halfway through chapter 8!!!


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kdramalover1 #1
Chapter 7: i miss your updates!! I suddenly remembered it after coming accross it when looking for anonther fanfic lol
this fanfic is amazing and I hope it gets continued :)
kdramalover1 #2
Chapter 7: Thank you so so soooo much for the update :)
Chapter 7: YOU UPDATED ;U;
Chapter 7: geeky baek is so cute haha
and yay because minji and baek are getting closer
but the ending omg is it suho again? wasn't he leaving for someplace? and how did he even get in?!
anyways thanks for waking up so early in the morning and taking time out of your vacation to update for us yayayyay
missycherie #5
Chapter 7: Omg yes you updated! And I know wht you mean abt characters having a life of their own :p omgod I think suho kidnapped her! Asdfghjkl. And and I kinda like Sydney even tho she is being jealous now hahah.
hananii19 #6
Looking forward to read this xD
missycherie #8
Chapter 6: hehehehe :D i love kai and sydney they are adorable.. by any chance they'd end up together? and i have a feeling she is calling baekhyun for back up? (or am i wrong??) yvonne i know exactly how you feel about the writer's block. torturous! but its wonderful as per usual! <3 cant wait for the next update!!
Chapter 5: I'm so confused. What are you doing Suho?! =_=