
Rainy Days

 If you think about it, the rain washes away the imperfections of the world.



Baekhyun was running. His breathing became heavy as his lungs became overworked. His throat felt like it was made from grainy sandpaper that had been doused with gasoline and set on fire. With each stride he could feel the muscles in his legs strain and it burned, bringing a painful sensation that could be felt all throughout his body. Drenched in sweat, Baekhyun ignored and endured the physical agony his body was suffering through.

What was he running from?

He didn't know.

He just kept putting one foot in front of the other and ran through the complicated obstacle of green pipes ahead of him. Never once did he dare turn around and look back at his pursuer. 

Howver, he did hear strange sounds coming from behind him. It sounded like the wind was being beaten down by a gargantuan object. The more he thought about it, the more it sounded like the whooshing sound in Flappy Bird.

Baekhyun suddenly brought his legs to a stop and bent down with his hands on his knees. He inhaled several deep breathes of cool fresh air as he wiped the sweat off his brow. He wheezed oxygen back into his lungs and allowed his quadraceps to relax a little. 

The flapping sound he kept hearingwas coming closer as each second passed. Baekhyun didn't have much time left before whatever chasing him caught up. Just as he was about to start running again he was attacked by a huge gust of wind that lurched him forward a few steps.

The exhausted boy gulped. There was no escaping now, his pursuer had arrived. Slowly, he turned his head and was confronted with a colossal pair of orange duck lips attached to an even bigger round yellow body.

Baekhyun awoke with a start, his head was covered in a cold sweat and he was panting, gasping for air.

"Hey man, are you ok?" asked his best friend Chanyeol.

"Oh my god. I-It was just a dream," Baekhyun replied with a sigh of relief.

"What the hell did you dream about?" the tall one asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I can't tell you that. If I tell you about it, you'll win," Baekhyun whined.

"Win what? God Baek, you're so confusing," Chanyeol said as he rolled his eyes and picked up his book again.

Baekhyun gave Chanyeol his puppy dog eyes and pouted, "You still love me anyways."

"No, I don't. I'll only love you if you tell me."

"This is blackmail Park Chanyeol, B-L-A-C-K-M-A-I-L. How could you do such a thing? I thought we were friends."

"How can I not?"

"Oh my God you're so evil. Fine. I had a dream that I was being chased by a gigantic version of...flappy bird."

The tall one bursted out laughing crazily, clapping and banging on everything within his long arm's reach. 

"A-Are you k-kidding m-m-me?" he somehow stammered between laughs.

Baekhyun said nothing and simply threw a $20 bill in his friend's grinning face.

Chanyeol snatched up the green bill greedily with a victorious smirk plastered across his lips.

"I knew it, what did I tell you? Didn't I say that I knew you would be addicted to that game? Gosh, maybe I should just quit my job and make bets with people like you more often. That right there would be an easy source of income. Wow, I'm so good. I deserve like like an award or something- do they even make awards for that? They really should create one if they havent already. Oh! And maybe..."

Baekhyun sighed and casually started to tune his talkative friend out. He knew that Chanyeol always became overly conceited when he was right or won something. He just simply placed his blue headphones over his ears and continued struggling with his free choice essay. The boy couldn't think of a topic to write two pages on that he hadn't done already

What else can I write about? I've already done gaming, all kinds of cellular devices, new robots, technological advances, anything that has to do with machines and robots in general...Damn it, Professor Reed. Why do you keep assigning free choice eassays? Stop being lazy and choose a freaking topic for once, jeez.

He ran a hand through his oynx colored hair as his dark chesnut eyes darted around the library for inspriation. 

Books? Nope, too unoriginal. The scenery outside the window? Nah, too cheesy and cliché. The grumpy librarian picking her nose? Hmm, not bad...

An impish grin spread across the boy's lips as he began contemplating on how he would to fill up 3,800 characters with the disguisting sins of the old lady sitting behind the librarian desk. He cracked his neck and positioned his fingers over the keypad of his MacBook Air. He stifiled a chuckle, the thought of writing an essay on the grumpy, prune-juice-drinking lady was so amusing. 

Suddenly, he felt his eye twitch as a flash of familiar dark auburn hair swept past him. He quickly jerked his head up and looked in the direction the unpleasant color came from. 

Sure enough, it was the 'Savage Girl', as he now deemed her. She was wearing the same grey hoodie from four days ago, black sweatpants and tan flip flops. Her hair looked like it was carelessly thrown into a bun. She had her huge black backpack on her back, a coffee in one hand and books in the other. Baekhyun narrowed his eyes and saw she had a camera strung around her neck, the Nikon D3200 to be exact. She was speed walking out of the library door, shoving through people and knocking senior citizens to the side like a maniac. She even shoved some poor little boy out of her way, making him drop his ice cream all over the library carpet.

"I guess she's just rude and behaves in a barbaric manner everywhere she goes," Baekhyun mumbled through gritted teeth. His fists clenched and the amused expression on his face turned quickly turned into a disdainful scowl. 

"Huh? Baekhyun, relax. Jesus, you look like you're going to kill someone, what happened?" Chanyeol asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's nothing," Baekhyun snapped back. He turned back to his laptop screen and began furiously typing away at his essay titled, 'Foul Manners: Why Robots Are the Way to Go'.


Soft piano music filled Baekhyun's ears as he to the highway. He started drumming his fingers to the beat of Mozart's Symphony No. 40 on the steering wheel of his sleek black lexus. The boy sighed, rested his head on the back of his seat and tried to decompress his thoughts as the week came to an end.

To say that Baekhyun had a stressful week was an understatement. It had been five continuous days of exams, labs, thesis papers, work, caffeine and less than three hours of sleep. The only thing that was keeping him remotely alive were the facts that the semester ended in three weeks and his new job at Samsung started in a few days. 

His face lit up as soon as he thought about starting work at Samsung. Baekhyun was studying to get his technology engineering degree, it had been his dream ever since he was a little kid. He was always fascinated by computers, robots, technological machines that would help people live better lives. In fact, most of Baekhyun's childhood friends were various mechanical objects. The camera, computer, vaccum cleaner and remote control hellicopter kept the chubby kid entertained and company.

It wasn't that Baekhyun was shy or antisocial, it was because he always found flaws in people and it irked him. He couldn't express his feelings to something that was full of annoying problems, something imperfect. Some people were too loud, some were too brainless and boring, others were just plain unapproachable and cold.

Of course, Chanyeol was the only exception. At first, Baekhyun found him too energetic and optimistic but the giant persistently tried to get close with him. He didn't give up on becoming friends with the technology nerd and Baekhyun admired that.

Despite all this, Baekhyun still dreamed of moving up in the technology industry. His plan was to start off at Samsung as a worker, move up the ranks and possibly become an executive or head engineer. He was always thinking of designing a utopia for himself, a world where robots reigned supreme and people were genetically altered to be flawless. 

Baekhyun started to become lost in his own imagination and almost ran through the red light at the intersection. He slammed on the breaks causing the tires to squeal and his body to slightly forward as the car came to an abrupt halt.

Get yourself together Baek. You can't keep being so careless.

He blew his bangs in relief, grateful that another vehicle wasn't there. His long fingers turned the knob on the dashboard of the car and raised the volume of Chopin a little bit louder. The sound of the orchestra filled his ears and soothed the overworked boy's mind. 

Just as Baekhyun's mind was finally at ease, loud hip hop music, the kind with a booming bass interrupted his serenity. A bright red sports car pulled up next to him with its windows down, music on full blast. He could feel the vibrations from the rambunctious music while sitting in his seat. 

"Are you freaking kidding me?" the annoyed boy exclaimed.

He grabbed his water and took a long swig in attempt to cool down and relax again. He quickly glanced over at the driver in the red car, that was when his temper fired up again. 

It was none other than "Savage Girl", Baekhyun's favorite new person. 

Today she had on a black sweater and ripped jeans paired with a black and silver sequined SnapBack cap and sunglasses. Her dark auburn hair was dead straight and it looked like she actually put effort into how she looked for once. Her left hand was hanging out of the window while the rest of her body was bobbing crazily to the song. She was mouthing the words to the rap and stuck her tounge out at nothing in particular between the verses.

Baekhyun felt his blood boil the hands on his steering wheel clenched together so hard that the knuckles turned white. If it had been anyone else, Baekhyun would have been perfectly calm. He didn't know why, perhaps it was because this was the third time she has disturbed his life, Baekhyun was full of rage.

I swear, she's out to destroy my life. Why does she keep showing up?

He tried his best to ignore her and desperatly prayed for the light to turn green. However, to say that Baekhyun wasn't tempted to jump out of his car and strangle her would be a lie. 

"Why is this light taking so long to change?" he growled through clenched teeth.

As if reading his thoughts, the red light switched to green and Baekhyun slammed the gas pedal, speeding away from the girl in the red sports car while mumbling about the loss of humanization.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Baekhyunie, happy birhtday to you!"

"Make a wish and blow out the candles old man," Chanyeol teased.

The birthday boy closed his eyes and clasped his hands together while thinking of something his heart truly desired. He then opened them and blew out all 23 candles on his cookies and cream birthday cake. Everybody he loved cheered and began talking in loud voices.

Baekhyun sat back in his chair and just smiled to himself. It was one of the best birthdays he has ever had. 

He was surprised when his mom, dad, brother, his cousins Chen and Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, and Chanyeol's brother Sehun showed up at his door. Each with a gift in their hands. He wasn't the type to boast or brag about their birthdays so he had assumed that they forgot or were going to send some kind of an E-Card, he didn't expect a surprise party. They left the presents at Baekhyun's house and surprised him even further when they told him that they made reservations at his favorite hibachi restaurant. 

In short, the day couldn't have been any better, everything was perfect. He had his friends, family, food, presents and best of all, he had cake. 

"So birthday boy," a deep voice interrupted his reflection, "What did you wish for?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yeah what did you wish for?" his younger brother Sehun asked as well.

Baekhyun chuckled and slightly shook his head, whatever Chanyeol did, Sehun followed. Baekhyun found that it was kind of cute.

"I can't exactly tell you that now can I?" he teased the younger one.

"Why not?" the blonde 20 year old replied.

"Because, if I tell you then it won't come true. Didn't you ever hear of that while you're in school?"

"No, that's sooo lame, hyung. No one believes in superstitions anymore." 

"I bet, he wished to meet a really nice and pretty girl," Chanyeol said with a devious smirk on his face.

"Oh shut up, Chanyeol," Baekhyun replied.

Chanyeol and Sehun just looked at Baekhyun and started to laugh hysterically. 

"What? I really didn't wish for that!"

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did, it's about time you know," Chen added with Kyungsoo nodding in agreement.

"You guys, seriously?" Baekhyun whined.

"You just need to wish for a girl as great as your mother, that way she can baby you all the time," his father commented with a smile.

"Daaaaddddddd," Baekhyun whined again causing everyone at the table to errupt in more laughter.

The 23 year old let everyone have their fun, it was a celebration after all. At one point he laughed along with them too, loosening up and enjoying the precious time he had with his friends and family.

If only everyday could be like today, life would just be absolutely perfect.

The hours flew by like minutes and soon the night was coming to an end. Although no one wanted to leave the restaurant, Baekhyun reluctantly insisted that everyone go home and rest. It was only Monday and he knew that they all had school or work the next day. The birthday boy stayed behind to make sure all his friends and family got home safely before throwing on his cap and grabbing his letterman jacket. He walked out to the parking garage with a light, carefree bounce to his step. He swung his keys around his finger and started to whistle a soothing tune. 

Wow, it's been a while since I've been this happy...maybe I should do stuff like this more often.

He walked around the parking garage in circles searching for his beloved car. Baekhyun tended to forget little things very easily so he made a habit of jotting notes about little things down on his phone. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his new Samsung Galaxy S5 that he got from work. Glancing down, his long slender fingers swiped across the sleek screen to his note app until he realized he had forggoten to write down where he parked his car.

"I guess I just have to wander around a bit more," he mumbled under his breath just as he heard tires squealing followed by a deafening crash.

Baekhyun sprinted towards the direction the noise came from, his jaw dropped when he saw the accident.

A red sports car had crashed into his. The driver had her back to him as she walked around the damage, cursing and verbally beating herself up. She looked like she was going somewhere fancy with her sheer red blouse tucked into a tight black pencil skirt. She pulled off the elegant look with sheer black tights, shiny black heels, and a few gold bracelets that complimented the gold beads on the color of her blouse. Her hair was lightly curled, the color was a deep auburn that looked strikingly familar to the shocked boy. It took him a few minutes to realize it was the dark auburn hue he despised. He felt the rage he was trying to contain churning in his body.

"What the hell happened here?" he half asked, half yelled.

"Is this your car?" the girl started, "I-I'm so so so so very sorry! I don't know how I could have been so carless, I'm so sorry. I don't kn-"

"Do you think just saying sorry a million times will fix my car?" Baekhyun cut her off harshly.

The flustered girl bowed and said, "I'll pay for everything, I promise. I just-"

"No, just stay out of my life. You're the girl that grabbed me on the bus a few weeks ago, correct?" Baekhyun asked with a mixed expression of hate and disgust etched across his face

The girl with the grey eyes blinked, a confused look washed across her stormy eyes. Then, she realized that it was him, the guy who saw her hyperventilate as her nightmares became ressurected on the bus. She didn't say anything at his question and just looked down at her feet. 

When Baekhyun saw that she wasn't replying to his question, he assumed that she knew who he was as well.

"Did you know this is the fourth time you have barged into my life and in some way ruined it? That's right, not the first, second, or third, but the fourth."

She jerked her head up at his statement, her eyes narrowed, the confused look was still washed all over her face. She was dumbfounded at what the boy had just said.

"Excuse me?" she asked, Baekhyun could her the sassiness in her voice.

"You heard me."

"I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure we've only met once before and about what happened on the bus I can explain. You see, I wa-"

"Just save your sob story for another day, I honestly don't care. What I do care about however is the fact that you runied my car."

"It's just one dent, I told you I would pay the fees for the repairs," she said as she reached into her clutch for her phone.

"What's your name and number?" she asked.

Baekhyun just grabbed the phone forcefully out her hands typed in his number and name into her contacts. He tapped at her screen so hard that he was surprised it didn't break or snap into two.

"I expect a call soon but after this is all over delete the number and don't ever, and I mean ever show up in front of me again." 

With that, Baekhyun hopped into his now damaged car and drove away. His perfect day, his 23rd birthday, ruined.


A/N: Hi guys! Omg sorry this chapter took so long, it took me a while cause of school and also this chapter is pretty long. So what do you think? Interesting how Minji and Baekhyun keep showing up in each other's lives ohohohooho. I only wrote in Baek's POV here to give you more on what his personality is like in this story. I also updated the forward with the poster I'm using for this story so check it out! Again, sorry for the delay, I hope you guys liked this chapter and look forward to the next one (:

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halfway through chapter 8!!!


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kdramalover1 #1
Chapter 7: i miss your updates!! I suddenly remembered it after coming accross it when looking for anonther fanfic lol
this fanfic is amazing and I hope it gets continued :)
kdramalover1 #2
Chapter 7: Thank you so so soooo much for the update :)
Chapter 7: YOU UPDATED ;U;
Chapter 7: geeky baek is so cute haha
and yay because minji and baek are getting closer
but the ending omg is it suho again? wasn't he leaving for someplace? and how did he even get in?!
anyways thanks for waking up so early in the morning and taking time out of your vacation to update for us yayayyay
missycherie #5
Chapter 7: Omg yes you updated! And I know wht you mean abt characters having a life of their own :p omgod I think suho kidnapped her! Asdfghjkl. And and I kinda like Sydney even tho she is being jealous now hahah.
hananii19 #6
Looking forward to read this xD
missycherie #8
Chapter 6: hehehehe :D i love kai and sydney they are adorable.. by any chance they'd end up together? and i have a feeling she is calling baekhyun for back up? (or am i wrong??) yvonne i know exactly how you feel about the writer's block. torturous! but its wonderful as per usual! <3 cant wait for the next update!!
Chapter 5: I'm so confused. What are you doing Suho?! =_=